The ongoing search for the Kansas City Highway Sniper is bringing out the worst in this town.

Example . . . Here's a horrible quote from the Mayor courtesey of KCTV5 . . .

"When you look at things that are going on around this entire country, Kansas City is not unique," Mayor Sly James said. "This is urban USA reality these days and crime of any sort is bad for anybody, especially for the victims, but I do not believe that you can say that what's going on in Kansas City is of such a weird nature that it's any different to what's happening in the rest of the country, it's not," Mayor James said.

Yes, there is violence throughout the nation... But for quite some time Kansas City violence and homicide has been DISPROPORTIONATE to our population. Only one of the coldest winters in a generation seems to have put a dent in the horrific numbers.


The Mayor and his supporters aren't focused on curbing crime, they're dedicated to winning any political debate on the topic . . . Those are two COMPLETELY different things.

Meanwhile, our murder count is quickly catching up to the same old rate (some call it, reverting to the mean) and random shootings on local streets plague the metro area.

Developing . . .


Search for highway shooter includes Leawood home

Road crews have safety concerns after highway shootings

Gun expert: bullet holes can provide answers

Mayor Sly James: Highway shootings part of living in urban USA

Victims give more details on highway shootings


  1. He is a nigger who can't say his fellow niggers are fucking things up like he is.

  2. Most cities have a mayor. We have a two-legged smiley-face button.

  3. Now the problem is on a national stage for all to see. Good luck with this one, better call in the "spin doctors" .

  4. So basically the mayors response is, "Deal with it".

  5. Nevermind fully funding the police department, lets just say it's normal for a city to have random shootings and over 100 homicides a year.

  6. Nevermind fully funding the police department, lets just say it's normal for a city to have random shootings and over 100 homicides a year.

  7. Sly is proof that a 250 pound reeking fecal load is capable of speech.

  8. Miss Sweetie Pie4/11/14, 9:59 AM

    Mr. Tony,
    The median violence for a city our size is.... now that's bullshit! Excuse me. I thought we were always trying to be the innovators of the plains. I thought we were right here in River City creating a new type of city. All bright and shiny.
    Is the mayor's horribly out of step, self serving and downright awkward statement regarding the sniper and general mayhem suppose to deflect? Are the GOP scouts suppose to turn the other way and not factor in our ferocious appetite for gun violence? Do we shake hands with one another and point to a soccer field built near waste run off and say we are doing the right thing for "the kids" while the violence eats away at their real childhoods?

    AND what the heck is going on with the Council Members? Lordy! Maybe that man-child Crispin will fit right in!

    I do not like living in 1800's Dodge City.

    No sir, I don't like it at all. New Mayor in 2 years or bust!

  9. So taxpayers in KCMO spend hundred of millions year after year to create this "urban reality"?
    The downtown hipsters and millenials better start investing in kevlar and steel-toed red tennis shoes instead of latte's and organic arugula.
    Wouldn't Sly, and the rest of us too, be better off if he decided not to run for re-election for a job that has actual responsiblities and just find some rah rah PR gig that he's obviously much better suited for?
    It would certainly help KC's financial health.

  10. Mayors getting busted for smoking crack is the reality of many metro areas in this country. That explains a lit.

  11. The only thing "plaguing the streets of Kansas City", is niggers. They're actually more than a "plague", they're closer to a tumor on the city and nation.

  12. The sniper is probably a white man, much like 10:40.

  13. Blind Melon Cum Slurper has a white man fetish.

  14. Asshole 11:42

    Historically, these types have almost always been white men. I'm not a cum slurper asshole. Deal with your won gayness & stop projecting it onto other people.

  15. The police would have discovered this pattern sooner had they took individual cases of gunfire hitting cars seriously. Most officers passed it off as nothing.

  16. Yes, Mr. Mayor. There is a serial highway shooter in almost every American urban metro. Damned liberal media is covering it up....


  17. Thread over at 708.

  18. Needle over at 709

  19. Stitches over at 710

  20. Did you do any research before you opened your cumfilled mouth Byron? I didn't think so.

  21. Funkhole Sink Hole4/11/14, 6:02 PM

    Bear News Channel reported that Byron Funkhouser was raped by a wild boar in the West Virginia mountains late Friday afternoon. The 600 pound bore is being called a local hero in the mountain community.

    A follow up report states that Byrons anus was stretched so wide that it was listed as a sinkhole.

  22. ALEC at the Marriott on May 2nd. See ya' all at 11:30 AM!!!

  23. This Mayor of Kansas City Missouri, "Sly James", is nothing more than a pure all out Degenerate Idiot and it shows !
    He has no true leadership or skills, (refer to his in trouble son)as an example !!
    The comments on KCTV 5 that appear below the news article are better than the story, as to how the community actually truly feel about this supposed Mayor Sly James of Kansas City Missouri.
    Heres the user community comments:

    "It's just part of living in a big city?" Gee, that comment took a lot of thought and put everyone's mind at ease.. Every villiage needs an idiot..wella!

