Kansas City Troost Dividing Line Explained

Every so often we might ask ourselves: How did Kansas City get to be so damn racist?

Here's an attempt at explanation that probably doesn't cut it:

KCUR: How Troost Transformed Into A Dividing Line In Kansas City

Sadly, what's missing from this discussion is that as more Latinos and Asians move into these neighborhoods there's really no end to the cycle of bigotry and prejudice in this cowtwon.

Developing . . .


  1. And they want to run the trolly down Prospect!??

  2. I'm still waiting for the electrified fence to be built...

  3. People desire to live among their own. Race and economic classes likewise. It's nothing new. It will never change.

  4. more people probly support the street car line if it was put where people really needed it to get to work and such

  5. There will never come a day when racial discrimination will be declared "over."

    It doesn't matter how many Confederate flags we take down, how infrequently the n word is used, or how much black history we teach in our schools. We can purge every state Capitol of statues comemorating white statesmen, rename every college structure after some African American, and declare the names Bob, Sue, and Buffy to be racist and, therefore, banned. They will not be satisfied.

    The matter will never be declared "closed."

    We can integrate until there is absolute equity on ever residential block in America. We can appoint unqualified black CEOs in every major corporation until we run out of blacks to appoint. We can integrate ever school down to the rows of chairs in every classroom, and it won't be enough. We can guarantee a diploma and college degree for every black student who desires them. They will not be satisfied.

    There will never be a day when Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Rev. Al Sharpton call a joint press conference to announce that white people have come to terms with their guilt and full contrition has been achieved and accepted.

    That day will never come.

  6. There will never be a day when reparations are declared fully paid. We can pay them once, or twice, or a million times a million and it will never be enough. We can issue EBT cards to every black person as right of birth and guarantee they are fed to their full at our expense. We can distribute cell phones, pay utility bills, and promise every Negro from Selma to San Francisco a Cadillac of their choosing and we'll still be vilified as white racists.

    We can give every black person free health care and even pay them for getting sick, and they will not be satisfied.

    There will never be a day when Louis Farrakhan stands before his masses to announce that white Americans have fully atoned for their sins.

    It doesn't matter how many blacks we elect to public office. Were every future President, Vice-President, Senate and Congressional seat reserved for black people, it will not satisfy the lust to lay guilt and shame at the feet of white Americans. It matters not if we agree with demands to allow ten million dead people vote for Democrats, integrate the GOP until Allen West is just another face in the crowd, and rewrite history until every white person who ever lived is portrayed as a shameful slave owner of every black person who has ever lived.

    There will never be a day when tears of joy flood the eyes of Chris Matthews and Mellissa Perry-Harris as they express their gratitude to white Americans for finally coming around and making amends.

    We can name every street, mountain, and mole hill for a black person, declare every month black history month, and force every jetliner pilot to surrender his seat to an unqualified person of African descent. It will not satisfy them. We can begin every day with a prayer to Barack Obama, adorn our walls with photos of Martin Luther King, Jr., and erect a statue to Rosa Parks on every lawn in Whitopia. They will still demand more.

    We can excuse every crime committed by every black thug, empty our jails and prisons of every African, and pass laws that prohibit both racial profiling and the arrest of persons with dark skin. They will always find another crumb, crack or smudge that points to abject racism.

    In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some black invents some absurdity such as micro-racism.

    The day will never come when racism is declared a thing of the past.

    We are all so fucked

  7. Jim Crow laws make more sense than they ever did.


  8. The issue is so much deeper than geography, and that's all Troost is. You could relocate a boatload of blacks into the houses on Ward Pkwy., and in six months, it would look like Troost or Paseo does now. It's just what they do. Anyone who finds this fact racist is simply in denial with the truth.

  9. Once it goes black, it flies off the track3/27/14, 2:49 PM

    Hickman Mills
    So. KC
    All once thriving middle class areas until Black migration and white flight. The Paseo was once home to the leaders of industry and finance. Now it's a series of unkempt houses , gone bad like sour milk.

  10. As long as you blame blacks for your problem, the 1% will get richer and your racists asses will be broke as the blacks. Dont get me wrong, a few young bros fuck up a lot but we all are getting fucked bit time. Blame it on us uf you like, but your own people is fuckin the shit out of your pocket. And laughing at you red necks.

  11. Maintaining excuses and rationales for self-destructive behaviors is the very purpose of the civil rights industrial complex. The last thing most of these so-called leaders, very well-paid at that, want is to admit that many more doors are open and many more opportunities are available, but that effort, dedication, hard work, discipline, and self-respect are required to take advantage of them.
    Just the same that's required of everyone else.
    And as long as there are big bucks to be made peddling the same old tired and lame story, unless there's some new young leadership that emphasizes responsiblity and achievement, nothing much is going to change.
    And generation after generation is lost to the past.
    Really a tragedy.

  12. Fuck the niggers. Let em stay East of Troost or, if they'd like, stay East of the fucking Mississippi River!!! Stupid fucking animals.

  13. black racists caused millions of dollars to be squandered on 71 highway extraneous stoplites and exits..

    screaming that an expressway would be a "Berlin Wall"

  14. yes..as the 2:30 commenters eloquently pointed out--

    the Race Card scam ain't EVER going away..

    since LBJ and the democrats sold out the White working class for black votes.. the Race scam has been an endless goldmine for "oppressed minorities"

  15. Just goes to show you that the Latinos and Asians are no less racists than the white people who are running to the burbs. No surprises there.

  16. Troost started closing down in the 70s. What was strange was how when a business would close, no one would bother to reopen it. Places would just sit vacant. Shame.

  17. 3:50, that's because the Latinos and Asians know the truth about blacks causing trouble wherever they go. They don't want to be close to them either. Blacks have truly earned their place on the bottom notch of the totem pole.

  18. The city no longer can afford racist politics.


  19. I am sorry to read such comments. Rude, insensitive, ignorant comments have no place here.

    Please, just because you sign on as anonymous, it doesn't give you the right to spew such venom. Some things are best left unsaid.

    How, possibly, could those racist statements be helpful. It is not the truth. It is your perception. Thank God, some of us do not agree.
    The hate you spew, will come back to you. Please, think before you hit "publish." Would you really write what you do if we knew who you were? You are a coward.

  20. Yeah its whitey's fault. It is not the fault of the race pimps or the thugs or a culture that thinks learning is being white and living like a gangster and to die at 30 is neat. Yeah, whitey did this.

  21. Go ahead, call the Bear a racist. I have said before...the Negro needs to be put back on the plantations and worked. They would receive discipline, a job, a purpose in life, and they contribute. But no. It's easier to cry racism and do NOTHING. As a race, the Negro is a total, absolute failure.

  22. 6:19, your about stupid. Rather than accept reality for what it truly is, you choose to bury your head in the sand. When something happens to you and/or your family then you will have a change of heart, after it's too late. You do-good'ers make me want to take a shit. What you call hate is what many see as REALITY! Look up the god damn definition of REALITY. The blacks are a epic failure as a race of people just like the bear stated above.

  23. My balls itch like hell

  24. 2:30 and 2:31 get a standing ovation from me.

  25. I admire black people very much. They are the ultimate survivors. If your ancestors could survive a wretched trip accross the ocean, 200 years of slavery, and the total breakup of the family, I think they can survive anything --except the government, which is gonna do them in the the long run.
    The problems that blacks have (crime, no fathers, lack of resources)can be fixed. But they can only be fixed by black people themselves. Until they decide that they are not going to tolerate thuggist behavior and stupidity, there isn't anything that what people can do to fix the problems.


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