Don't SPAM Kansas City Dead Tree Media

Public Editor @ The Newspaper explains the process and notes some worthwhile hateration against SPAM: Want media coverage of your news event? Don’t make this mistake.

It's a nice thought but it's worth noting that local Dead Tree Media is exceptionally unresponsive and stories usually have to be molded to their politics . . . Also, I'm pretty sure somebody still has to kiss the RING of Dave Helling to get political coverage. On background, we've heard that slamming blogs and social media also helps . . .


  1. Derek has a good point. If you're looking for publicity, make it as easy as possible for the probably overworked and underpaid Star staffer to get the info.

  2. But the sender wouldn't need a white list auto responder if it weren't for all the spammers out there.

  3. DaveHellingsHairpiece6/17/14, 9:47 PM

    I enjoy pork shoulders and ham while waiting in the green room to go on the Rachel Maddow Show.

  4. The reputation of the KC Star is not to cover local events unless it involves a certain circle of "beautiful people". This situation has been going on for 50 years.
    I remember my mother being very active in JoCo and KC in various charities, but the paper was always non-responsive to any news or announcements because it wasn't about the Jewell Ball or the American Royal.
    When the Star and Times finally figured out that people actually lived in the suburbs, it was just too late for the paper to catch up. People went elsewhere with their local news. Now nobody I know even subscribes to the daily paper, so it really doesn't matter whether or not they cover local events, even though they are still relatively unresponsive.

  5. that derek donovan is a smug little faggot

  6. @6:42am
    Spot on. Spot on.
    Derek tries to think he runs the show down at the Star, when, in fact, very few people at 17th and Grand put up with his incessant bitching and dick sucking the higher-ups.

    And heaven forbid you send note to his supervisors complaining that he hasn't responded to your voicemail or e-mail. DD will follow up with a bullshit, made-up retort to higher ups within the original complaintant's company.


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