Fox4KC breaks news about the start of weekend trouble (flash mob?) now moving to KCK: The shooting occurred near the Walmart at the Legends in KCK. The victim has minor injuries and has been transported to the hospital.

Update: 1 in custody after Walmart parking lot shooting



  2. Damn Westboro people

  3. 6:35 is off his meds again. But at least the feral negro youth love him...

  4. a pity you don't realize when you're being mocked

  5. Little Niggleisha and her bofrane Negronius were just checking the ammo in their stolen guns when they went off accidentally.

    1. That's probably pretty near the truth.

  6. however if there were ever a website that looked stupid all on its own without mocking it would be this one

  7. Nancy McNoodly, concerned reader8/8/14, 7:25 PM

    6:35 made a glaring omission of DENIZEN, which I noticed this week is a discount el-cheapo offering of Levi jeans at your local Target.

    They kind of looked like faggy skinny jeans.

  8. Yep shooting at Walmart in Kandas and the tkc comment hate machine is sure the shoter was black? Tony repost this shit when the news shows their face ans they look like love children of chrystal meth & rose bar. Another shinning example of white superority.

  9. 7:34 while I'm certainly no fan of racists, there's one thing I dislike even more, and that's complete fucking rube dipshits like yourself.

  10. King's Speech8/8/14, 8:01 PM

    I like TKC because there are stupid white liberals pretending that violence doesn't exist. They pose a danger to everyone.

  11. Oh if you read the updates sounds like porch monkeys gone wild to me.

  12. No picture of the suspect? Yep he's black or Latino.

    Good rule of thumb when it comes to the media. If it takes them forever to show a picture of the suspect it's because he's black, Latino or a Muslim.

    Now with white guys they normally show a picture of him within a hour.

  13. niggers fuck up EVERYTHING!!!!

  14. True. But the Walmart Negro is as unpredictable and dangerous as a rhinocerous.

  15. My cousin knows the victim and she told me tonight that the shooter is "African-American".
    Yes, my cousin is a liberal retard Obama-voting twat.

  16. @10:38....I knew it.

    When the suspect is black, latino or muslim 9 out of 10 times the media will take their time to give you a picture of him.

    If the suspect were white, the media would show a picture of him right away.

    Even worst sometimes the media even wishes the the person is a white, Christian, middle class male then tells you they didn't do that when egg is all over their faces.

    Remember the Boston bomber? How many Libs in the media told you he was a White, Christian, Middle-Class Male...when in fact he was a Muslim?

    Or how about the 71 Shooter not that long ago. That idiot Dana Wright told it front he mountain top that the shooter was white. Then when it showed he was black you never heard a peep from her about it.

  17. Tony's TKC, a home for haters who take the bait and run up the hits.

    And somehow, each thinks they are bright.


  18. @ 9:25

    Critically endangered rhinos have infinite more worth, and are just protecting themselves unlike...

  19. "Hoodis rattis urbanis negrodus" known habitats are Wal Mart and Target parking lots, also known to dwell around Aldi's. Easily identified by Obama I-Phone, gold plated EBT card hanging from a gold plated State Fair midway chain, with pants hanging with at least 6 inches of ass crack in view.

    If that is the Negro's you refer to in this article, nothing new here. But keep WISHING it was a White person. Shame it wasn't a dude like the Jewish Community shooter.

  20. People, people, people, please stop. Wyandotte County is a cesspool of corruption and the Legends is the cherry on the top of the cesspool. The entire place was built on lies. The un-reported problems would create a list a miles long. It's been a gravy train of cash for corrupt politicians and their development pals.

    The citizens of Wyandotte County have paid a huge price for this Ponzi region and there's no end in sight.

    The number of police and sheriffs that are assigned to the Legends to protect businesses makes this situation laughable. They're so busy asking each other "how much overtime to you got today?????"... ask any employee and this is what they say you can hear the sheriffs and cops talking about.

    KCK Community College setup the deal to pay Walmart $25 million for the old property on State Street. What does that tell you? Wyandotte County is rolling in $$$? Nope, it means the citizens will pay and pay and pay to keep a few people rich.

    Same story, different day here in Oz.

  21. You can take the white trash out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of them!

  22. We are the poorest, sickest county in Kansas with high taxes, support multiple billionaire owned sports facilities, $19 million building for the school board, and endless re-financing of bonds on failed projects.

    If the Wyandotte County mafia hadn't been stealing us blind for decades, we wouldn't have to live in trailer parks.


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