TKC NOTE: Just a quick missive from one of our bravest readers regarding Kansas City rainy day coverage. Check it:

Subject: ok kids what time is it? why it is ...

"weather hysteria time, on what? 6 chanels- same sh!t- that is in case 5 channels lose power that way we are covered.....so jump around, grab your nuts, sh!t your pants, foam at the mouth, scream, and hyperventilate, while trying to lay some new jargon on the masses......it is indeed weather pandemonium.......katy horny lives!!!!!"


  1. To many dudes calling the weather. No more kc weather discrimination.

  2. Better title:kc fears the super cell.

  3. Katie lives in my dreams ..I would eat her love hole like a thirst stricken camel.

  4. Bryce Poonsworth, local "good guy"4/27/14, 8:34 PM

    I hereby decree that anyone caught not wearing a KC Chiefs, KState/KU/Mizzou item will heretofore be referred to as a "hipster."

    Just who do these folks think they are, caring about things other than the games played by strangers?

    Signed, Cornfed and Braindead in the Heartland

  5. Channel 5 way, way over the top as usual. "Make sure your wearing good sneakers so you don't walk barefoot after the tornado hits". Almost as bad as the night their reporter reported "as you can see, it's dark out here". Morons.

  6. Dr. Ernest Evans4/27/14, 9:03 PM

    Dear Tony: Interesting posting. Why don't some of the critics of local weather coverage of possible tornados ask the doctors and nurses at the hospital in Joplin how they feel about "alarmist" weather coverage--you remember, the doctors and nurses who had five minutes warning that an F-5 tornado was about to hit their hospital? Incidentally, the Joplin tornado was on a Sunday afternoon--the night before because of concerns about the weather SNL had been delayed--and the blogosphere went ballistic over this delay. So, was the lack of adequate warning in Joplin due to the reaction to the SNL delay?
    We will never know because bureaucrats are much too good at covering for themselves in these sorts of situation. Incidentally, Katie Horner was fired 10 days before the Joplin disaster--again, connection to the lack of warning in Joplin? People, get a life: there are bigger tragedies in life than having to wait two hours for your favorite TV show. Take care!! Sincerely and REspectfully, Ernest Evans PS: Lots of cases of "alarmists" in history: Alarmists who felt the Titanic needed more lifeboats, alarmists who felt that the levees in New Oreleans needed to be strengthened, alarmists who worried the Japanese might attack Pearl Harbor without declaring war first, etc. My favorite recent warning about alarmists: The guy who published an article in the NY Times six weeks before 9/11 saying concerns about terrorism were "alarmist."

  7. Dr. Evans is right, it is all fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out with a tornado!

  8. Yup 2568 man hours invested in modern broadcasting today and guess what? It is gonna rain.

  9. thanks Dr. I had an uncle who died in the Ruskin heights tornado with a 2×4 thru his gut.

  10. I don't like this fear shit. They are selling the news. I literary saw somebody report on a puddle.

  11. They'll all shut up when we have another Ruskin Heights or Topeka or Wichita or Oklahoma City hit.

    These are all angry people with little to do but nurse their bad attitudes.

    I'm afraid Tony that your failure to get rid of the offensive ones have run off most of your good readers, leaving the namecalling racist, angry, divorced, leftovers.

    Delete all the ones that say the NWORD, and you'll get rid of the rif-raff. And quit baiting them.

    I really don't think this trailer trash is what you want. None of them are influential.

    Use your delete key. Have some unacceptable words. They'll get the idea pretty fast if their trash isn't posted for long.

    Good luck getting your upscale audience back! Lord knows, they sure aren't COMMENTING!

  12. Marvin Pontiac4/28/14, 12:13 AM

    11:23, then what keeps a MENSA like you taking breaks from setting the world on fire and commenting here?

    Tony shits on your opinions, believe me!

  13. The Aristocat4/28/14, 2:05 AM

    Weather bitches need to show them titays.

  14. 2:05
    Anyone in particular?

  15. Mayflower, Arkansas.

  16. Gary Lezak was so disappointed.

  17. Fuck You 11:23 you're an asshole.

    As for you other fuckers and for once this includes you chuck shut the fuck up.

    Weather reporting is serious business no doubt. But these brain dead assholes in this town make a mockery of it. Getting the news to us is what's needed, telling use to turn to NOAA to monitor the weather is important. All this live from crap and looking at radars that don't always show what is really happening is numbing the minds of the people. They are so burden with wasteful reporting that they tune it out and ignore all the crap. One day this town will have a bad tornado again and many will probably die because they ignored the warnings thinking again it was all ratings hype from the bobble heads. Trust me those assholes on TV could care less if you die, in fact they want you to so they can have even more coverage for days to come. I seldom watch any local TV coverage of anything, they as a lot of things in this town are broke.

    So as long as you idiots keep supporting shit TV along with shit weather coverage they will keep giving it to you.

  18. WT couldn't make doo doo this morning. Made him very cranky.

  19. There's happy medium between educating folks about what to do in severe weather, which includes giving adequate warning of impending danger AND overhyping storms to get ratings. The second is exactly what Gary Lezak and his team does. It's irresponsible and unethical at best. It encourages people to either be scared all the time OR to ignore warnings that may indeed be real and to scoff at watches and warnings in general. I watch the weather closely, but I stick with the Fox 4 team and the NWS. Those others just want the ratings and they want to scare people. There's no justification for that.

  20. If Gary Amble gets any tanner, Donald Sterling is gonna call him out.


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