TKC NOTE: Right now, our pal Craig Glazer considers a controversial topic that's been burning up the local and national sports scene. More than anybody else, this Kansas City sports aficionado nails it . . .


Yet another bad call by the boys who run the NFL. Roger Goodell. Ray Rice, star running back for Baltimore Ravens, on tape punches out his girlfriend. In fact she is knocked out. Happens at a casino on video for all to see. Ray gets a two game suspension. WTF?

Ok,ok, I know Ray marries the lady after the event. She goes to bat for her husband in front of Goodell. At this time we don't know what she told him. There may be other video of her attacking Ray. I believe she did and said so. However if he struck her with his fist, looks like he did, knocking her out, well that's another story. Ray is a big, powerful man, he could have subdued her without the blow. It's the over the top violent act here that matters.

Hey many of us have been there. A girlfriend or wife goes nuts. She starts screaming and throwing things, even hits you. The cops come and 'arrest you.' Not fair. Unless you are weak and in a wheel chair you still should not punch the women. You can hold her off, push her back, get her in control by putting your arms around her and holding her til she calms down, but a full blown punch to the head. No.

The video doesn't clearly show the punch. She is down and being dragged out of the elevator. Looks like he KO'd her. If he didn't and she just collapsed, why any punishment. Maybe she was drunk, sick, who knows, but RAY NEVER SAID HE DIDN'T PUNCH HER OUT. So evidence says he did. TWO GAME SUSPENSION. Players who use drugs or PED's get bigger hits. God help you if you tweet something the NFL doesn't like or make a racial slur. In the NBA they take your team away..or try.

Ray is a star player,if he wasn't the punishment would have been much worse. Hell Ray Lewis was involved in murder and ended his career a hero. Big Ben got a 6 game dump for fiddling with a drunk gal in the restroom.

This is another bad example of white America watching continued bad acts by black NFL stars on a weekly bases. Yes it causes more divide between blacks and whites.

It's true Ray had no prior bad acts and was considered a good guy. Yet a grown man uses his fist to hit his girlfriend in the face? White people think.."ghetto"...sorry that's the truth. They think man these players of color just can't ever behave. It's not fair to the many black players who do the right thing all the time.

Look for more crimes and bad acts all season long in the NFL. They will happen. Poor education, poor family values due to being raised in single parent homes with little financial aid in bad neighborhoods of course lead to not being able to handle the money and the fame. We know that. How do you fix all this? You got me. Time, education, understanding. Well that sounded good but don't look for any changes soon.

Hey we love you guys when you play and play well for our team. The list of crimes in the league from murder to theft to dealing to you name it is endless. ENDLESS. But the NFL is the biggest show on earth. "Let them play."


  1. Agree with Craig, AMAZING what these jocks can get away with. Any other guy would be in the jail house over this.

  2. Ready



  3. Can THIS JERK!

  4. Glazer do us all a favor and disappear yourself.


  5. Talk about an asshole saying another asshole is wrong.

    Fuck Glazer and his stupid fucking brain farts

  6. Great a guy who commited violet crimes against people is calling out another for doing so. I agree, "Fuck Glazer and his stupid fucking brain farts."


    And FUCK TONY for wasting our time with this bullshit

  8. Where is the Gold Badge Proof?

  9. Where is the Gold Badge Proof?

  10. Glazer is right. Where did he hit a girl? he robbed dealers 30 years ago. Not the same. They were assholes too.

  11. Important points to a real problem and all I read is the same jerks with the same comments on all or any story the man writes. You are the brain farter.

  12. How much you need to rid this blog of Glazer Tony? Name your price.

  13. 8:07 and 08 are people with Glazer jiz on the chin

  14. Rice, Lewis, Vick, Hernandez all of color some ganged up, murder of people and animals. I love the NFL. It needs to rid itself of these guys and others like them. Murder and violence against a weaker gender or people enough.

  15. 8:30 take the haters on here and put them out the gate with the rest of this trash. God the same babble from these drunk drug addicts. Gets tiresome.