    He's a very intelligent man. What part of his comments aren't a fact? Chicago, Detroit, Oakland, Kansas City, St Louis and the list goes on. All Urban core ghetto cities with a shrinking population of non-criminals. It isn't going to get better for a long while so learn to avoid it. Get out of the city or find a city that invests heavy in Law Enforcement like Leawood. Go look at the census projections for 50 years from now.

    @Vivion - Really, tell everybody here you aren't really that Naïve & Ignorant that you actually believe that statement you just made ! Vivion, do you know why those other cities are like that ? Because of Poor Leadership, Poor Values, and a total lack of Concern for the Public and P**S Poor Management and "Soft on Crime - Criminal Coddling Politicians", who are generally the Majority of the time, Democratic Liberals with Twisted Agendas and Wild Illusions and Fantasies , that they think crime will just magically Fix itself somehow, which is why those Cities are outta control and in trouble. The People, Property TAX PAYERS, and Business Owners , and Citizens of this Community don't want Kansas City to end up like Chicago you Dumb Bozo' broad !! By the Way Vivion, a convicted Serial Murderer and Child Molester & Rapeist will be moving in Next door to you soon, get used to it !

    @Vivion - 1 more thing, you stated "All Urban core ghetto cities with a shrinking population of non-criminals" - really, how did you amazingly come up with that Analogy ? Are you kidding, they Breed like Rats, and totally Infest an entire area and 75% of em' don't even know who their father is, and if they do find out, their either in Prison or dead, these Baby Welfare Donars are the problem, its all they know, is how to Game the system, take advantage of everything, and magically think its somehow FREE, because they don't actually pay for anything out of their own pockets. Their like Termites, moving from neighborhood to Neighborhood till theres nothing left thruout the years, 1st its was the areas along troost and paseo, the over the years KCK area totally Destroyed Indian Springs Shopping mall, the the Landing mallon troost, then Bannister Mall, then Blueridge mall wake up !

    When I moved to Kansas City it was a beautiful and classy town. It is now becoming the ghetto. A norm, are we following Detroit? I am surprised he is playing it down. I thought maybe it was him and Cleaver hiring it so they can scare everybody to strengthen their gun control agenda. Which I don't understand why he agrees with the gun control laws put forth to the black soldiers of WW1 coming back from war, that they weren't responsible or free enough to own guns.

    O no way, did he really say that! Unbelievable, it is clear that he wants to down play this so as not to draw negative attention to the RNC, but buddy you better get your head straight. This envolves the people whom have to live and breath here long after this POTENTIAL convention leaves town . You have to clean house before you have company!!!!! But maybe you weren't raised that way!!!!

  24. Just look at his parenting skills. He thinks this is just part of the deal huh? Are you proud of yourself? Cleaver and his car wash taxes which have yet to be paid, has a street named after him. Now we see this disgraceful comment coming from you. Way to represent.Be smarter next election. We've seen enough 'history'.

    sly james: how dare you minimize our thriving city with those comments. has the bar been lowered for you or what? resign!!!!!

    Part of living in urban USA? I am about to freak out over his dumb comments. SHOULD NOT be part of anyone's reality. How about we sterilize all these "urban" problems who breed and cause this kind of "reality" and go back to life without the trash who does this kind of thing as part of their "reality".. what a loser!

    Wow. I was set to write "bizarre," but Brian covered it. When I try to imagine the view from inside the mayor's skull, I am a little scared that, from his life experiences, he regards all these crimes and shootings and violence and murders as normal for urban life. NI feel not just sympathy if that's how he grew up, but fear that he brings that expectation to City govt. That kind of denial prohibits thorough law enforcement, prosecution and punishment. It prohibits civic leadership (governmental, religious, business) from stepping up and denouncing the disintegration of our civil society and expectations of safety, and it lowers the potential for prosperity from tourism, new business, and a strong tax base. What is he thinking???!!! I have lived here for DECADES, and I say he is mistaken. This city used to be safe in every part of town, and that includes convenience stores and schools!

    I said when he was running for Mayor, that if he gets Elected, this City (KCMO), would slide down the tubes and Kansas City would end up with High Crime, and there would be many Problems, like we have never seen before, if Sly James gets Elected, and Guess what, were seeing it , a lot of it, too much of it, and the outright Pathetic excuses and Typical BS Rhetoric coming from this supposed leader who claims he's a Mayor !! I've lived around the Kansas City area for "50 Years" along with many members of my family, worked with many people in this city, many well known publically thruout the years, this city has always had problems, but "NOT" to this degree with this kind of attitude from a supposed City Leader, who claimed he was "Qualified" to be Mayor when he ran for office, clearly as were seeing this isn't the case ! Sly James is Full of himself, just like his problem child son !!!!

