Quote On The Gloria Squitiro Ebook!!!

Gloria Squitiro was once the scourge of the Kansas City political scene not so long ago.

She was the "former first" lady of Kansas City for those who dare to remember. She was also the inspiration for the "Mammygate" lawsuit that destroyed the career of her fumbling hubby.


We're ALMOST done with an e-book on the subject of her years in office but now it's time to ask this crowd if they want to share any memories of this local lady.

If so, send an e-mail to tony@tonyskansascity.com OR just leave a comment . . . Tell me if it's on the record or off and be sure to make it punchy!!! Natch.

More in a bit . . .


  1. She had her nicer moments and she only cost this city a quarter of a million dollars which is a lot cheaper than the $100 million toy train. It all depends.

  2. People talk shit on this lady but you have to give her credit for standing by her man.

  3. Hillary Taught Her Well1/30/14, 1:29 PM

    She wasn't a first lady but hopefully the last wife who will try to run her husband's office.

  4. Wish they both were back in office

  5. #1 Mayor Funkhouser never should have allowed his wife to have a routine presence at City Hall.

    #2 She made the mistake of thinking that she could joke around casually with staff, and not have someone take advantage of her position as the Mayor's wife.

    #3 Never underestimate the willingness of some people to blame others for the fact that they're not paid as much as someone else in the office.

    #4 Was she a bad person? No. A bit unpolished or atypical for a Mayor's wife, but the whole "Mammygate" issue was BS! Bottomline, see item #1 again.

  6. As I recall, it was "Slanderella gone wild with unproven facts and unfound allogations."

    Yes you can quote me.

  7. The Funk Era was truly the Golden Age of TKC.

  8. Funk never knew how to handle the media or his wife. Both of these decisions caused him to be a one term KCMO mayor.

  9. And Sly is the media's darling.
    The place will be broke by the time he's gone.
    And the Star will still be cheering the latest empty announcement.

  10. So an idiot nigger with a worthless thug felon for a son took over. Stay classy KC!

  11. I thought it was great when she had City Hall smudged to remove any remaining evil spirits before they moved in.

  12. The fear on the faces of "developers" when Gloria at the guard desk was the first sight they saw upon entering the Mayors Floor.

  13. The elites disgust upon seeing them actually daring to sit out on their front porch like commoner's.

  14. Should be an interesting book, Tony. I look forward to reading it.

  15. Brookside Still Loves Gloria1/30/14, 4:13 PM

    Love the lady, loved her no nonsense style.

  16. How can you afford an e-book you poor blind POS?

  17. Kind of ironic that you have a post about Funkhouser just before the one about the bankrupt P & L District. I seem to recall him early on saying how risky building the P & L District was.

  18. Even with the outspoken Mrs., Funk had more mayoral carriage and ability in his little finger than Sly the Assclown has in his whole dirty hide.

  19. Shit people! Funkman walks on water compared to this heard of ass hats we have now.

  20. obviously Mark got the brains in the Funk house. Byron, well who knows. Byron, leave my sheep alone ! Shagger dastard.

  21. Byron is still my tampon!

  22. Face it, as much as Funkhouser was very rough around the edges, he was fiscally responsible. No glamour, but basic services were a priority of his. His refusal, and his wife's refusal, to conform with standard social mores caused his downfall. And they were also very politically naive.
    This slick shyster Sylvester James from the hood has all the savvy, but his management of this City has been fiscally irresponsible and selfishly myopic. The "KC=Detroit" guy isn't too far off if the citizens don't wake up to these hare-brained schemes like the airport redo and the streetcar. I will move the hell out of Kansas City if one more tax is levied on me, and so will others. Careful what you wish for, Sylvester.

  23. You really think it. can be anything but a banking hub from here on?


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