KCPD consolidates audit services with the City’s Audit Department, eliminates director position over our Victim Support Division, orders review of an efficiency study and puts a hiring freeze on all non-sworn positions.

Statement from the Chief's blog: "We are not stagnant. We are constantly looking for opportunities to cut costs, be that in the forms of consolidating, outsourcing or eliminating. But we must do so prudently. Wantonly eliminating critical resources would come at the expense of the city’s safety."


  1. Again we see the council priorities... streetcars, tifs and glitz, over public safety.

  2. But...bring on that toy train and convention hotel...we have lots of dollars for things like that but not for police and infrastructure. FAIL!

  3. They could get rid of the employment Sgt. Sleeping with police officer candidates.

  4. Troy Schulte budget priority: hire people to answere 311 calls and develop websites to tell people they can't hire workers to fix the shitty infrastructure. Also, hire analysts to see why shit ain't being fixed. Hire assistant city managers to supervise those people and assistant city managers to troll her on TKC, Facebook, and twitter. Anyone else sick of this?

  5. Maybe they wouldn't need the cutbacks if it had not been for the boondoggle they call East Patrol Campus. Audit the East Patrol project now!

  6. They best be finding the negros that attacked the Polar Bear.

  7. The Chief is doing the best he can with limited resources. You have to really blame the cutback on City Hall. Seems like we need more police and not less.

  8. The cuts eliminated unnecessary positions that were occupied by old Corwin cronies. He took care of his buddies at the expense of others and now they are getting their due. No loss losing either of them.

  9. Ernest Evans3/8/14, 2:46 PM

    Dear Mr. Tony: Thanks for posting this info. If the city is talking about cutting the KCPD budget, it is for one reason and one reason only: They need an excuse for our city's much too high homicide totals. I can see the press releases now if six months from now there has been a 2014 spike in homicide totals: "Well, this upsurge in violence is unfortunate, but it was the result of "unavoidable budget cuts" brought on by "a severe budget crisis"--so it is not our fault." Yawn. And the political class wonders why the public despises them. Take care and God bless. Sincerely, Respectfully and In Christ, Ernest Evans

  10. Real men don't buy girls.


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