Kansas City Tuesday Links And Tragically Without A Check From The Koch Brothers!!!

Right now Jesse Jane & Leanne Decker captivate our attention and we're just a little bit miffed that we break DEVASTATING news on the Kansas City financial scene and then some of you d-bags imagine we're getting paid by the Koch Brothers or whoever . . . That could never happen given that I'm too afraid that bikini babes would be sacrificed for a boring tea party agenda . . . Meanwhile, the sun continues to set on Kansas City neighborhoods as City Hall is scared that their giveaway fest has come to an end . . .

Check it:

- Old School Bottom Out: Elderly man drowns in outdoor pool in Kansas City

- Tragic Missouri Deets: Man accused of repeatedly stabbing woman to death

- Bi-State Fear And Sad Realization That Friends And Family Are More Dangerous: Discovering if sex offenders are in your area

- Calling Out Crazy: Police identify man found on school roof

- Show-Me Upcoming Payout: Missouri has $167 million of income tax refunds still to pay

- Hateration Contemplation: Former OP Chief reflects on JCC shootings

- Snuggling Up With Michael Sam: Rams confident Sam's the right fit

- Show-Me Foul Play: Missouri man charged with running over goose

- More Kansas City Overpriced Booze: Border Brewing Co. opening in the East Crossroads near Grinders

- Local Snuff Clip: Shocking video shows motorcycle crash in Excelsior Springs, rider survives (amazingly)

- Kansas City Traffic Fail: Traffic delays expected at Crown Center

- Food Fight And Cafeteria Consequences Continue: Local HS students petition to walk at graduation

And this is the OPEN AND AWESOME THREAD for the afternoon . . .


  1. Is anyone else not into all this Craft Beer shit?

  2. well, keep pushing Patsy's agenda and we'll keep calling a duck a duck.

  3. I'm not into having gay NFL draftees being promoted and crammed into my face. Keep that shit to yourself.

  4. Put your tinfoil hat on 5:39

  5. TKC = Tony's Koch Cash?


  6. I'll post it if I ever get it!!! So far, no Koch brothers cash but a man can dream. A man can dream!!!

  7. Investment Advisers, Inc.5/13/14, 5:55 PM

    Tinfoil futures are going through the roof today!

  8. Breaking News

    Looks like the cats out the bag on hipsters and their kidult lemonade stands artisanal food trucks. Most are either barely breaking even, losing money, or closing up. But is this really a surprise? Pretty much all hipster businesses fail because these are some of the most spoiled, lazy, privileged people on earth. The reason these food trucks can even last a couple of years is because no matter how little they make, the hipsters can always call back home to Michigan or Connecticut or New Hampshire or Ohio and have their bills and rent paid in Bushpointburg while they continue their LOOOOOK AT MEEEEEE lifestyles selling pulled pork popsicles, fried mac ‘n’ breastmilk cheese, and pesto-infused ice cream out of their Scooby-Doo vans while dressed like a British Royal Guard with a Bill the Butcher moustache in Converse sneakers. I’m so glad these fake fucking “foodies” are failing. Remember when all there was were your typical coffee and bagel carts; your dirty water dog and pretzel cart; and then finally the halal and street meat carts. Those were all cheap enough and good enough. And then: Zane, Harrison, Morgan, Megan, Ulysses, Walker, Baker, Zooey, Summer, Reid, Penelope, Hayden, Tristan, and Brent start popping up with $14 lobster roll trucks; fluorescent pink trucks selling $5 cupcakes and ice cream cups; “authentic” kale and fish taco trucks run by some eggshell toned beardo from some farm in Iowa. GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!

  9. Waiting for the Artisinal everything bubble to pop too.

  10. The market has made it's decision. Overpriced "Artisanal" food trucks run by self-indulgent hipster egotists are not desired. Hot dog carts are in their 14th decade. The public has spoken.

  11. Hipsters are like 3 day old dogshit !

  12. if the other kids at turner had any balls they would refuse to march also. it was jut food.not guns the super is an ass hole

  13. jerusalem cafe food truck now and forever fuck this hipster meatball in your hand food truck bullshit. give me a drunk falafel and a fanta


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