Nixle City Hall Message that I might be misinterpreting: Multiple races will affect traffic in Kansas City May 3-4


  1. Let's start a campaign to have ONE race free weekend in KCMO.

  2. I'm amazed/ ONE of these races is actually north of the river.

  3. You people have been warned. Once again, here is our dictate on races from the Hipsters Manual. And if you don't like it you can always move:

    "If you live anywhere from downtown to 85th Street, we reserve the right to hold marathons in your neighborhoods on any and all given Saturdays we choose. You should plan to stay in your homes and off the streets when we hold these events. If you are so inconsiderate that you simply must get out on one of the Saturdays we have occupied your neighborhood, please plan to do so after we are finished with our marathons, as we will do everything possible to thwart any automobile traffic we see. If you object to our taking over your neighborhoods for a good cause, you are a whiner, a cheapskate, and probably an obese doughnut-eating anti-fitness freak, and you do not deserve to live anywhere, let alone in the pleasant neighborhoods we have decided to honor with our presence so frequently. If you’re Jewish and are trying to get to temple (we hear this excuse a lot—even from people who are probably not even Jewish), we’ll you’re not supposed to be operating machinery on the Sabbath anyway, so there. If you do not like this, you can always move or convert."

  4. For good cause? Almost all of these races are put on by private promoters for profit. They sometimes have a charity name associated with them.

  5. Fucking racist. Enough already.

    Oh wait is that racist ? The local

    hipsters cheer wildly as racist

    trudge by one after another.

  6. because racism is hilarious and should be made the butt of jokes constantly right Tony?


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