KCK Celebrates 1st Responder Diversity

Across the State Line, take a look at this effort to big equality to emergency services: KCK mayor wants more diverse police, fire departments


  1. All your diversity is in the Wyandotte County Jail.

  2. Funny he wasn't making this speech 3 weeks ago. Hmmmmmmm!

  3. And if he comes up with a plan to address diversity by the pound, his city council should be all set with Terrance Maddox already on board.
    Maybe we should start having police and fire departments dispatched by smartphone so we can pick the people who show up to help us.
    I sure wouldn't want my house fire to be put out by someone who doesn't look like me!

  4. You never hear black mayors asking for diversity. Maybe we need more black mayors. This white one seems to think white people don't need jobs.

  5. BREAKING!!!!!!

    This just in......KCKS Mayor Holland to be removed from office to make way for more diverse city leadership!

    When reached for comment, Mayor Holland said, "Oh no, silly!! I didn't mean ME!! The OTHER people!"

  6. I though holland had a brain.

    He gotta go...I mean he gotta go.

  7. The most important thing about a first responder is diversity.


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