KCMO Toy Train Streetcar Eco-Devo Pitch

Northeast News offers this roundup of recent toy train streetcar community meetings: TDD or not to TDD, that is the question: The vehicle to improvement in NEKC

Related: Mayor James: Economic development in east KC


  1. "Scott Wagner, First District At-Large representative, wants those who are against the TDD to consider voting yes in order to obtain more information..."
    If you couldn't get the information out to us voters before the election why should we think you will be able to do it after it is law. Scott you are at best a clown. "Trust me said the spider to the fly"

  2. Yes, the camel wants its nose further into the tent. The streetcar project has been able to suck only tens of millions of dollars out of the taxpayers with the 375 votes that got it started.
    Imagine how much more successful the transit gang will be if they're successful with the TDD expansion.
    And after that? Well, we've come too far to stop now.
    Are KCMO voters really that stupid?

  3. "Toy Train Streetcar". Who but Tony uses that phrase?

  4. Kinda true. I voted for several council persons and only after found out what they were really like.

  5. “There is lots of misinformation swirling around on this issue” Steve Glorioso

    David Johnson's Save The Trolley Track Trail is-was the winner in this category.

  6. August 6th, 2014, bright and early, store the unused rails in the new streetcar barn. I do not even want to see them. Use them next for real light rail across the 21st Century Broadway Bridge to a basically the same MCI.

    Then later that same day, the KCMo Cartel should send a nice letter on CK letterhead to the car makers just saying "woops" in big letters.

    Light Rail yes, Slow streetcar no.


    Only five weeks after the start of the streetcar line, a shooting on one the cars has left two persons dead.


    Sly James has announced a new program to help prevent the painting of graffiti on the new KC streetcars. Since it's startup earlier this year, the streetcars have been repeated painted with gang signs and profanity, embarrassing city officials.


    The city has placed armed monitors on KC streetcars following several incidents where human feces was found smeared on the windows.

  10. Kwame Kilpatrick7/30/14, 3:53 PM

    He said the same thing about East Patrol. This guy stays losing!

  11. Sly is desperate and will promise anything. All you need to know about Question A is to go to You Tube and search Russ Johnson Tells Voters. That video says it all.
    PS Vote No on A

  12. I just returned from a trip to Central Ohio. Columbus is a vibrant, growing city with lots of new downtown construction ans well as inner city gentrification going on, and there is no streetcar existing or planned, so Mensa boy's constant assertion that cities need streetcars to promote develoment is total bullshit.

    BTW, Columbus' buses are the run on natural gas, lots of people ride them, and no one seems to be of the opinion that they're too god for buses. MB strikes out again.

    1. KC has higher transit ridership than Columbus. It's also bigger and more densely populated.

      And Columbus has been trying to get light rail or streetcars for years.

      Try again, brookside patronizer self "employed" internet lawyer boy.

  13. Some people in Columbus have been trying for years to put in a streetcar, but the grownups in charge have said no. As for denser and larger, I don't think so. Columbus' population is 822,553; Kansas City's is 464,310.

    And if "KC has higher transit ridership than Columbus," obviously the bus system is working.

    Don't you ever check your facts or think before spouting off, Mensa boy?


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