  16. 8:31 looking at Glazer's shit get as tiresome as your stupid posts.

  17. Price belongs in prison.

  18. With Glazer as a cell bunkie.

  19. At it again. Tom Bowman, Dan Malarky and Bubba. A drunk with money and former dealer, a junkie and dealer with a pill pusher dealer. Those are the three main haters writing the same b.s. on anything Glazer writes.

  20. Bowman and crew. I worked at the door of Stanfords in Westport for ten years. Craig and Jeff treated me fair. If Craig was anything you say he was other than a former sting man, why did he walk through crowds of gang bangers, hoods and tough guys nightly alone. Cause he is and was a bad ass, unlike you three punks. None of you would face him. If was ever a rat, why didn't anyone come after him. Ever. You guys are the snitches. Rat finders are always the rats. Simple as that.

  21. Rice makes sense. Tony why not block these buggers.As for Ray Rice, he is not a brave man when he punches a women in the jaw. I'd have suspended him for a year.

  22. One factor that is underlying this entire ordeal. That is if this player is convicted of even misdemeanour domestic violence he can never posses a gun for the rest of his life. Even more critical than the NFL action is the action of the prosecutors in this case. Folks need to monitor real closely to see if this guy is given a pass.

  23. I assume there is a video of what happened in the elevator. Until folks in the general public see that video, it is impossible to pass judgement on what you didn't actually see. I get that there is circumstantial evidence and he hasn't denied anything, but still, if he is innocent until PROVEN guilty, his is still innocent unless we can see the video.

    None of us rubes in the hinterland know what he said or didn't say to the cops and the NFL after the incident,nor, what his wife said either.

    That said, again, it is tough to pass judgement on a situation or an event where the evidence is not available.

    Does he look guilty? Sure. Still, it ain't gettin much traction with me until I see someting other than him draggin her out of the elevator.

    Plus, who gives a fuck what a bunch of millionaire shit heel players and billionaire owners do over what is actually pocket change to them anyway?

    I will gamble on the NFL as always but I sure don't expect any of these mooks to go to work on a cure for cancer after they quit playing and just hope they don't end up in jail or murdering my family or friends after the cash cow is dead.

  24. You fucking douche bag you would have a different take if it was your daughter or wife or mother.

    Fucking asshole. Take your lame shit over to KCC where you fit right in.

  25. So....I guess the best place to begin is way back:

    In the beginning, I'm hanging out with my good pal God. He's really a rich and powerful guy and taught me a lot of life lessons. He can be a little bit shy at times, but I took the opportunity to act as his spokesperson when needed.

    Ok, fast forward to creation of mankind, when my buddy God hooked me up with this hot stripper chick named Eve in the Garden of Eden. Eve was a conflicted girl, but I wanted to give her every chance possible so I helped her out with some of her problems and let her stay with me for a while. Long story, short, it didn't work out.

    Fast forward to Noah and the Ark. Truth be told, I'm the one who actually passed on God's warning about the flood to Noah, and it was me who financed and built most of the actual ark, along with gathering of the animals.

    Hey, you better sit down, cause I'm just getting started, we're going to be here a long time. Did I ever tell the story about how I secretly served as President of the United Nations, Mayor of Las Vegas, and invented the internet, simultaneously?

  26. Would someone choke Rice the fuck out his lying bullshit is getting older than Glazers shit.

  27. Sad, but true.

  28. Hurts don't it Bowman, Malarky and Bubba. Busted. Hey I don't hate you guys, but you are backstabbing a guy who if he wanted when he was the law could have bagged all three of you. He didn't. I'd say he gave you three dealers a pass. You piss on him here. He did you a solid.

  29. Chuck one thing I'll say for our Chiefs. We don't play that. Other than that jerk Larry Johnson, our guys have behaved well. Midwest values I guess. Chuck I thought you were down on the darkies. What gives?

  30. 10:03 You are a dumb hick.

