Ousted School Board Dude Joseph Jackson Drives To Jeff City Over Anonny Mailer Gripe

KSHB reports that Joe Jackson drove all the way to Jeff City powered by rage that HE LOST HIS REELECTION EFFORT in a landslide: Former school board member files ethics complaint


  1. Shouldn't he be happy to have his time back?

  2. Good for him. He would have lost regardless but I'm sick of the dirty politics in this city. I want real and qualified leaders in elected positions, not whoever can win the biggest smear campaign. All these mailers have to have a "paid for by" or something like that - I'm sure someone here will know -that tells the voters where the literature comes from. These mailers didn't so he has every right to, and I applaud him for doing so.

  3. Wonder if Joe Jackson shot at anyone on the way to and from Jeff City ?

    That's a long round trip for a angry black man who just lost his seat at the taxpayer trough.

    trough. noun \ˈtrȯf, ˈtrȯth, by bakers often ˈtrō\. : a long, shallow container from which animals (such as pigs, Joe Jackson, etc.) eat , drink, steal taxpayer money. : a period in which ...

  4. Are his shoes still missing?4/18/14, 6:42 AM

    I hope he finds them.

  5. Why is he wasting our time... everyone knows Freedom Inc. paid for the mailers.

  6. He should complain to the Heavy Constructors, Burns and McDonnell, and Black and Veatch, all of who gave money to Freedom for the sewer bond campaign. But, as anyone who has watched Freedom operate for more than about en minutes knows, they're not too terribly careful about either spending or accounting for the money that rolls in.
    And they'll operate the same way in the upcoming city elections, and no one will do a thing about it.
    Just one of the many organizations that might the east side so successful.

  7. P Bear, prove it. Oh you can't because you are an outsider and the only insight you have into KC politics is this blog? Ok, then shut the fuck up.

  8. oh.....looks like the bear is on to something. The good news is @ 8:37 didn't call the bear a racist.

  9. It's time to shut down dirty tricksters.

  10. Miss Sweetie Pie4/18/14, 3:12 PM

    Mr. tony,
    Oh for Pete's sake, Mr. Jackson just look over there at Kiki Curls and her cohorts. You know, the so-called "Freedom Inc Leadership Team"
    There. See you didn't need to buzz along down to Jeff City. We all know who sent out those mailers.
    Hey, perhaps you can join Cindy Circo's little political action pact. She's so smart, she knows how to make Freedom straighten up and fly right.

  11. We already know who it is. The idiots didn't use another printing company for their legit campaign materials.


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