Kansas City Fights Against Legacy Of Racism

Two links that reminds us that there's still a great deal of work to do when it comes to finding common ground and ending hateration . . .

NBC Action News: Confederate flag creates tension in Blue Springs

KSHB: Gwen Grant, Kansas City's Urban League President, and Anita Gorman, a pioneer during the Civil Rights Movement share similar views about the 50th anniversary of the bill becoming law. They are pleased with progress; but both believe there is more work to be done to achieve equality.

Developing . . .


  1. Gwen Grant and the rest of the race huslting con artists "Think there is more work to be done" though we have come a long way.

    When anti-white race hustlers say "We have more work to do" meaning, "We haven't brainwashed most white people enough to the point that they give up their material possessions, stop having babies and hate themselves so much they kill themselves." That is essentially what they're saying.

  2. We are 50 years and 2 to 3 generations into a movement based on what we must as reasonable people, imagine are transgenerational unrightable wrongs that know no scenesence. The middle class, economic arms and legs, ripped from their bodies, are no more than floatation devices for the Grievance Industry’s rogues and mountbanks who have no need to swim. Those now heuristically aware of reality who speak against the message, or the “Narrative” are guilty of apostacy and treated in accord with their ignominious status. Deception is part and parcel of the “Narrative” which, in the face of the unambiguated failure of MLK’s message at this late date, drives us further and further down the river towards the noise of a waterfall.

    We deceive ourselves at the mention of a low level infatada of black on white crime. We deceive ourselves to the disticnt lack of acceleration in the African American community in spite of trillions of dollars spent to “Even the Playing Field.” We deceive ourselves and pretend that African Americans are not teathered to mediocrity by Affirmative Action legislation, that, after 50 years dilineates by it’s very existance the presupposition of inferiority. Our preconceived affectation to a commitment based on a “Marching with Martin” trope, romanticized through the years, the decades has left African Americans stranded on that flotation device with the rest of us, unable to stop the self deception as we get closer to the falls.

    The "Sell by date" on Civil Rights legislation, Affirmative Action and ALL efforts to "Equal The Playing Field" at the expense of evil white people has come and gone.

    Repeal all Civil Rights Legislation and stop the insanity that dumbs down standards for our nation in every venue, education, civility, crinimality and most of all expectations that relate to the social contract.

  3. Lets all go crazy over a flag, while cities all over America are crushed under the weight of African American crime and dysfuction.

    What stupidity.

  4. The fact remains: Niggers ruin everything.

  5. affirmative action. That is where you take things away from the first group of people and give them to the second group of people. This is because of what is third group of people, now dead did to a 4th group of people, now dead.

  6. Dixie is a regional flag. If you love the south and southern people the flag is a symbol of affection. I saw an old White man in an old Bronco today hand a $20 bill to a Mexican family begging for money at Wal-Mart. I am sure they were illegal but, the wife and two kids were with the father. No doubt they are in a tight spot. The Bronco had Dixie on the front bumper. To the man with only a hammer everything looks like a nail. To the racist everything looks like racism. Fly the flag of the south, Yankees who don't like it can take their carpet bagging anus north. We will not miss them.

  7. And in Arkansas.



  8. When I see a Dixie flag the last thing that comes to mind is negroes. In fact slaves doesn't either. My mind see's an orange Dodge Charger flying in the air with two guys screaming before it lands and is never wrecked.

  9. Missouri is a state founded by slavers and terrorists, as any Kansan who can read a history book understands. It's only fitting that their meth-addled descendants delight in flying the American equivalent of the Nazi flag.

    Remember 1865? You losers are lucky we let you be part of the United States again. You're a state today only because nobody needed a nuclear waste dump back then.

  10. welcome to to TKKKC where tolerance and equality come to die

  11. 7:44 speaking of nuclear wasteland...what do you call Kansas?

    Only thing that keeps Kansas from being in the Gulf of Mexico is the fact that Nebraska sucks so much.

    Now shut the fuck up and beat off on your Jawhawk snuggie.

  12. 7:44 speaking of nuclear wasteland...what do you call Kansas?

    Only thing that keeps Kansas from being in the Gulf of Mexico is the fact that Nebraska sucks so much.

    Now shut the fuck up and beat off on your Jawhawk snuggie.

  13. What a fucking whinefest on that video.


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