Kansas City Critical Mass June 2014

Kansas City Critical Mass is comprised of local cycling enthusiasts who don't really obey the rules of the road, often imbibe various substances before their rides but seem to have a good time about once a month blocking traffic on the streets of Midtown Kansas City.

Take a look:

Scenes from the June 2014 Critical mass in Kansas City

Here's the clip . . .

Over the years the membership has ebbed and flowed but the Summertime rides always seem like a good time and a total pain to navigate around for drivers.

Developing . . .


  1. Critical Mass ?

    Don't forget to add the "ponytail dude from Westport". He created a
    "critical mass" by punching someone from behind like the bottom feeding coward he truly is.

  2. These jackasses again?

  3. One of these days some driver in a hurry to get somewhere is going to go berserk and mow down these weirdos. Just another day in the ol' Road Rage UsA

  4. 9 out of 10 of these jerks are probably over the limit and could be ticketed for riding under the influence and endangering the safety and lives of others.

  5. 9:20. Why are they jerks? You're probably that guy who seats on the couch eating Doritos - let them ride their bikes and don't get your blood pressure up because of a few people slowing you down

  6. 9:34 No I'm not on the couch eating corn based snacks.

    I don't know where critical mass got their false sense of entitlement from, but in general they are assholes. Even to drivers who are being polite to them.

  7. Run them the fuck over.

    1. You are a coward and an asshole. Where the fuck do you get off calling for the murder of hundreds of innocent people. Critical mass is a great event designed to raise awareness about alternative forms of transportation and to bring like minded individuals together for a fun evening out while getting some great exercise. I am sorry if your life is so important that you cannot wait the 5-10 minutes it takes for the riders to pass so you can make it to your destination. Go fuck yourself you piece of SHIT!!

  8. Bikes on city streets are one of the most dangerous things one can legally do. If conservatives rode bikes, liberals would have banned them years ago.

  9. I noticed that they were riding down the Paseo. Were do the Hospital Hill and myriad other runs tie up traffic?

  10. I noticed that they were riding down the Paseo. Were do the Hospital Hill and myriad other runs tie up traffic?

  11. Did they murder someone like they did last critical mass?

  12. i love critical mass.
    The rest of you fat fucks can just stay indoors on the last friday of the month.
    The purpose of this ride is to make you "aware" that bicycles have every right to be on the street.
    The reality is I like to piss off rednecks that drive pickup trucks in urban environments.

  13. Crossing a double yellow line. Classic! I think they go by the motto, "Separate but equal" attitude.

  14. If I found it to be just a bunch of liberal ass hats out to block traffic, I'd have turned around and left the first time I tried it. To me, it's just a good time and I've spent many Friday nights in far worse places.

    A Beer Guzzling, Death Metal Loving, Sub 20 MPG SUV Driving, Anti-Christian Conservative.

  15. Complaining about bicycle's on the road... hahaha. The more Iread the more I sense an offensive about to happen against cyclist.

    Go ahead and run us over, then maybe you'll learn just how wrong we are. For christ sake don't blame all of us for drinking and riding. There's also kids and elderly riding. Parent's who have their children in trailers. Blamming everyone as a whole for drinking and riding is pretty funny though.

    If YOU, yeah you have any issue with us GO TO THE CITY about it. And please do yourself some good and research what Critical Mass is about.

    Okay. I'm sure i'll get some backlash but that's expected. Bring on the uneducated comment's!

  16. Im all about equal rights for bicyclist but this ride isnt the way to go about it.W
    Hy not promote safe cycling the right way by not breaking laws and pissing people off. All this ride does it give cycling a bad image.

  17. Those in Glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Unless They want to get hurt by their own words.


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