Mo Rage And The Myth Of Reverse Racism

Cries of racism suffered by white people confound MO Rage . . . In a recent post he references a couple of important articles on this topic and gives this blog community a backhanded shout-out of sorts . . .


  1. Blacks are, without a doubt, the worst racist on the planet. They constantly discriminate against anything that isn't "black" and then cry about somebody else being offensive.

  2. Mo Rage puts whites in their place with the usual weapons. He call shites "Honkies", uses sarcasm and sanctimony, then wraps it up with a "Power to the People" shot at "bosses" and "corporations".

    Lets just for a minute, for get the trillions and trillions of dollars spent on Blacks through legislation, set asides, affirmative action (My favorite, that is where you take things away from one group of people, give it to another group of people, for something a third group of people, now dead, did to a fourth group of people, now dead.), quotas etc etc ad nauseum. Lets also just for the moment, forget that those efforts are failures/

    Lets quatify the argument with violence. Violence, especially on videos and by way of local newspapers, TV stations is hard to refute.

    Here are, hundreds of assualts that Mo Rage can click on, (This is the tip of the iceberg, but should make the point.) which show violent hate crimes committed by blacks on whites in the last year.

    None of these attacks got national attention as the national main stream media will not touch it. If any of these attacks were reversed, the hue and cry for JUSTICE would be deafening.

    Those attacks, in conjuction with the 8 to 10,000 African Americans killed each year by other African Americans, in spite of what MO RAGE would have you believe, contributes correctly to standard stereoptypes and in fact are prina facie of a low level civil war, now taking place in the streets of America, that the media does not want to tell you about.

    Read actual accounts, in the book, "White Girl Bleed A Lot" from Colin Flaherty.

    As the "Knockout Game", "Flash Mobs" rapes, murders, assualts and mayhem continue, every day in the city and all cities across America, keep telling yourself that it is "Whities" fault.

    Mo Rage and others like him, want us to respect our executioners and take no notice of Obama's sons. The Attorny General has testified before Congress that he will NOT prosecute black on white hate crimes, and indeed, the Feds have only shown interest in one "Knockout Game" crime.

    So if we forget, for the moment, the filed polocies that have created a cradle to grave expectation of government cheese for the very folks who are now "Knocking" us out, we still find ourselves, unconcsious, which is what Mo Rage must have been when he wrote his piece.

  3. Sorry about typos, eye infecttion

  4. You only need to see him use the word honkey to see the hypocrisy of his view. A racial slur towards any other race is not acceptable and would throw people such as this author into a temper tantrum. Racial slurs against whites are perfectly fine in the eyes of these fools. Government grants for college for minorities only, the option of segregation for minorities only, the government forcing the hiring of minorities and promote them takes presidence over actual qualifications, the very fact that racism is still a focus but when the alleged victims are the guilty parties then it's "reverse racism" because it leaves a perception of acceptablness. Yeah, you could avoid facts and say it doesn't exist, hell that's how many make a very good living as activists. The fact is the scales sway heavily in favor of minorities now days. The fact that they're to worried looking for more and feeling sorry for themselves to actually take advantage of it, doesn't make it any less true.

  5. Fucking niggers.

  6. Wow, Chyck just pimped smacked Mo Rage and then some.

  7. White people are not being discriminated against. The study that Kevin refers to merely shows that they believe they are, whether its true or not. Its not true. Its ridiculous to call black people racist. Its ridiculous to believe that white people are being discriminated against. This is actually a symptom of the real racism that blacks experience all the time.

  8. Black people suck. End of story.

  9. Tony I am so god damn tired of seeing Byron Funkhouser’s shit on these posts all the time. He is ruining your site. He is not from around here and adds nothing to this local blog. His insight is hateful as a rule and does not reflect the views of people or events of Kansas City. He has gotten to the point he only posts to incite and anger people for his own benefit.

  10. Bullshit. I'm tired of seeing your spam. Write Tony an email & stop spamming.

  11. Name of the game.....Mo Rage Knockout......1/12/14, 1:09 PM

    U go Chuck....bitch slap that nigger fuck Mo Rage

  12. Bryon when a particular black person verbalizes that they hate white people, and prejudges white people as a group and willfully segregates themselves from white people and commits acts of violence against white people (not robbery but assaults without provocation) that particular black person is a racist in his actions.

    Quit saying black people can't be racists--that is just ridiculous. Individual black people can have the same stereotyped and prejudiced towards persons of other ethnicities and cultures as any individual white person.

  13. Stereotyped and prejudice ** thoughts** towards another ethnic/cultural group. Sorry left a word out. Tough editing on a smart phone.

  14. Byron thinks if he just says things they are true.

    Byron says that it is ridiculous for white people to say they are discriminated against.

    Click on those links and tell that stup stuff to the victims, the thousands of victims of black on white crime.

  15. Fed the fuck up with it all1/12/14, 2:07 PM

    Byron said,
    Until, I started reading the local blog in question, I had no idea how widespread this stupidity was.

    I was/still am truly shocked.

    Guess what fuck stick if it is so bad around here get your ass the hell out. That just proves you only come here to cause trouble. Get the fuck out hater.

  16. No. Its also absurd to say I only come here to cause trouble. This is a free speech forum where we discuss the issues. If only one side of an argument is tolerated then there is no debate. This blog isn't a social club. I don't care if you like me or not.

  17. We argue both sides just fine, we don't need your hate and slanderous remarks here as you make every effort to piss people off as someone else said And I agree with that 100%

  18. The blog swims in racial hatred. I don't see how that's my fault. After all, your city swims in racial hatred. If you don't like my comments - too bad.

  19. Commenters here, hating my post?


    Pure compliment.

    Thank you.

  20. Myth, My Ass!!!

  21. We hated it Mo Rage because it sucked. And do you.

  22. "This is a free speech forum where we discuss the issues."

    No, this is a free speech zone where we discuss the issues and you repeat the same old BS about white people and the US are bad.

    We get it, Byron, and you certainly have the right to do so, but can you say "repetitious and irrelevant?"

  23. Byron and his friends suck big black cock.

  24. Byron's dirty ass crack1/13/14, 9:43 AM

    No, I like big black cock....I wish I was black!


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