Kansas City Healthcare Industrial Complex Earns Top 10 Most Expensive Ranking

Post-Dispatch Health Report: Kansas City among 10 most expensive cities for healthcare

From the Forbes List: The third most expensive city in the country for both CT scans and MRIs, it falls to eighteenth when it comes to preventive primary care at just $138.


  1. Treat MILLIONS of ILLEGALS nationwide for free and we are ALL screwed.

  2. Grinnin' Bobby Page-Adams7/10/14, 10:31 AM

    No problems here at KU, just cut my nurses pay and am just rolling in it!

  3. UH, no......I have a background in this and actually it is cheap here.....this study is wrong....just stay on insurance and you will have your personal costs low. I also hate to say this, but the illegals and the welfares drive up costs in the urban core...so yes, the nasty posters on TKC are right...

  4. Thank You HCA!


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