Kansas City Dead Tree Media Trend Chasing Advocacy: Body Cameras For KCPD???

A local institution with a failed biz model advocates changes to Kansas City police who seem to be making increased efforts at community outreach . . . Is Dead Tree Media accurately representing the reality of Kansas City streets or simply attempting to capitalize on more relevant buzz on cable TV??? You decide: Police need to wear cameras on Kansas City's streets


  1. Google Glass

    1. I think there ahould be cameras on KCFD hose jockeys. Then I could watch and see whats on sale at Price Choppa.

  2. Need cameras on the street .Also more license plate readers.

  3. Can't city hall divert some emergency cash from the toy train for video cameras?

    1. No the tax was voted down

  4. Needs to be a felony to turn it off too.

  5. Body cams for journalists calling for body cams...assholes...

  6. I think there should be body cams for politicians so the public can watch them take bribes.

  7. Reporters need to wear them. So when someone is misquoted in the newspaper we can go back and look at the tape.

  8. This jumping on the bandwagon article smells like the work of BaBa Shyly.

  9. Killer Cops........smile, you are on Candid Cop Camera8/24/14, 6:48 PM

    Killer Cops don't want to be seen killing on cam.

    Oooooops, the battery was dead....

  10. Put millions and millions of cameras on gangbangers.

  11. Considering a lot of kids grew up listening to "Fuck tha Police" by N.W.A on their parents boomboxes I think the more tanks and gear the PD has the better.

  12. The issue I have with body cameras is this, who controls the on and off switch? If you research this a bit you find the officer can turn off and some turn on with a siren noise. But the real issue here is right of some privacy. Lets say for an example you work in a upper scale drinking establishment that had shortage issues fights that some say the help cause and what not. So to deal with it and the he said they said stuff in courts your boss comes along and says here you now have to wear this body camera that is on you the minute you get to work till you leave. Every word you say every move you make every shit you take is all being recorded. I am sure you all would love to have to deal with that. But if a person can turn them off when ever the what good is that?

    Look I am all for having good police officers and I am as well all for having thugs getting whats coming to them. But lets face it are you people really stupid enough to think the black race the libers and the media shit stirrers are going to be happy with this. How many times has an officer been attacked in front of his cruiser and beaten and nothing happens of it other than the family saying the thug was a good boy and wouldn't do that even with it all being on the dash cam tape. In the end the cop is made to look bad and the thug has Jackson and his sort coming to town to make speeches about bad cops.Fact is nobody today is willing to admit people fuck up all the time day in and day out and some die because of it by a officer of the law and for what ever reason that pisses off certain members of the establishment. If your kid or husband is a fuck up and is killed because of it admit it and carry on. Do you people really think if the Bruno incident had a cop cam it would be any different? People are always going to call some how into play the actions of a cop if they get it in their head he acted wrong. Bruno's Ole Lady was a lawyer and hell I'm not a lawyer and know he broke several different laws that night and as a result caused to have happen a number of events that in the end caused him to be dead and that's the facts people so believe what you want. It's plain to see Mrs. Bruno wants to blame others so in my opinion she is a money grabbing cunt.

  13. Thank you Blogger for cutting off my posts last sentence.

    And is a lady who has no true respect for the law she is suppose to be a part of.

  14. The Star still makes money, its web traffic make yours look like a MySpace page, and the janitors earn more than you do, Tony.

    So I decided you're a moron.

    Sorry they turned you down so many years ago. Hope you get over it someday.

    1. Not to mention, the world is full up of race baiters so that's one job he needn't bother applying for.

  15. 8:04 you have just proved people like you enjoy reading the so called morons stuff everyday.

    1. 813, look back in the archives to see how TKC has gone from reasonably interesting to a website polluted with ignorant, racist and far right extremists. It is an echo chamber of the same 6 fools who try to come up with the most extreme slurs, and repeat the tired old rants.

  16. Wrong 11:17. Go back to the shit hole blog that really sucks.

  17. When TKC started no kidding things are so different now from even then. It's not just 6 fools in here it's many and it's many in this town who are starting to really get sick and tired of whats happening. So if this is to much for you go over to Mo Rage and read that shit he throws out and nobody never comments on it. Better yet go to KCC and maybe Glazer, Hearne or Wilson will rub you off.

  18. I still love the boobs. Tony never applied at The Star. You can tell the guy doesn't have that kind of ambition.


    Just kidding TKC, have a good one pal.


  19. Bwahahahahahhahahhahaaha!

    Yep you win the TKC ass clown of the week award. Douche bag.

    Equip the fucking cops with a couple of god damn cameras. On in front and one in back. You know the coward fucks can't operate unless they are a pack.

    It takes about 10 of the low IQ fucks to investigate a two car accident.

    And you wonder why KC Killer Cops can't clear a homicide?

    Maybe you could equip the full of shit fucks with a "colon cam" while your at it.

  20. Cunts calling out a cunt ......too fucking funny8/25/14, 5:55 AM

    7:32 pm, how much did Chief Forte pay you to write that shit dribble ?

    You fucking cops need to stop trying to defend the off duty killer cop.

    While Bruno's wife may be a full blown "Longview Lake cunt", you fucks are just as much "cunt" as she is.

  21. 5:55 AM hey little greedy fireman go get a sammich an a head job an cool down.

    Bruno made a fatal wrong decision is the bottom line and his widow of one day marriage is a gold digger.

  22. See the cops in Ottawa are wanting in on the kill a crazy guy action. JFC, when did being a cop turn into exacutioner in chief job? Shoot first shoot often.
    Wondering what sort of phyco wants to be a cop nowadays?

  23. How about Overland Park, Lees Summit, Leawood, both Mo/Ks Highway Patrols? Why is it always KCMO? There are allegations of biased policing against all these agencies...why do the cowards on the Editorial Board never call for any reform outside of KC? Tony, check their history and find one time the Star has called out OPPD.

  24. From Yahoo: Porch lights — many of them illuminating blue — are being left on in St. Louis and across the country in a show of support for the Missouri police officer who shot and killed an unarmed young man.

    Great idea for a peaceful way to show support for Officer Wilson. I’ll be buying my blue bulb today.

  25. 5:55 needs some meds real bad.


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