  25. Tell, ya this Mayor Sly James is starting to remind me an awful lot of former Mayor of Washington DC, back in the 1980's "Marion Barry", who let Washington DC just go to pot and become a Total Kill Zone, so badd that it was on the news almost every nite, for all the Murders that took place, later that Mayor "Marion Barry" was Indicted on Corruption Charges and possession of Cocaine charges numerous times. Research it, see for yourself, these two act just alike !!! The Community shall NOT relect this Mayor to another term , if he doesn't get "Re-called" 1st before the next election, and that could very well happen !!!!

    No, this is NOT a normal state of affairs for a city. It has become the 'new normal' for KCMO because of the failure of LE and the courts to remove violent predators from our streets permanently. With KCMO's murder closure rate at less than 50%, and the courts promptly releasing the ones that are caught, is it any wonder that this is happening? Recall the Mayor, fire the Police Chief, get rid of the corrupt judges and fix the problem before KC becomes like Detroit

    You all should ask, where $600,000 went , to that supposed group, A.I.M / Aim for Peace ???? The Group that was supposed to curb violence, ya that's working real good isn't it ??? That's the amount that was allocated to that group over a few years, ask yourself all these supposed groups getting this money Doled out to them, and what are the Citizens , the Community, and the City getting in return for it ???? Zoo Riots, Country Club Plaza Riots, Hi-Way shooting Riots, Gangster Thugs in Hi Speed car chases running from the cops, and a Mayor saying this is the way of City Life - and YOU just have to Accept it, get used to it ??????? I Highly Don't think so !!! The KCMO School District in a mess, KCMO Water Dept in a mess, Police Dept in a Mess, Jackson County Proscuters office in Disarray, and this is supposed Leadership ???? Evict all these SOB's Now !!!

  26. Ernest Evans4/12/14, 2:49 PM

    Dear Tony: Thanks for posting this info. The KC elite generally ignores the city's most serious crime problems because these crime problems are a serious embarrassment not only to a lot of powerful people locally, but to a lot of powerful people in national politics. Fearless prediction: With the city facing budgetary problems, the city's leaders will push for big cuts in the budget of the KCPD so as to have a ready-made excuse if crime gets out of control this year: "Well, it is unfortunate that crime exploded in the city, but this crime explosion was the result of "unavoidable" cuts in the budget of the KCPD brought about by "a desperate fiscal crisis." Take care. Sincerely and Respectfully, Ernest Evans

  27. Mr. Rational4/13/14, 8:40 AM

    The "racists" are right.  If this was a "big city" problem, it would plague Portland and Pittsburgh as well.  It's not a city problem, it is a BLACK problem.

    Maybe Missouri can be the first state in the nation to require Depo Provera for all welfare cases and sterilization as a condition of parole for felons (wanna breed? you serve your FULL sentence).  If you stopped the unemployable and criminal from breeding you'd cut off that poisonous tree at the roots.

  28. Lt. Greyman, NVA4/13/14, 4:06 PM

    Probably black, like the Nation of Islam D.C. Sniper and his Downlow sidekick Littlewiner.
    Search the truck stops for a hoopie with a bad smell and two negros looking lovingly at one another.

  29. The other Problem here is not being addressed, is some of these Leaders Agendas & Idealogy & Mentality. Lotta these people run for MAYOR, or City Council for "Prestige" and for "Social Club" gatherings, and belonging on all kinds of other Associations, which leaves them "Very little Time" to actually be involved in managing / running anything, they trust others, to do what they originally ran for Office for ! But its all for Prestige and showmanship and Elite gatherings, and it'll look good on their Resume for the next Public office they intend to hold, seen this happen a lot in my 50 years, they say 1 thing when running for office to be elected, then once in office, their too busy with Social Clubs to be Effective for what they ran for office for. This has been going on in KCMO for decades, including former Mayor Cleaver years ago, who remembers that Carol Coe fiasco to ??

  30. Byron Funkhouser said...

    The sniper is probably a white man, much like 10:40.
    4/11/14, 10:57 AM

    Ha ha you asshole, the sniper on the KC highways actually was A NIGGER all along, and the cops knew this for a long time too, but they decided to keep this clue from us while we all were being terrorized on the highways by this fucking nigger! Mohammed Pedro about what a fucked up nigger name there! Just like the DC Snipers back in 2002 were niggers, and back then, all the assholes like you, from the nigger police chief on down, were all saying shit like, "Oh it has to be a white middle aged guy doing this shit, probably lives in his mom's basement, is fat, unemployed, etc." Then it turned out that you fuckfaces were just as wrong back then, as you are wrong now!

    I came back to the old comments on this blog just to call out anti-white assholes like you. Go eat a bag of dicks, you anti-white faggot.


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