Kansas Rejects First Lady Michelle Obama

NPR overview . . . Kansas Residents To First Lady: Stay Out

"Guest restrictions and increased security measures are looming as Michelle Obama plans to appear at a Kansas high school graduation next month. Thousands have petitioned to revoke her invitation."

What's further down the line here is that this community doesn't really want to celebrate a Civil Rights memorial either . . .

Columnist Lewis Duiguid: Why should people celebrate the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Topeka Board of Education?


  1. I am sure there is some urban school with 4% graduation rate that would love to have her.

  2. Brown. AA students still underperform their classmates of all ethnicities (including native Africans). And we still celebrate this decision? At some point, good intentions need to stand the test of merit.

  3. Well sure, Wichita or Topeka either one, definitely doesn't need another nigger so, just stay home.

  4. Good for Kansas. I wouldn't want an appearance from Mooshell either. And as for Brown vs. B of E, it really did a lot of good. Blacks have been given every opportunity money can be thrown at, and yet they're worse off today and a bigger drain on society than they've ever been.

  5. Michelle gunna shove Obama play to da base agenda down all dem chidren gradgeeating widout dey families being able to see them throats.

    Obama don't care bout your big day...she care about Obama big day in November 2014.

    You families should do a peaceful and poignant protest to show the world what you think about politicizing your kids graduation day.

  6. I have a daughter graduating from HS this year. My husband and I would have been furious if this had been pulled on us. Graduation day is not about a "celebrity" coming to town for commencement. It is 100% about the kids, their accomplishments, and their families being there (IN PERSON) as support.

    She should have not allowed this to happen, but she wouldn't, cause it's all about her, and it would never occur to her in a million years that this was an inconvenience to the families.

    Geez, will this couple ever get over themselves....?!

  7. Kudos to the First Lady for doing the right thing. If it were up to me I would prefer her to visit SWHS and demand better.

  8. Sheboon repellant futures are, apparently, a good investment.

  9. Fistbumper said: OK I just be forced to take another 6 million dollar vacation.

  10. THe peeps in Topeka have stepped WAY back from the right leaning media and even YOUR HEADLINE TKC... leaving you way out there in right field... where The Drudge Report usually plays.

    Now everybody's happy because she's chosen a different date so the kids can have their families there when they walk across the stage.

    Typical right wing media wants to turn it into some kind of Benghazi.

    Don't stand with the Fox-Drudge-Rush types. They're very often wrong and like Hannity has with the Welfare racist Rancher, you'll get Tea Party kooties on you.

    Not so easy to wash off. But funny watching them naked and scrubbing so hard!


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