Craig Glazer Wins The Drug War!!!

TKC NOTE: Tonight Craig Glazer helps us find a way to win the drug war ... By ending it.

If I Ruled The World:
Changing the Drug Laws

There are three main reasons our government does not want to address fixing our broken drug law policy.

This is the same basic policy we’ve had for better than half a century that doesn’t work.  While a lot of Americans would argue against legalizing drugs, almost everyone would agree our policies are not only out of date, but in and of themselves have made America a much more dangerous place to live than it needs to be.

Reason number one for keeping current strict drug enforcement:  the flow, sales and use of illegal drugs is a trillion dollar industry.  According to CNN, the illegal drug world employs nearly thirty percent of the American Work Force one way or another.  Let’s look at the short list, local and state law enforcement officers, Department of Public Safety in most states (or the KBI in Kansas), the DEA, Customs, much of the Internal Revenue Service, a significant portion of the FBI, many special task forces, Department of Homeland Security (specifically Border Patrol), part of the Military enforcement here and abroad, part of the CIA, prison guards officials, guards, educators and staff, psychiatrists and mental health professionals from all areas, the majority of attorneys involved in criminal cases, judges city, state and federal, the appellate courts, the thousands of employees who are civilian support for many of these agencies, postal inspectors, drug counselors, drug rehab center employees, doctors and nurses, as you can see, this list can go on all day.  Millions are employed due to the illegal drug laws.  Another big part of this to mention is the millions taken in by the government at various levels due to fines, penalties and seizure of property both here and abroad.

Reason # 2:  This is a tricky one, there are millions of Americans in the lower and middle incomes who count on hustling small amounts of drugs to help pay their bills, like the light bill or the car payment.  None of them are what you would call big time dealers, but everyone knows someone who needs a bag of weed, a gram of coke or a couple of pills.  Hey, everybody knows a guy who knows a guy.  If the drug laws were changed making them legal and government controlled this would create a deep shortfall in the pockets of these day-to-day dealers.  We would have to be concerned about how these people would keep up on their day-to-day bills, these aren’t people in the cartels, these are people who live in the apartment next to you.

Third Reason:  This is the least important one to the government but to a certain extent does exist.  Concern for your health in using drugs on a day to day basis will cause most people serious problems.  Example, people who smoke weed once a week or so are probably okay, but if you smoke it morning, noon and night it does have a negative effect.  People who use harder drugs once in a great while are also fairly safe, but those using things like coke, heroin and alcohol (which is legal) on a daily basis are in for a bad time.


1. The President of the United States should put together a new board of directors to update and correct current drug policy.  Prison sentences are far too long for almost all drug cases.  With the Parole Board disbanded, thousands of small time prisoners with drug-related offenses have found their punishments enhanced by the system that indicted them in the first place.

Example:  I met way too many young people in Federal Prison that really shouldn’t have been there.  One young man, age 19 from Seattle, was selling small amounts of weed and cocaine so he could buy a new car.  He was arrested and offered a minimal sentence by the feds if he would set up some of his friends on larger drug cases.  He was then supplied with thousands of dollars by the feds to set up these enormous drug buys, thus turning the minnows in his neighborhood into sharks fighting for more money than they had ever dreamed of.  In the end, this ‘investigation’ would send twenty to thirty nobodies to prison for between five and fifteen years each.  As we’ve seen this does not get drugs off the street or stop drug dealing.This new board would review current sentencing guidelines, which are outrageous, and get many of the minnows released as soon as possible into government schooling, military or a government workforce to help redirect their lives in a positive way.

2. A board made up of experts need to look at the legal and medical ways out of this drug war nightmare.  We need to focus on replacement drugs which are safer that we can provide to people who want to sign up to receive them.  Replace drugs like Dilaudid for heroin, speed has already been replaced by Adderal, it seems every girl with a big purse has a bottle of doctor prescribed Adderal.

3. A real drug education system mandatory in both junior-high and high school unlike the ones that existtoday which are bogus.  With this in mind, better counselling to young people with problems while they are still in school before they become a problem on the streets.

