Split Decision: Clay Chastain Stays Winning But Kansas City Must Devise Light Rail Vote

Here's what Clay Chastain has to say about his light rail victory today . . . Which is kind of a mixed bag. Nullus.

Clay Chastain Statement

Interestingly though, Judge Midkiff did not approve any ballot language herself, but instead ordered the City itself write the summary ballot language. This is an option provided for in the City's Charter.

So the judge has effectively put the fox in charge of the chicken coop (initiative). "We the People" expect Mayor Sly James and the City Council to honor the clear intent of the light rail initiative (a proposal to construct a light rail-based multimodal transit system headquartered at Union Station) and place an accurate summary of that transit initiative before voters?
Judge Midkiff has handed Kansas City's government the opportunity to stop killing democracy and start acting like a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people."

Clay Chastain

Judge rules to allow light rail issue on upcoming ballot


  1. The cost estimation is what will kill Clay's plan. Voters deserve to know what it costs.

  2. More than the street cars?

  3. When will this go away?

  4. Why would anyone at city hall care about how much the Chastain plan would cost?
    They don't seem to have any concerns at all about how millions they've been blowing through.
    And will be for decades to come.

  5. Tony, investigate how much of the proposed MODOT tax increase on the ballot coming up will be available for the toy train. It seems "public transportation" in KC is a priority. Whatever that means. Maybe Sly can get the rural rubes to help pay for it.

  6. If we haz snuff monies for you trains boondogglers we have buff monies for toy light rails boondoggle unjust undue burden democracy is dead ck = Finlandnnnnn!!!!!

  7. Go to bed, Mensa boy.

  8. eather plan should be called the chastian line

  9. What is the cost of this thing????

  10. Chastain, a.k.a. "We the People", is like a bad fucking dream that you can't wake up from. Drive a stake or something through this guy's heart, please! WTF! He doesn't even live here and he's costing everyone time and money. Thank you to all you dumb bastards that signed his last petition.


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