TKC NOTE: Without question this is the finest bit of writing Mayor Sly James has ever produced during his tenure in office:

Reflecting on Dr. King’s legacy during Black History Month

Here is my favorite passage:

"But I realize many in our City may never realize the dreams that Martin Luther King spoke of. They may never know those dreams are actually out there waiting to be fulfilled. They may never know those dreams are theirs for the taking. They may never even know those dreams exist or know how hard those who came before them fought to make them possible. They may never know unless we – all of us- take it upon ourselves to show them the way Dr. King showed a nation that a brighter day is out there and it belongs to anyone who will seek and claim it.

But first, we must help our brothers and sisters know where to look. Because what good is a dream when you lay down at night if your reality interrupts it in the morning? What good is an education if you don’t share what you have learned with others? And what good is a future, if the ones who will lead us into it, don’t have the faintest idea of what to do once they get there?"

The whole thing is worth reading in it's entirety on this cold February evening.

Hopefully, we'll have more for the morning update . . .


  1. This is one of the few times that we should all realize we are lucky to have Sly James as our Mayor.

  2. the great MLK said "judge a man by the content of his character. Not the color of his skin."

    Democrat Affirmative Action Racial Quotas judge a man - solely --

    by the color of his skin.

    1. He said he dreamed of that day. We are still a long long way from that day.

  3. If there is one indication that we have achieved racial equality, it has to be the career of Sly James.

  4. What would MLK say about the KCMO school district while there is a push for toy train and new airport more so than school reform?

  5. Looks like a big ape to me !

  6. Hey Mr. Sly Mayor,

    Careful about counseling those young scholars to seek a brighter day and daring them to seek it and lay claim to it. Bold action may have irreversible consequences, and young people should become educated about the ways of the world.

    MLK Jr. was assassinated by agents of the United States government. See 1999 civil trial "Coretta Scott King, et al, Plaintiffs, versus Loyd Jowers, et al, Defendants"

    MLK Jr. was in the process of successfully combining the civil rights movement (primarily black Americans) with the anti-war movement (mainstream young adults) and this seriously threatened the existing military/industrial power structure. It was for this reason that he was marked for death by the powers that be.

  7. Underdog looks like a typical idiot. It is good that the mayor is doing some real leadership.

  8. Fuck him and his reflections.

  9. 10:56 you sound like the typical idiot. Making comments to a cartoon character. Brilliant.

  10. 10:56 fuck you Byron

  11. I'll tell you this, Sly wins the next election in a walk without any opposition.

  12. The mayor seems to have the vocabulary but lacks the tools to get the job done. Following the eco-dev crowd isn't helping.

  13. I don't think MLK cared much for cops since he was shot by one.

  14. 11:18, oh wait sorry I mean Mayor Sly, you been hitting the scotch tonight I see.

  15. 11:34 knows what he's talking about.

  16. 10:55 nailed it.

    Once MLK moved on from civil rights to income and war, shit hit the fan and he got capped as a result.

  17. Advanced My Ass2/12/14, 12:04 AM

    Even an ape learned to fish for ants with a stick. Why is acting human such a hard concept to grasp for todays youth?

  18. Shame on some of you. Looks like you need to be taught some manners.

  19. Teach the cop who would be mayor some manner lady!

  20. The niggers have made KC the Planet of the Apes.

  21. The usual, "We have come a long way, but have a long way to go..." horse shit speech.

    Trillions, yes TRILLIONS of dollars down the shitter and what we have to look forward, when there is ANY African Amnerican hegemony in any city (Coming soon, in any state.), is DETROIT. The laughable idea that more reparations in the form of cash, set asides, Affirmative Action, legislation, social initiatives, social pressure will, or would change the disaster that so many of our American cities suffer when liberal, socialist, ideas, in combination with white guilt and the power of the media attain power will transform said city into a diversity enriched heaven on earth is fucking goddamned stupid.

    The irreversible, undeniable concomtant crime, cultural decay and degradation of civilization that is part and parcel of the African American sub culture we elevate every day by apotheosis in the media, academe and on the streets, turns our cities into abattoirs, run by thugs who know that responsibility for thier lives of violence is excused by their peers, supported by thier government and lauded by the 4th estate.

    Martin Luther's dream of equal opportunity was realized decades ago, now, equal outcomes will be forced on what is left of the middle class by fiat, violence and the support of whites in suburbia who want to be hip.

    Fuck off liar.

    1. I guess you've never been to one if the biggest, boomingest cities -Atlanta. A city that had a black mayor in office when they won the Olympics, a city that hosted a brilliant and successful Olympics has for the past thirty years had African American leadership.

  22. More doors than ever are open and many opportunities present themselves, but success is the intersection of opportunity and preparation.
    And preparation takes personal discipline, responsiblity, hard work, and dedication.
    And that's what's missing from this speech and most of the other on this subject.
    Life is not just about what other people can do by opening doors for any of us. It's what we bring to the game and are ready to for ourselves and others once we step through.

  23. Atlanta is a total shithole in the city, its the suburbs, as usual you are thinking about.

  24. Atlanta teachers.


  25. Yeah, Atlanta is really great.

  26. Atlanta = cesspool.

  27. stupid nigger.

  28. Pootie Tang, da pimp of da people says, Mayor Sly is full of white meat turkey. Or as da hillys sayz, he be full of shit.

  29. Chuck, good points. If MLK could see his legacy today, he shoot himself.

  30. If James really felt that way, why does he constantly hide behind race issues? Why is his nature to bully people when others do not agree with him? He IS the obstacle to others realizing true freedom as envisioned by MLK. He believes in oppressing his own people to feel empowered. I despise James as he double speaks and contradicts his words and thoughts with dictator-inspired actions.


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