Check The New Kansas City Toy Train Streetcar Phase Deux Route

Here's the KANSAS CITY TOY TRAIN STREETCAR REVISED MAP following defeat in Brookside.

The line makes even less sense as Kansas City neighborhoods react to a flimsy eco-devo scheme supported mostly by consultants, politicos and a few people who never grew out of EITHER trusting promises from elected officials OR playing with expensive toys that don't really serve a useful purpose.

Developing . . .


  1. Might as well call those East to West routes the "Routes of death and white flight".

    Just wait until this slow train comin' drops em off at the Plaza for a little wilding, all for 1.25 if they choose to pay!

  2. Does anyone actually truly believe that the reason that Linwood hasn't blossomed into an economic miracle is because there's not a streetcar line on it?
    This whole thing gets more delusional by the day.

  3. And now the question that always arises in KCMO elections: When does the money start to flow to who on the east side?
    And where does it come from?

  4. Making people vote for the streetcar in order to get the Prospect MAX is bribery. Split the MAX out of the streetcar disaster. Let my people vote (for the MAX only).

  5. Pre streetcar: drunks on the corner of Independence Avenue and Prospect. After streetcar: drunks on the corner of Independence Avenue and Prospect.

  6. The whores on the Avenue will appreciate the convenience of the new streetcars,

  7. The payoff for those behind this inane scheme must be something else.

  8. "The payoff for those behind this inane scheme must be something else."

    That's about the only way to explain this madness. It certainly wouldn't pass a cost/benefit analysis.

  9. Pre streetcar: drunks on the corner of Independence Avenue and Prospect. After streetcar: drunks on the corner of Independence Avenue and Prospect.

    No, drunks ON the streetcar at the corner of Independence Avenue and Prospect. Streetcar is free. Drunks bar hopping on the streetcar.

  10. That map is a perfect example of how fucked up this thing is. Name the 3 worst, crime ridden, shooting happening, nigger invested streets in Kansas city... these are them. Now put a free train in them for easy free travel for those sane said pieces of shit. Nothing good will come from this.

    You think tourists will ride this thing?! A fucking cop won't even ride this thing! Heaven help the drivers of these Spanish street cars cause fuckin A, they're going to have the mist dangerous job in the city!

  11. See all that shit going East on 12th and Linwood? They are necessary, since they will make Cleaver, Freedom and friends RICH, but the ridership they attract will DESTROY the system.

    Of course, Cleaver is no stranger to expensive failures. He has at least half a dozen on his resume.


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