  31. Where is that Jew Harley? Oh waiting for Obama to come to the Uptown. Blacks and Jews together. Great.

  32. I'll show you the fucking law7/28/14, 10:50 PM

    Rice you asshole he was never the law a snitch yes but the law no so shut up before I track you down and arrest you myself.

  33. U suck. Craig rocked u all.

  34. Who is this Craig guy?

    I like the cut of his jib!

  35. Lots of guys in jail like the cut of his jib as well.

  36. Ok this is funny since Glazer himself was busted booked and what not for roughing up a gal in Fairway. He had to pay the bitch off so she wouldn't go forward with the charges. Why you ask well if he had gone to trail and lost he would have been looking at some real time in Lansing and not at some foo foo prison. He has had his issues in JoCO.

    Count 1 65-4107.OD 06/24/74 OLD DELIVER OF DRUGS C COC NG GUILTY F E 10/01/1975

    Count 1 21-5414(b)(1) 07/04/11 DOM BATT W/NO PRIORS NG DISMISS BY PROS M B P

  37. THE WILD MAN!7/29/14, 12:02 AM

    Dismissed by prosecutor.

    Looks like there is NOTHING THERE.

    Hey Wildman, does Craig know how much you stab him in the back when you call him up? Because to me it's petty obvious. The Wildman needs to think about being more genuine and really looking for the good in people.

    What you've shown is that Craig doesn't have any major cases against him and he is standing up against domestic violence.

    Let it go Wildman. People like Craig for who he is, not perfect but not pretending to be either.

    I don't know why that's hard for you to accept.

    Craig seems like a good guy to me!

  38. 9:26

    If my daughter told me he punched her out I would take a bat to him. There IS an elevator video and the cops have seen it. The DA has seen it. There are no serious charges and the dude married the chick.


    Ya gotta call 'em like you see 'em. African American criminality is ubiquitous and a cultural character flaw in the African American population that is hidden by the press, politicians and encouraged by those same actions. In this case, we are discussing an individual event which as far as I know, we can't determine guilt, by way of lack of evidence.

    We havn't seen the video in the elevator.

    We don't know what the testimony was to the police.

    We don't know what the testimony was to the NFL.

    Look, we can all speculate and I agree, I think they got drunk, got into a fight and Ray punched her.

    If that is true, then why did the police blow it off? Why did the NFL only suspend him for 2 games?

    Again, it is a bunch of rich guys whose are arguing over pocket change.

  39. Basic Glazer insert. Glazer article and when the natives go off, Glazer posts back 25 times. Same bs. Someone who either dated him or worked for him tells readers what a fantastic guy Glazer is.

    Sorry. Reads like a stale KC Star article on the virtues of the Toy Train.

    Personally, I would rather have a occasional Polar Bear commentary on the history of the negro. At least the bear calls a spade a spade.

  40. I heard that story bout babe in Fairway. She was drunk jealous blonde, in the Pitch. She made all that up and it was dropped. To prove he didn't do anything Glazer took like several lie box tests and all came back he was on the level. This Chuck guy makes sense on Ray Rice story. Sounds like there might be more to it. Rice when asked didn't say he didn't hit her though.

  41. I'm the only one who gets up this early. Chucks take might be the best one here. The NFL Commisioner had some reason for backing off. The police didn't press any charges. Seems there is an issue that needs to come out that backs Rice up somewhat.

  42. Typical nigger, yes typical fucking nigger!

  43. Was watching ESPN this morning. It is not a maybe, Ray Rice punched and knocked out his old lady. They made no bones about it. A fact, he clearly did not deny. He did get a probation and classes in a guilty plea that ends with the charge being cleared up if he gets it all done. In other words his only real punishment is missing two NFL games and the money he would be paid for that. Another player Greg Hardy beat up his girlfriend and got a 60 day jail sentence, but will get a trial after the season. Bunch of crap.

  44. Sick of football already.

  45. 9:37 amen

    I don't care for football.

  46. The Funny Farm7/29/14, 5:10 PM

    A psychopathic liar like Glazer could pass any lie detector test.

  47. I love the comments on these articles. the post itself is a vapid rehash of every other sports column in America however.


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