Kansas City Newsie Elite Chat This Week

Take a look @ Kansas City newsie elite talking about all the important topics this week.

Here's the latest episode of KCPT's Week In Review . . .

Topics Include:

- Kansas City Mayor Sly Eco-Devo Tribute To Former Mayor Kay - And poking a bit of fun @ the tragic legacy of former Mayor Funky...

- The Kemper Arena Forgone Conclusion ... Everybody pretends that Mariner doesn't have this wrapped up...

- Old And Busted Border War ... Really long time on this topic of negligible importance.

- Kansas City Police Ticket Crackdown - Red Light Camera Legacy . . .

- Cerner Saving South Kansas City ... Architectural drawings making everybody happy...

- 20 Years Of Missouri Casinos ... Money that doesn't go to schools

- Super Bowl to Missouri . . . Wrapping up kind of a sports episode amid Kansas City political fun and games.

Watch for yourself

More in a bit . . . 


  1. Jesus, the guy's name is fucking "Mariner".

    THAT, is the whitest name in history.

  2. Ok, if you are gonna name your fuckin kid, "Mariner" you may as well go the distance. "Mariner" should have been his middle name.

    Whitey Mariner Kemper.

    There ya go...

  3. "- 20 Years Of Missouri Casinos ... Money that doesn't go to schools"

    No it doesn't and as a result those who have invested in the state by buying property her get thanked by getting fucked on their property taxes. They do pay for you damn shitty schools.

  4. A statue of Kay Barnes at P&L is laughable.

  5. Voters who thought that gambling was going to "Save the Schools" were the same idiots who thought gambling meant a riverboat casino cruising along the Missouri River.
    The casinos were supposed to offer "gentlemen's games" like poker and baccarat and no slot machines. That lasted about 5 minutes.
    Then there was supposed to be a limit to what people could spend (and lose). That has gone by the wayside.
    This was the camel's nose in the tent, and if you are frequenting those places thinking that you are gonna come out ahead, you are the biggest fool of all.

  6. Chuck, I normally consider you a pretty smart fella. Mariner is his middle name. It is a family name like his father's actual first name that was Rufus. His full name is John Mariner Kemper.


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