Does Your Kansas City Neighborhood Street Still Suck Because Of The Snow?!?!

KCTV5 reports a longstanding complaint among Kansas City neighborhoods that Mayor Sly doesn't really want to address: Complaints pile up about side street snow removal


  1. Used to live in CK. Went downtown again yesterday on business. What a fucking disaster! Snow and ice everywhere!

    And it's not just the snow removal that sucks. Every single fucking CK provided service is like that. Need a pothole filled? Call 311 and wait forever! Need a fire hydrant fixed? Call 311 and wait forever! Need a street sign replaced? Call 311 and wait forever! Trash pickup? Bulky item? Dogs running loose? Dangerous building falling down? Illegal dumping? Weeds 3 feet tall? Grafitti? Park vandalized? Water line break?

    Doesn't matter what the problem is. CK SUCKS. Granted, every once in a while, CK will get it right. Timely correction the first time. But overall? FAIL!!! Yep, CK SUCKS alright.

  2. It will all be better once we have streetcars and a new airport.

  3. 6:59 makes some very good points and, let's face it, when fire hydrants don't work, you're pretty much at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to expectations of living in a safe and reasonable civilized place.
    But instead of addressing the systems and employees that cause such poor service, the council and its committees treat all the complaints simply as opportunities for residents to have to call THEM to try to get things to work. It's not a resident-friendly system; it's a constituent services one.
    Complain, call, and re-elect.
    Thanks for playing.

  4. does YOU english suck?

  5. Yes, CK services SUCK. But at least the PW director is having a good time in Spain on our tax dollars. Now THAT is what is important.

  6. I get it!!!!!!!

    You reversed the kc into ck.


    Do it again. It's toooooooo funny. It will never get old

  7. The streetcar made it snow!!!!!!!!

    Lolzers epic fail boondoggle omg

  8. 6.59 not to nitpick but I am going to. I live downtown and there are no snow covered roads. Yes the entire surface may not be available, but that is because of where cars were and are parked. Now on to the biggie how the fuck do you know the fire hydrate doesn't work?
    Please stay south with all the brickabrack and the GOOD drivers

  9. Not holding My Breath2/8/14, 10:12 AM

    I'm convinced that when the snow finally melts CK will have done their usual best job of clearing off my street.

  10. My street was fine.

    Everywhere I needed to go was fine.

    You want to wail about something that isn't happening, go ahead.

    But eventually who will be listening?

  11. Did my 4 year old write the header?

  12. Insightful 1017. Second the sentiments.

    Saw that a young nurse was killed by a snow plow back east.

    Too much sniveling on this forum.

  13. My streets were just fine. Nothing but bitch and moan on this blog.

  14. i live on a hill and the roads are somewhat cleared outside of my neighborhood. people get stuck just getting up the stupid snowy and icy hill. people who come over my house just park their car somewhere off the hill and walk up to our hosue because everyone freaking gets stuck on the stupid snowy and icy hill. i haven't driven my car for about a week. i've been walking down to a friends house and catch rides with them. ughhhhh.

  15. 10:11- you're a fucking liar. Saw the shitty streets myself.

    How did I know the fire hydrant didn't work? Because the goddammed thing had been hit by a truck and the only part left was the fucking valve stem. The body of the hydrant had been hauled away by Public Works. Took 14 months and repeated calls to Council offices to get the thing fixed. I still got the pictures of it. If you want to see them, just post your e-mail address and I'll send them your way.

    I lived downtown for 20 years before getting fed up and moving out. Come back and comment after you've been there 20 years. In the meantime, just keep right on sucking up the shit you're being fed. Those of us who have been there KNOW better.

  16. I was pretty happy with the job done on Waldo streets, but I went to Hyde Park yesterday, and what a fuckin' mess. Troost was clear on the northbound side, but the southbound side was a mess. The folks in Hyde Park are saying that since Sly moved out of the 'hood, they can't get shit done. I believe 'em.

  17. We haven't seen the street for a week.


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