4. A redirection of law enforcement to spend time protecting and serving the public and not arresting everybody in order to get promotions and to justify the existence of their job in the first place.  Remember, even the FBI five years ago stopped asking applicants if they ever smoked pot or used small amounts of drugs in the past.

This is just the beginning of what needs to be done to make America safer and not such a police state as it is becoming.


  1. Interesting comments from a convict.

  2. If you ruled the world we would be fucked.

  3. You were a rat, trading information for non-prosecution multiple times!

    For some, that would mean a nice cozy spot in a KCK freezer.

  4. That's the dumbest bunch of fucking shit that I have seen in a long time. No wonder your career sucks and you went to jail idiot.

  5. He needs to be in jail just for writing that stupid shit.

  6. Oh he's a rat and snitch for sure.

  7. Hey snitch bait, I was an Agent for the Attorney General with a Gold Badge a fact. I used little cowards like you all for I'm a brave fuck, who would step on the likes of you punk.

  8. Hey snitch bait, I was an Agent for the Attorney General with a Gold Badge a fact. I used little cowards like you all for I'm a brave fuck, who would step on the likes of you punk.

  9. Funny in prison we had many RAT FINDERS LIKE THE NO NAME COWARDS HERE, I was taught and it was true, those who point out rats are they temselves the snitch punks, which make up 90 per cent of inmates. They all fall and all tell to lighten their load, as the governmnet made clear I never did that when indicted I stood trial three times in 30 years, and in the end alone twice...'rats don't go to trial' much for that lie by losers here. Sorry to readers that people like these low lifes keep dong this not much I can do about it huh. Sorry for the interuption...again anyone that can give up ONE NAME of anyone I gave up other than those I arrested as a cop, I will give them ten grand cause none exist...

  10. An undercover agent is the worst kind of rat snitch.
    Also a POS liar drug using hypocrite!

  11. Craig, I knew the vacca boys and several others you dealt with back then.
    I said I KNEW THEM. For you to do business with and hang out with those two scumbag, losers, well,it speaks to your character, more than any snitch -gold badge ever will.

  12. Typical "snitch". Get called out for being a bottom feeding "snitch" and he responds in a like way. "Snitch", me, no. I was a "gold shield".

    Yeah, jail bait. And I am the "Tooth Fairy" and I am going to grant you a decent rug for that dome of yours. That piece you wear looks like a roadkill rat on ur head.

  13. In reply to He of Bald Head Who Wears A Hair Helmet:

    "If I Ruled The World"...ok, so this will be a work of fantasy.

    Reason #1: "the flow, sales and use of illegal drugs is a trillion dollar industry." You're awarded half credit here. While it's true that all the groups you listed are beneficiaries, primarily indirectly, they are merely claiming a piece of the carcass thrown off from the sated superstructure. You are guilty by omission, for failure to identity the operators of this superstructure, namely governments, intelligence agencies, international bankers, organized crime groups, and corporate business interests.

    Reason #2: You may delete this reason from your post as it is irrelevant.

    Reason #3: This too may be deleted, as I assure you the government is not concerned about your health or longevity. In fact, you may list the "healthcare industry" as having a vested interest in you living a long life of suffering and debilitation.

    On To Solutions
    #1: The President of the United States is a puppet spokesperson for corporate America. He cares not one iota about changing the status quo, as he is a very product of this system. Please recall that President Obama is/was an abuser of marijuana, cocaine, and perhaps heroin. We know that he has continued to smoke tobacco throughout his terms as an addict will always seek a substance to satisfy their addiction.

    #2: Why on earth would the people benefiting from the drug trade, seek alternatives?

    #3: Again, the existing system is not about to discourage youth, their next generation of consumers, from glamorizing, experimenting with and then using illicit drugs. Please pay attention to what appears on TV, radio, internet, movie screens, magazines, etc. It's no accident that "drug culture" is prevalent throughout society.

    #4: Thank you sir, this goes to the points I was making above. By the way, it also seems in contradiction to your own points!

