Take a look at the hot mess in the photo featured above . . . That's a police van turned over after a dude speeding away from the authorities crashed into it and turned over the vehicle.

Most would think that the aftermath of this violent scene would result in some serious consequences for the perpetrator involved.

Wrong. In Kansas City, the driver who caused this destruction earned probation.

Here's the KCTV5 write-up of this story:

Police officer seriously hurt by fleeing man present for sentencing

Most important detail:

"Friday at the Jackson County courthouse a suspect was sentenced for stealing a car then crashing into a Kansas City, MO, police officer, causing both of them to get brain injuries . . . The suspect who crashed a stolen car ... walked out of the courtroom Friday, sentenced to probation for five years."

And this detail is causing renewed outrage from Kansas City Insiders . . .

Here's the perspective:

"Put this case in ANY OTHER County . . . Platte, Clay, ANYWHERE ELSE IN MISSOURI and your talking about serious jail time. But in Kansas City the guy walks. This kind of decision emboldens thugs to commit violent crimes. Some people don't believe it but many violent offenders in Kansas City are smart, the watch the news just like everybody else and they know that their actions in Jackson County won't be punished severely. This has always been a problem in the urban core and it's a big part of what keeps our city more dangerous than the rest of the state. But most media are afraid to call out the issue and highlight these outrageous instances that put EVERYONE in danger . . ."

Kansas City denizens realize that most police officers have this very same complaint but now the issue is starting to resonate among some of the Insiders who want to examine the root causes of higher urban core crime.

Developing . . .


  1. The Insider has a point but it's so much easier for sly and others to rant against guns than to hold other officials accountable.

  2. If course the state legislature could have worked on sentencing when cleaning up the state criminal statutes this session, but they were just slammed trying to get inmates marrued, shooting down the medicare extension and fighting over whether a Federal Agent should have the authority to enforce Federal law in the state of Misshora

  3. If he gets violates probation he has to go to jail for 8 years. I imagine the police will do everything necessary to make sure that happens, as the police are the number one cause of family instability in communities of color.

  4. The police officers see this lack of justice too and at some point may say, "why even bother."

  5. What a fucking disgrace. How do prosecutors look a cop in the eye? I guess if I ever get desperate enough to rob a bank I know where I'm doing it.

    1. No, no, no don't rob a bank. That's federal and you'll do real time. Rob a business or something in Jackson County and you'll be ok.

  6. Yez, datz de way we be likin it!

  7. Don't forget how Mean Jean showed Maryville who was boss.

  8. Don't forget how Mean Jean showed Maryville who was boss.

  9. Actually, Hyperblogal, the cops may look to take control of the sentencing process at the scene of the crime. Yes... that's right, the frustrated and at risk LEO's may decide its best to shoot to kill and otherwise avoid a trial and sentencing.

  10. 3:27 stick that comment up your fuckin twat.

  11. A disgrace who was the Judge

  12. My job frequently takes me to the criminal court in Jackson Co. Recently a guy was convicted by a jury of domestic violence assault in the 1st degree( this carries 10-30 yrs...broke victim's bones, caused concussion, permanent disability from the attack) also was convicted at the same time of 2 counts of witness/victim tampering, each count carries mandatory 5yrs. The guy received 20 yrs on the domestic and 5 yrs each on the tampering. However, the judge said the defendant could go to 4months shock time in the diagnostic center, then come back before the judge and possibly be released! Insane.

  13. The above-mentioned defendant also has a long criminal record for drug trafficking, orders of protection, other assaults and has been in and out of prison for most of his adult life

  14. Could you possibly be putting some hair on that?? Maybe?

  15. ERnest Evans6/1/14, 5:12 PM

    Dear Mr. Tony: Well, the "crime deniers" have a new explanation for the surge in violence in KCMO since the spring of 2008!! When this surge first began the local politicos responded in chorus: "It is the recession that is causing this violence surge." This excuse had to be abandoned after a few years when it began clear that despite the recession crime had gone down in most US cities in 2008-2011. This excuse was always pretty pathetic as an explanation: Anyone who thought that the homicides in KCMO were all being committed by recently unemployed fathers desperate to feed hungry children has probably been smoking the wrong type of cigarette. Next excuse: Missouri is too lenient on gun control. Now,this remains a most popular explanation because it takes all of the local politicos off the hook: "It is all because of those right-wing extremists in Missouri state capital." Again, the problem is that there is no evidence: Lots of cities in states will lenient gun control laws have done a much better job than KCMO in getting crime under control. So, in desperation, the city's political class turns to a lot of people's favorite culprit: All of these soft-hearted judges who don't believe in "locking them up and throwing away the key." Sigh. City's political class must really be desperate to have fallen back on this as an explanation!! If this latest explanation does not fly, expect charges that the city's crime disaster is due to the Masons. Take care and God bless!! In Christ, Ernest EVans

