Kansas City Blogger Yiddish Confessional

Take a look at this AMAZING BIT OF WRITING from one of my longtime favorite blogs . . .

How I Was A Yiddish Singer

Insightful tongue-in-cheek quote . . .

"Recently I ran across a website where Jews of my generation were describing how they discovered that they belonged to the Tribe. Not one of them found out from their parents. It was always a neighbor or neighbor’s kids, some lady at the store, an angry classmate, your opponent in a fistfight, as an insult or as a backhanded compliment; Jewish kids were last to know about the most important thing in their lives. And then I understood why we don’t always see eye-to-eye with the American Jews, the ones carried to a Rabbi on the 7th day to have parts of them snipped, and taught how to participate in the great world Jewish conspiracy from their early days. Unlike them, we made it to adulthood intact, without ever seeing a Rabbi or even knowing the word Rabbi, or anything about being Jewish or the conspiracy we were born to participate in. While they were able to proudly announce their Jewishness in more languages than one, our nationality was conveyed in a series of winks and tongue-clicks with an understanding look and a sad face."

More in a bit . . .


  1. This explains how Sly James became Mayor.


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