    After nearly being previously eradicated, poppy cultivation and harvest in Afghanistan EXPLODED as soon as U.S. forces invaded and occupied the country. Afghanistan rapidly displaced the SE Asia opium Golden Triangle, with their own Golden Crescent and rule the world with 90%(+) share of the opium market. How can this be possible unless it was planned, coordinated, executed and protected? Surely, you can look at the evidence and deduce what is reality.

    Awaken From Your Slumber

  14. Mr Bad Ass Ed2/17/14, 7:58 PM

    Still makes you a rat snitch asshole so fucking shut up fucking punk. That's right I called you a punk Glazer because you are one.

    b : a usually petty gangster, hoodlum, or ruffian

    c slang : a young man used as a homosexual partner especially in a prison

  15. Big Bad Wolf2/17/14, 7:59 PM

    The Vacca's are ones who snitched and lied about Glazer. He bought small amounts of coke from them in the 90's was not their pal. They got busted and gave up Glazer in trade for lighter sentence. In so dong made up lies about the man. Later proven lies, but after he was indicted. The judge saw this and let him go. Craig was quite man, that's why there is a book about him. He ain't perfect but he's the real deal, you ain't. Good artilce Glazer.

  16. You go Glaze, you got fans and I am one of them.

  17. Glazer is and always has been a lying sack of dung. Glazer deserved everyday he got and much more!

  18. I'd vote for Craig for mayor. His ideas are better than Sly's.

  19. Come on people stop contributing to Craigs narcisism by commenting. Perpetuating the moron's self-image is what you are doing.

  20. Shit is better than Sly as well but who wants it?

  21. a turd's a turd, by any definition2/17/14, 8:26 PM

    1. You were a criminal.
    2. You went to work for the police.
    3. Sorry that makes you a rat and a snitch by proxy. You already know all of this. You own it, you just put a different name to it.

  22. Chris Kattan jailed after a DUI bust--- spent the nite wailing in his cell-

    "I used to be on freakin S.N.L.!! --

    now.. I'm stuck doing lame stand-up schtick in Outlet Mall dive-bar comedy clubs in the middle of Nowhere.!!

    Hellllp Meeee!!"

  23. I don't think the drug war will ever be ended, because it really is a theater of the class war. A Senator convicted of cocaine possession was sentenced to rehap. Everyone else gets seven years in prison. A poor woman I know was sentenced to a year for cultivating, while a small business owner I know was sentenced to a year probation. If your poor, & especially if your black & poor, you will not get probation, you will go to prison, so the racists can say, "Hey, look how many blacks are in prison."

    This post wasn't about Craig, it was about the drug war. I don't really expect anyone to stay on point, but by posting a comment, the thread will become about me instead. I have more trolls then Craig.

    The drug war should be ended, so it won't. That's all we need to understand. This is America.

  24. Yes Glazer is a snitch and a rat fink who will never ever be able to afford me.

  25. Fuck You Byron your a druggie and rat fink thief as well who cares what you think. You are the troll not us who live here

  26. Tony, what a bizarre group of commentators you've cultivated. Are they all neo-Nazis or what?

  27. Hmmm..that's weird Byron. I know several young black dudes who have done three or four stretches, by the time they're mid twenties ..yep,they really got the book thrown at them..NOT,or they'd still be in there. Get it?

  28. CG & Byron. Both need professional help.

  29. Craig Glazer... cracker, dey be roastinz your ass tonight. Daaammm dat boy gonna haves to getz his bird nest shampoozed after tonight.

    Youz knows it be funny doe. My ho's sayz his hairz looks like dat animalz Byron wearz on hiz noggs. Dem JOCO boys sure be funnyz.

  30. Craig you can measure your cool by the assholes who comment against you here. Total bunch of dirt bags. Hail to C and G.

  31. Craig you can measure your cool by the assholes who comment against you here. Total bunch of dirt bags. Hail to C and G.

  32. 10:35 your homosexual advances toward Craig are noted. No lube up that cucumber and ram the mother fucker all the way up your lame ass and moan yourself to sleep. Nasty slop ass faggot fuck.

  33. 10:39 Now that's some funny shit, Craig needs to hire you.

