More Kansas City #NMOS14 Clips

Here's a few more clips of citizen media recording Kansas City protest on the Country Club Plaza . . .


  1. excellent video 7:43

    The essence of the Bears comment about the cops in general was simply "shooting in the back" is not right. Unless the guy is armed.

    The Bear appears to be totally wrong about this shooting if the autopsy shows Brown was NOT shot in the back.

    If he was shot in the back, the Officer will be in trouble, one would think.

    It appears that Big Mike was a common variety hood rat. Stealing and trying to intimidate a midget store clerk.

    It will be interesting to watch, read, view, and COMMENT on this issue.

    Could be the beginning of a rough road in race relations.

  2. Thank you Jackson County Parks8/16/14, 8:00 AM

    Dyke Day starts at 2:00 today at Longview (LezView) Lake Beach.

  3. Come On Out and Visit Wonderful Ferguson!!

    Looting in Ferguson last night.

    Protesters standing in front of liquor store protecting it from looters Ferguson

    Right now Casey Nolen is live at the Ferguson Market w/the latest on looting.

    KSDK Channel 1h
    Some protesters tried to keep looters out of Ferguson stores

  4. Orphan of the Road8/16/14, 8:17 AM

    From a friend...

    "Americans like to think that in any dispute, one side is wrong and the other right. But those are only two options, the all too common false dichotomy. It’s possible both sides are right. Or, when you have a petty thief and common thug on one hand and authorities who see the public as the enemy on the other, both sides are wrong, and apologies and shame are more appropriate than self-righteous indignation. Pretty disgusting all around."

  5. Ferguson, Mo. (KSDK) -- Ferguson is once again waking up to scenes of lawlessness Saturday morning. Tear gas and looting returned after police and about 200 protesters clashed again overnight in the St. Louis suburb.

  6. People love the Browns of the world. He was a good man just ask his mom. Glazer's mom thought he was a good boy as well but we all know different. But there will always be those who think bad boys are never doing anything wrong and have never done anything wrong. Glazer still says he is innocent of any law he has broken because he was engaging in a public service just like Brown I guess was doing a public service roughing up someone half his size. Fucking thugs the whole lot makes no difference what color you are.

  7. Breaking News: After another night of low information voter looting in Ferguson, businesses report "still no work boots stolen."

  8. Fuck You Orphan!
    Where do you come off saying shit like that you fucking nigger lover. I hope one of those assholes rapes and butt fucks your wife before beating her to death then lets see if you come back and open your pie hole with stupid talk such as that.

  9. Ferguson post Jesse Jackson visit

    Tear gas was deployed and riot police moved in, with some locals forming lines to protect local businesses from looters. Three officers were injured overnight, with Johnson telling The Associated Press that rocks and other objects were thrown at police.

  10. I'm missing how looting of the store that was robbed by MB is the correct response from the fine citizens of Ferguson last night.

  11. I always knew that orpahn was a violent nigger lover. Now get your ass back to KCC with the other libertards.

  12. 8:30 it's because they snitched on Brown

  13. 8:32 is right the Negroes way is you never talk to the cops.

  14. Store owners guarding Ferguson businesses with their own guns.

    Nice "vibrant" environment to do biz in.

  15. Next step (since they don't like cops military gear) is national guard


    1. Why don't you try doing something for yourself for once.

  17. Honey Gov. Nixon is calling the shots and has black Capt Johnson there as a snowball over the people and a scapegoat when it all falls through like it did last night.

    When do the police stand up and at least stop the criminal activity?

    Anyone's guess at this point.

  18. 8:30

    Blacks are so, so entitled that they think they don't have to live by any laws and in fact, if a business owner resists the violence and theft in his place of business, he is fair game for the "Community Activists" to destroy his life.

    The hubris, the affront to the black psyche when confronted over ANY LAWLESS actions are met with violence and make NO mistake about it, that violence is approved overtly and covertly by our politicians, our Media and "Community Organizers".

    Liberal idiots have taught 4 generations of blacks that they are only held back by RACISM. The fault of their consistant and desulory failure after 50 years and trillions and trillions of dollars spent to "Even the playing field" is whitey.

    The Attorney General, surely the most dispicable and lawless scum to ever hold the office, sees, as do we all, thousands of hate crimes every year, like the knock out game, rapes, assaults and murders, yet gleefully tells Congress that the ONLY Hate Crimes he will prsecute are White on Black Hate Crimes. This de facto permission from the the Federal Government to commit crimes, in conjunction with the onslaught of Hate Whitey Movies and the cooperation of the 4th Estate results in horrific rates of black on white crime and the looting of a convenience store whose owner resisted the atavistic, animal attacks that we see, here in America, every day 24/7.

    While murders, rapes, assaults, thefts continue unabated dissproportionately by the black population (8 to 10,000 murders a year of blacks by other blakcs), teh entire Main Stream Media focuses on,incites and exacerbates the situation in Fergusen because if fits the Narrative of Grievance which is in actuality, what really keeps blacks on teh Democratic Plantation.

  19. Claire McCaskill @clairecmc · 1h
    America, please don't hold small group of looters against hundreds & hundreds of peaceful protesters. Rather hold small group accountable.

    LMFAO!!! Whatever lady

  20. A promise not a threat!8/16/14, 9:49 AM

    You fucking bigots, do not even try to mess with my sisters at Longview Lake this afternoon! We will use your balls as fish bait.

    1. 9:49, I'm sure with all the rotten tuna in the water you will have no need for any other fish bait.

  21. Oh there is an abomination gathering at Longview Lake today?

    Thanks for the heads up.

  22. There there, chuck. The VA says your meds are in and to head on over. the 'nam flashbacks will let up.

    Because I am hard pressed to believe, in 2014, that any sane person spews the bullshit you do without being deranged.

  23. But I hate black people SO FUCKING MUCH! I just can't control myself.

  24. Ferguson store owner out front with semi automatic rifles. One in each hand.

  25. ** Liquor Store Looted
    ** Sam’s Meat Market
    ** Chinese restaurant (for second time this week)
    ** Beauty Supply Store Looted
    ** Electronics Store Looted
    ** Domino’s Pizza fire – May have been inside the business
    ** Bus Stop Vandalized
    ** At least one person shot
    ** Bottles Thrown at police!

  26. A black Ferguson resident spoke with News Channel 5 TV in St. Louis. He said, “Why were the officers standing back? Why don’t they shoot these looters?”

  27. Jesse Jackson told Andrea Tantaros yesterday afternoon “the real rioters” were the Ferguson police.

    LMAO so much for bullshit.

  28. The lack of an effective law enforcement response in Ferguson, Mo., this morning proves once again that sometimes citizens must defend themselves. And that is exactly what some store owners have started to do.

  29. Police not coming in at this point -- even with the looting -- was a good thing. It would've gotten very violent.

    LMAO wow what brilliant thinking! Security Ferguson style!

  30. 9:52

    There was nothing but truth in Chuck's comments, which is why you have to attack Chuck.

    You hate the truth.

  31. Chuck...... drop those black crime stats on these

    dipshits. The ones you posted yesterday. They

    were "a reality bitch slap" that can't be denied.

  32. What chuck/cml fails to point out/ignore is that 85% of murders are intraracial. Whites mostly kill whites, blacks mostly kill blacks.

    Why? Common sense, another thing missing from chuck/cml's head. It’s because they tend to live in the same neighborhoods as each other. Duh.

    Spew all the hatred you want about blacks but the fact remains: most killings are intraracial. Eighty five percent.

    Must be tough living with such rage.


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