Desperate Kansas City Cabbies Complain About Airport Short Trip Rule Change

KCTV5 explains the sitch and the minions of Bill George attempting to earn their daily bread: "Previously, the airport had a rule that if a driver got a fare to a nearby hotel, business or residence then they could return to the airport and secure the third place in line rather than moving to the back of the line. With nearly 300 cabs serving the airport, drivers at the end may have to wait up to 10 hours for a fare." Instead of jumping back to the front of the line after a short trip and lower fare, they now have to return to the end thanks to a recent rule change.


  1. Oh shut the fuck up, you fucking cry babies. If you don't like the pay get a fucking job at 7/11.

    Has anyone else noticed how those 10/10 drivers can't drive for shit. Stupid fucks get in the left lane driving 5 mph under the limit, fucking pull out in front of you and then stop in the middle of the road and halt traffic worse than a school buss does. If those blue piles of shit can't get up to speed keep them the fuck off the interstates.

  2. Ex-NYC Cabbie2/4/14, 9:36 AM

    Geez.....whatta shithole cowtown!

  3. Fuck a bunch of Hood Rats driving yellow cabs !

  4. 742 with the CLASSIC conservative response to injustice. shut the fuck up you fucking crybabies!!!!!! i can see russia from my houseeee!!!!!

  5. 10:49, pussy faggot liberal...go change your tampon pussy boy!

  6. I suppose thisis because when a cabbie gets an out of towner it suddenly takes 3 days and 250 miles to get from the airport to the Holiday Inn. No sympathy here. I remember what it was like for me when I wasn't familiar with KC and the fucking cabbies need to have the noose tightened right along with the tow truck drivers.

  7. Fuck cab jockeys and tow trucks. They are both low life douche bags worthy of our scorn.

  8. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  9. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  10. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  11. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  12. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  13. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  14. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  15. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  16. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  17. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  18. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  19. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  20. Look deeper Tony. The airport changed the rules so now the drivers can sign in on their phone, and service downtown, the hotels or anywhere else while they wait. No more 10 hour waits except for the ones who can not find their way from Downtown to Brookside (or some other simple request).

  21. 1045, thanks but not a liberal. comment of the day tho!!!!!!


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