  34. the worlds a shit heap full of spooks. moles, guards and snitches

  35. Teacher/KCMO2/18/14, 2:10 AM

    I like this plan sir. I am a teacher. Agree with almost all of it sir. As for the slim that writes hate mail against you sir, well I read the book. The truth is the truth and in your bio supported by facts and court records. You are an interesting person.

  36. Saw Barbie a couple weeks ago. She looks great. These hate comments are again, Bowman, Dan Malarky and drug dealings ass hole Bubba. They all told me they wrote this shit. All dealers or were, and two are rats themselves. Figures.

  37. Mr Bad Ass Ed2/18/14, 7:34 AM

    Rice you cum catcher, you always was a liar. I'm not any of those names, my name is Ed, got that asshole? You supporters of Glazer only lower yourselves to the bottom of the dung pile when you say anything nice about that rat fink fuck. He would snitch out his own mom to avoid time. Cops shop tales are every time he gets pulled over or picked up he sings worse than that Bieber fuck.

  38. Sure Barbie looks good, she is Pootie Tangs best ho.

  39. Ed the ass, yeah name one person? You can't never happened. You are just another jealous hater Ed or is it Tom the drunk. I worked for Stanfords in those days, nobody is more stand up than Craig or Jeff. Craig was in law work back in the 70's that was not the same. You don't get busted and given a cop job ass Ed. They sought him out. Read the man's book, but you already said it, you are Ed the Ass.

  40. Rice, its Lumpy, remember me from Westport. Where you working these days? I knew Glazer and his brother, both good guys like you said. Two of the last people who would give up anyone. What you got here David are just playa hatin fools. They are everywhere.
    I am with the same truck company man. Want to see your old ass.

  41. Glazer glad to see some stories from you on more than comedy and sports. This is interesting. Like it.

  42. Got to back up my boy. Craig has dated a couple dancers at my spot, Whispers. I am a doorman and manager there. Bad hair, huh, guy always looks sharp, ain't that his picture on this site? Our girls fight over him, they do, and its not cause he's buying, they dig the boy. He dates one of our best ladies right now. I see him and some of his comics almost once a week. He brought in Carlos Mencia and Chris Kataan. Some others. He's nice to our staff and we like the boy. So fuck off.

  43. Barbie be usin a aliasz name. Pootie gotz no ho named Barbie. You knowz them Waldo ho's all havz fake names to tryz to foolz Pootie. Have to beat doze ho's down nows and then.

  44. Wow, I'm impressed. Craig DOES have more trolls than I do. I guess mine took the night off. Its nice to see some people like John/KCK speaking out in support.

    Still, almost none of the comments were about the post.

  45. John/KCK, sounds like a real stand up guy, one that kids should look up to. Hanging out in a douche bag, strip joint in Kansas City, Kansas. I'm sure most people want to embrace your glowing cock suck of Glazer. We have already noticed the blogs biggest loser, Byron, comment back with his approval. Many of us also know Craig Glazer, the scumball, snitch that will sell out anyone to keep his ass out of trouble. And as for that dead animal on his head. Being your a bouncer at a strip joint in KCK, your fashion review is a "FAIL". Now go back to sucking Glazer off in the back room, you Independence living, meth head, faggot.

  46. dude be down on KCK strip clubs

  47. ....GLAZEAMAZING....

  48. Mr Bad Ass Ed2/18/14, 6:00 PM

    Rice you pussy, yes you're a pussy. That book is a joke just like the author. That night in Westport when I knocked Glazers ass down 3 times because he was to stupid to stay down after the first hit and I would have knocked his ass down some more but the pussy ran like hell. Anyway back then I was just Big Ed and I just moved back to KC. Figured Glazer was dead by now not heard shit about him, see he still looks like a jail house punk. Come over Craig and I will fucking beat your ass again.

  49. Bad Ass liar, that never happened, know Craig well, nobody beat his ass in this town not in the twenty plus he's been back from LA. Noday, you made all that up.

  50. Fucking grifter Glazer might be careful what he wishes for. He fucked over A LOT of people that might like a early out of prison. He was guilty as hell on his drug charges!


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