  16. Post the name of the judge!?

  17. It's why the Crooks like Jackson County thanks Mean Jean

  18. According to Casenet, the prosecutor was Brady Twenter and the Judge was David Byrn.

    1. The guy from Talking Heads?

  19. My goodness what in the world is that judge thinking?

  20. Don't we vote for Judges in Jackson County? David Byrn needs to go and also that breastfeeding Judge....can someone name him too?

  21. Why isn't the Prosecutor speaking out against these out of control judges? She needs to be voted out also.

  22. Insiders? LMAO

  23. Scrap the streetcar and build a new jail.

  24. Jackson County is the most lenient in the State. Its been that way for years. Most of my clients know to commit their crimes here. Never cross the river.

  25. It might be good to remember, too, that only about 55% of the homicides in KCMO are ever solved, so there are lots of folks roaming the streets who quite literally have gotten away with murder.
    And the reason is that witnesses virtually never come forward, so even when perpetrators are pretty well known to the police, there's no way they can even be brought to trial.
    And there's NO leadership in the black community where over 80% of the homicides take place to encourage residents to cooperate with th ecops. In fact, quite the opposite, even though many of the self-appointed "leaders" are people whose livings come from corporate donations, foundations, and various levels of government.
    So why don't the funders demand some cooperation in return for their cash?
    It would help make us all safer.

  26. Jackson County home of the let'em go judges.

  27. The bigger problem is that wanna-be MLK's, like John Miles, go downtown, testify on behalf of people they DON'T know, and try to get criminals lighter sentences or off altogether. Miles continues to manufacture crime in the urban core. He hangs around political people who help push his agenda. He should be stoned, or worse, for crimes against humanity.

  28. The judge who went after the woman for asking to be excused from jury duty because she was breastfeeding is Marco Roldan. Same judge who just ruled there can be votes on the streetcar.

    because we all know the number 1 priority in KC is getting a streetcar shoved down our asses.

  29. Hey, KCMO has long had some of the best judges and prosecutors money can buy. Try and find any evidence of when the publisher of The Star's wife got busted driving on 3 wheels and obviously drunk. or remember the slap on the wrist the Mertensmeyer kid got after killing a guy with his car and fleeing the scene? Mommy was a Mission Hills shyster and so he got a slap on the wrist.

    If they're ever to clean KCMO up they're going to have to string a couple of these filthy shysters up from nearby trees to set an example.

  30. Nigga butt fuk KC PoPo6/1/14, 11:37 PM

    KCPD be pussy's !!! Nigga wins yet agin!!!

  31. 327 you are are not serious.

  32. Agree with Hyperblogal on this, this is a disincentive for good police work.

  33. With niggers, it's always catch and release. That's the drill, so we have to deal with it.

  34. 11:13 pm, the publisher, Mark Zieman, and his wife, Rhonda Criss Lokeman, were the first folks you mentioned. Rhonda was picked up after cops saw her driving on the WHEEL of her car. Not the tire, the wheel. The video from the cop car showed her looking at the wheel puzzled and wondering allowed how that happened. She was filmed in the paddy wagon speaking to herself in another language, supposedly Italian. She refused the breathalyzer which is automatic revocation of your license by the state for one year. Amazingly enough, Rhonda got her license back in about six weeks and if don't think charges were ever filed.

    The Mission Hills brat who drove drunk, was speeding and underage and hit and killed a young man, and then ditched the car (which was his mom's) and then, with his mom's knowledge didn't turn himself in for at least another week, was convicted of, I believe vehicular manslaughter. Judge John Torrance, who made a lot of money as a lawyer before becoming a judge, sentenced Mertensmeyer to 30 days "shock time". Thirty days for killing a man.

    This is a peek into Jackson County's judicial system, it's rotten from the head down.

  35. This blog requires a neanderthal level of thinking. Thanks Kansas City!


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