Kansas City welcomed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her horrible book yesterday . . .

Here's probably the best coverage of the event that doesn't rely on Democratic Party talking points:

KCUR: Hillary Clinton Focuses Kansas City Talk On Women And The Economy

However . . .


5. White Women Will Read Anything

No hate here, probably one of the only reasons this dump of a blog is around and why kindly white ladies will excuse our TKC celebration of cleavage.

4. She's Worse Than Prez Obama

Hillary isn't just the Prez Obama sequel . . . She's like one of those Hollywood train wreck combo movies where they COMPLETELY RUIN two perfectly good franchises like Alien Vs. Predator or Brangelina

3. Cancel The GOP IF Hillary Wins

I know I keep repeating this one but as Latino it's important to provide some perspective on the relative power of the people who want to deport me and my cousins.

2. Hillary Health Issue Is A Loser Even For Karl Rove

Given that Dick Cheney is like the real life Darth Vader battle just about anybody who dares disagree the Neo-Con dark side of the force . . . The political elite don't play by the same health rules that power age discrimination in Kansas City offices.

1. P&L District And Midland Made Sure To Give All The Kansas City Politicos The Best Seats Which Kind Of Explains How They Can Lose More Than $15 Mil Every Year

Insiders tell us that yesterday was a grand stage for this town's top power players . . . Politics and corporate patronage make strange bedfellows and at the top levels it's pretty easy to realize that there really isn't that much of a difference between Democrat or Republican looting running this country.


  1. If anyone ever deserved a debilitating stroke and a very long semi-vegetative slide down to death it would be the EVIL Hitlery.

  2. Faif Warning6/23/14, 7:37 AM

    She and Bubba both have always been whores of financial institutions: If you thought the last bubble and panic was fun, then vote for Hillary or any Republican/

  3. Ignoring for a moment the fact that our national 2-party political system is a cleverly designed scam to entrap the otherwise intelligent minority of the population which attempts to follow civic affairs, let's take a look at Hillary Clinton.

    The very fact that she's taken seriously by many and given media publicity is symptomatic of a seriously deranged nation that is living in a fictional alternative state of reality.

    Most of Hillary's support comes from people who blindly follow their Democrat Party pre-selected menu of corrupt entrees, just as Republican Party faithful do for their candidates.

    I suppose there are some women foolish enough to vote for Hillary, simply because she's a woman. A lesbian woman, but anatomically a female, and that's apparently enough of a reason for some. Case in point, recall that in 2008 and 2012, Barack Obama garnered some 90% (+) of black voters. Proof that even a white/black biracial homosexual man from Hawaii, raised by white grandparents outside a faith community, educated in Ivy League schools, who had no concept of the civil rights struggle raging in the 60-70's, could successfully "pull the wool over the eyes" of an entire race.

    Hillary Clinton is a vile, self-centered, pathological liar, accessory to multiple murders, money launderer, campaign finance criminal, misogynistic attacker of her husband's many sexual victims, illegitimate Senator of NY, well-traveled but little-accomplished Secretary of State, and would already be incarcerated if this was truly a country of law and order.

  4. Goldman Sachs6/23/14, 7:49 AM

    Hillary is ours so shut up and vote for her you rats! Serve us and most of you get to live.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. She eats more pussy than a cheap Chinese restaurant serves in a month.

  7. Hillary Clinton is a fake. She is always trying to "do something" in order to "prove" that women are "tough:" like voting for the resumption of the Bush Family Conflict with Iraq.

    Hillary wanted to prove she is tough, and what was the cost in blood and treasure?

  8. I don't vote in primaries, but I have respect for anyone that puts it on the line to open themselves to the hater rhetoric.

    I might be impressed if any of you anonymous haters had the sack to put the cheetoes down and show up and voice your opinion in a respectful manner, I might salute.

    Alas, this venue is designed for Nancys who don't have the stones or capacity to communicate in a honest respectful manner.

  9. Horrid, Wicked, EVIL Monster

  10. Practice What You Preach6/23/14, 9:19 AM

    So says Mr. "Anonymous" @ 9:13 AM

  11. stupid cunt! go away forever.

  12. "As Latino it's important to provide some perspective on the relative power of the people who want to deport me and my cousins." What a stupid fucking comment. If Tony is here illegally, then yes, deport his dumb fucking ass. I always hope that there are Latinos that are smart enough to understand the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration....but maybe there aren't.

  13. It will be Madame President in January 2017.

  14. Other than the outrageous payments for their speaking engagements & book deals, the C's have been sucking off the public treasury their entire lives. What's with the ongoing love affair in the U.S. with frauds, liars and thieves?

    Hil in white house and Bill covering her ass. We already know the ending to that book.

  15. 9:13 comment GOLLY!

    Put down your Starbucks mocha cappuccino with cream whip, set aside your croissant from Whole Foods, and fold up your NY Times for a moment.

    "I don't vote in primaries" .... that's because you prefer to be a passive "Nancy" following your Party Master's pre-selected choice.

    " up and voice your opinion in a respectful manner, I might salute." This blog is one of the last remaining bastions of free speech for comments, and as such, people are free to post anonymously or by name. Let me assure you, NO ONE is desiring a limp-wristed salute from a Nancy-boy who doesn't have the stones or capacity to communicate in an honest respectful manner.

    Respectfully, sincerely, and in Christ,
    Dr. Gomer Pyle

  16. Why isn't that woman in prison?

  17. Leave it to a guy who praises Bolonzo whatthefckshisname too talk up the hysterectomy crowds princess Hillbillery.

  18. Will she? Won't she? Of, course she will. Crazy ass women will support her. First in line will be Claire. Her new Wash D.C. condo is within walking distance of the White House. Not that Claire walks when a limo is available.

    Nice airbrush job on the book jacket or was she just rested?
    How much did we pay to fly her around the world to do nothing?

    Anyway, what difference does it make at this point?

  19. 12:50, you're right, it's baked in. HRC will beat Rand in the general in 2016. Paul Rand is being set up to be the next fall guy.

    Hard Choices - The United States Of Immigration Pretense
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/23/2014 - 14:56

    The popular story is that America was built by immigrants and that therefore everything about immigration is good and leads to a more successful society. However, in the 21st century, The USA is no longer sparsely populated, except in the regions that are typically hostile to settlement anywhere else in the world — places where there is no water, or too hot, or too cold, or too swampy. Currently, progressive America is pretending that the conditions of the 19th century still prevail here - boundless material resources and land for the taking - and that we can happily accommodate the overflow from our equally overpopulated neighbors, Mexico and the countries of Central America, any way they can manage to get here. It’s rather funny that the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in 2016 titled her current book Hard Choices, because that is the chief pretense of the party she represents. The last thing Hillary wants to do is take a stand on anything, other than her entitlement to live in the White House.

  21. 7:40, say what you really mean! Stop dancing around the issue!

  22. check out the great photos of Hil and Bill life style of the rich and famous. The comparison to Lady Mary at Downton Abbey to Hillary is worth a look.

  23. Fuck Obama......


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