Kansas City Stays Losing Against Lyft

KC Biz Journal and bad news for the Bill George Yellow Cab monopoly: "A federal judge has struck down Kansas City's request for a temporary restraining order against Lyft Inc. On Wednesday, Judge Brian Wimes of the U.S. District Court for Western Missouri denied the city's petition for a TRO against the San Francisco-based ride-sharing company. His order said the city did not provide sufficient evidence that Lyft caused the city or will cause the city "irreplaceable harm" without a TRO."


  1. You would think, will all these overpaid lawyers on the payroll, that KC would have enough sense to stop bullying and either operate within the framework of Federal law or stop with these bullshit ordinances. If they keep this up with Lyft they are going to look like fools on national TV

  2. Got to keep the Lawyers on both sides happy with future billable hours.

  3. Lyft is a joke. Ride at your own risk.

  4. The biblical plague of locusts, wearing Tommy Bahama7/9/14, 3:02 PM


    Hanging on white-knukled to the status quo until their last agonal, dying breath (fairly soon gladly).

  5. Sure, right. And there is no risk riding with these idiot taxi drivers.

  6. Lyft screws their drivers. Fact.

    1. Another vague statement with no actual facts to state exactly HOW Lyft "screws their drivers"...

      Get a life.

  7. How is it that the TAXPAYERS have to foot the bill to keep competitive businesses out of Kansas City?? at what point are we going to hold these ELECTED officials responsible so they act in the best interest of the people rather than themselves? they act with impunity and despite what they are caught doing they simply say "no, I'm not leaving office"

  8. There is a limited amount of drunks lyft can ferry home every night here in CK.

  9. Lyft and Uber are both great.

  10. Lyft that sack so Sly can suck it.

  11. I've seen some Lyft junkers show up and people turn down the ride. Funny stuff.

    1. And you just PROVED to everyone here that you are a LIAR!


      Lyft has pretty stringent standards for quality of vehicles!

      Go educate yourself a little better.


  12. I like it when my relatives from out of town call a cab from the airport and get driven 40 miles out of their way just to jack up the fare. Makes you wonder who is dangerous.

  13. Show me a whining cunt who complains about a front yard garden, a child's mailbox library or an alternative transportation method... and, well, I'll show you a Boomer.

    They fucked up the world, and they're STILL smug about their legacy.

  14. 5:50 PM - You are at least 5 years past the date you should have suicide.

    Get on with it. Please.

  15. As a Boomer who has a front yard garden, takes the bus or walks when possible, and supports just about every possible alternative to crony corporatism, I think you overgeneralize, but I'm sorry you parents were mean to you.

  16. The parents can't be that mean.
    They're still sending checks so he can pay for the loft rent, artisinal cocktails, and soy latte's.
    But they'll be paid back when the new smartphone app hits and he becomes our latest KCMO billionaire. Just you wait and see; heard it in a TED talk.
    Don't tell me the kiddie corps is already bored with the streetcar toy. Even their attention span isn't that short.

  17. i have used Uber in KC twice and it worked like a charm. was cheaper, faster and more convenient than a taxi and both cars and the drivers were better than any taxi or cabbie.

    and to the person who said the cars suck, i can't speak to Lyft, but Uber has rules on how old the car can be and they inspect the car prior to allowing it to be used

  18. Lyft is scary as shit. Uber is a much better option.

    1. You DO KNOW that most drivers for Uber also drive for Lyft don't you?

      Shows just how uninformed your opinion really is!

  19. Just because they lost the TRO doesn't mean the battle KC is fighting against Lyft is anywhere but over. The TRO would have just been a KO to Lyft operating in the city.

  20. Yeah "the city" for legal purposes doesn't include friends, family, fuckees or Bill George.

  21. Hey guys,

    Need a ride? Here’s a $25 credit for you to try Lyft - it's like a cab, but costs less. To get the $25, just download the mobile app for iPhone/Android and type in “FREELYFTD” in the payments section of the app. If you’re in a pioneer city, you’ll get free rides on top of the $25!

    To order a ride, tap “Request Lyft” and your driver will pick you up in minutes to get you where you need to go

    Feel free to share it with friends & family!


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