Kansas City Stays Losing Against LYFT

KC Biz Journal reports Kansas City getting involved in a pricey legal battle: Ride-sharing company Lyft Inc. on Tuesday won a motion to remove Kansas City's petition for a temporary restraining order to federal court.


  1. Will Sly crack?

  2. Fuck Lfyt and their Psycho Sand Hill Road - SiliCON Valley investors.

  3. That is not a win for Lyft. Just standard procedure.

  4. If Burns and Mac had an interest in this you can sure bet they would be given a green light and taxpayer money. You would start seeing photo ops of the Mayor riding around with some hipsters (his favorite non corporate fans).

  5. This from a city that is supposedly open to entrepreneurs. Bill George and the mafia are squeezing balls tighter and tighter. Why isn't bill George footing the legal bill on this? It's far cheaper for him to put a few weak council members in his pocket than paying lawyers to fight for his position. In the mean time, ordinary tax payers are stuck to pay the legal bills to defend ordinances that only benefit the mafia. I didn't know our city council could be so stupid.

  6. The KCMO council consists of a group of clueless empty-headed people with no particular interest in actually governing a city or any ideas of their own.
    They wait for folks to form a line on the 22nd and the 29th floor and pitch them big deal ideas that they then give away tax money to fund.
    So never expect them to represent the people who actually live here. The number one question at city hall is: What are you going to run for next?

  7. Kansas City is about to loose it's ass ....again!!!! It will take all of about 10 minutes to show that KC is stiffing free enterprise for the purpose of preserving it's antiquated and protectionist taxing scheme. Oh well, at least KC will be on the map about something.

  8. Big Titted Momma5/14/14, 10:17 AM

    Why does LYFT have to obey the same ordinances as the taxi companies?


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