The Missouri secret killing death penalty just got even more ridiculous with this tragic scheme from a top politico running for Gov.

Check more proof that a law degree, incredible hair and a good smile make any dumb idea sound plausible:

Raw Story: MO Attorney General proposes state-run ‘laboratory’ making lethal injection drugs

Fox4: Missouri is among several states that purchase execution drugs in secret. Critics say that if details about the source and testing aren’t made public, there is no way to assure that the inmate won’t suffer during the execution process.

Pitch: Chris Koster wants to establish a state-run laboratory to make lethal injection drugs

Huff Post: Missouri Attorney General Pitches Plan To Avoid Botched Lethal Injections


  1. This guy should star in anchor man III.

    Why would I want my taxes raised to produce killer killer drugs when a tank of Piranha is a perfectly good and organic way to off these mofos?

  2. His republican roots are really showing. As is his vain use of tanning beds - look st the white under the eyes

  3. Just get some good heroin already.

  4. 1 part Drano
    1 part Cisco

  5. They could use prison labor to manufacture it.

  6. No need. Missouri is the nation's leader in amateur home chemistry labs.

    We don't need no special death drug. We got meth, and shitloads of it. Just shoot a big-ass dose of that shit into a bad guy's vein and he will be reunited with the deity of his choice ... pronto. Next question?

  7. Koster is just a liberal gay trying to appeal to all the pro death penalty red necks so he can be governor.

  8. HELLO! Has anyone heard of bullets? For less than $20,00 you could line up six sharpshooters with rifles, three with real bullets and three with blanks. Pin a target on the villain's heart and ready, aim, fire. This is a fail safe way to the expected result. Who cares if the villain suffers, This supposed to hurt that's why it's called a penalty.

  9. Hoster needs to call a Veterinarian

  10. Actually what is any different in coming up with state lab to kill prisoners, and the already political or MOB run lab in Kansas city that makes its citizens buy into the shit they are sold? (the denominator is the same) The People of KC and the people of the State of MISERY need to start banding together to make changes in your city or state! And if change isnt your interest then stop bitching!

  11. Actually what is any different in coming up with state lab to kill prisoners, and the already political or MOB run lab in Kansas city that makes its citizens buy into the shit they are sold? (the denominator is the same) The People of KC and the people of the State of MISERY need to start banding together to make changes in your city or state! And if change isnt your interest then stop bitching!

  12. ahhh when the word MOB is brought up funny how many pussies hold back on their comments.


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