Brookside Gets Answers From Council Lady Jan Marcason About The Toy Train Streetcar!!!

Right now, check out a nice Q&A from our favorite Kansas City purveyor of potato salad: Council Lady Jan Marcason.

Here's the new streetcar blog asking for Council Lady Jan to offer a bit of info on the upcoming plans.

There's some talk about tax exemptions and cash dedicated to the effort so far . . . It's nice to see locals getting a few answers on the topic as the effort to derail the toy train is ramping up.

Developing . . .


  1. Looks like "half answers" or at best "stock answers".

  2. How many streetcar friendly council members have been rubber stamping this boondoggle?

  3. Reeks of specially prepared statements instead of real answers.

  4. Maybe they expected . . Hey wow I am like so into this streetcar thing! Will the hours be such that clubbers can catch one at say 3 A.M. and will we have any streetcar bar crawl specials?

  5. Same old bullshit the good news is she is soon over.

  6. I want to hear from the Polar Bear

  7. Jan is running for Mayor. she is going to win over Sly James!

  8. We need to fix the streets, water mains, sewers, schools. sidewalks you name it. KC has enough things to fix than start something new.

  9. Just another of the endless panders to whichever group Marcuson or any of the other councilmembers are in front of.
    Try to pull a fast one over on everyone, then go from group to group telling each they'll be getting special deals. And by the time you're done the "system" of paying for something that you started with is so full of holes you have to start scouring every other budget account to find the bucks. And even then when you can't you just make something up to get yourself out of the room and hope nobody pays attention.
    All that's lacking here is honesty, serious planning, listening to residents, and any chance of pulling something like the streetcar off in any cost-effective professional way.
    World class.
    All aboard.

  10. 7:27 Well said.

  11. It's the murders Jan not the trolley.

  12. change scares me. i write comments on blogs. i don't like things i don't alreayd know about, unless im on vacation somewhere else.

  13. 8:46 like sherri and ralph?

  14. Jan needs to take the pledge

  15. Jan can beat Sly James on every front.

  16. Jan says "we will be just like Portland". Dumb ass

  17. @6:29am
    I think she may have be referring to the cement company!
    Friends in Portland have been watching this KCMO streetcar folly with amazement and humor.
    But the folks who will be paying for it for decades really don't have much to laugh about.

  18. don't want to see that haggard old pussy.

  19. 8:46, I know. I know. It would be such a shock to actually see the city do all that boring government stuff like addressing crime, running a decent school district or maintaining city infrastructure. KC is like the guy living with two cars on blocks in the front yard, one kinda sorta running truck, a two bedroom house that is being remodeled very slowly and sporadically, an old trailer in the driveway where the family currently lives and bubba, the husband and owner, wants a boat. Or in KC's case, a streetcar.

  20. Jan, do the citizens of Kansas City and vote to fire Troy Schulte.


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