Nobody Likes Missouri Ed Commish Nicastro

No argument here that this Missouri lady has led an often divisive and controversial fight to find an alternative to old and busted Kansas City Public Schools . . .

Newspaper: "The Missouri education commissioner says she hopes the controversy over the way CEE-Trust won a contract to study Kansas City won't derail what she says is a critical process to rethink the way the state will deal with struggling schools."

From the perspective of local educators and advocates for "scholars" (ugh) . . . The process has been rigged, unfair and fails to account for recent progress . . . On the other hand . . . KCPS reform has been 30 years in the making with a lot of promises but very few sustainable gains.


  1. Then throw her fat, ugly ass out of there!!

  2. If being fat and ugly disqualified people to hold publc positions, there'd be an awful lot of empty offices.

  3. And maybe there should be.

  4. Mar 12, 2010

    In a controversial move, the Kansas City, Missouri school district voted to close a large number of its schools to avoid bankruptcy.

    With a dwindling tax base, the district that once had 75,000 students now has fewer than 17,000.

    "They left because of poor city services, fear of crime and the schools," says Mayor Mark Funkhouser.

  5. And Tony what about the corruption of Air wacky West et Al and his cronies on the school board driving Covington out of town behind no bid contracts in violation of sunshine laws??? Rigged write in elections and running side businesses out of the district office. And last but not least the re purposing debacle... Compared to Airwack and Nacho the corrupt, Nicasio is a breath of fresh air. Besides she's a fellow Hispanic so you should defend her like you do the rest of beaner nation.

  6. So when women get big and ugly, do they have to get a rent a boy?

  7. I have a feeling when KCPS test scores for this year come out in August she will be saying, "I told you so."

  8. Let the teachers run the schools and the school can be re-instituted

  9. Who cares if anyone likes her or not? Who likes any of the masters? As long as she shuts that whole thing down who cares?


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