Right now, let's contemplate the future of the Kansas City Internets with a MUST LISTEN LINK that reveals the adventures of a high-tech power player at work right here in this cowtown.

Check it:

“Liberate the Internet!” with Isaac Wilder

Deets . . .

"Isaac Wilder describes efforts to decentralize the global internet by creating an ex-corporate, independent peer-to-peer network. But what if the power goes out? Mr. Wilder is Executive Director of the Free Network Foundation. He was instrumental in bringing the internet to Occupy Wall Street."

Beyond corporate hope over high-speed this is the ALTERNATIVE AND AWESOME INTERNETS WORK going on in Kansas City that has the potential to change the world.

Developing . . .


  1. The internet is a fantastic creation...those wanting to change the internet should be watched carefully. Governments and corporations who funnel money thru back channels to those attempting to change the internet can lead to total "control" of the internet. Already, people are being tracked with by IP addresses and many sites do not allow you to join if you use a proxy. In the early, wild west days when there was no Facebook or Twitter, this was not happening. Now the Yuppie crowd has taken up huge amounts of bandwidth Tweeting and Facing stupid shit that nobody other than their few friends find remotely interesting. Who cares about a Tweet that some d-bag went to the HC. No, leave the internet alone. It will police itself. If not it will fail. The world is millions of years old and survived for millions of years WITHOUT the net.

  2. ......and leave Tony's Kansas City alone......

  3. neat. peer to peer is the future and the only thing that will help the end of net neutrality.

  4. What exactly is peer to peer ? I am not a C-N.

  5. Do not mess with my porn finder!!!!

  6. This guy is a fucking idiot!

  7. The internet is owned and run by jews.

  8. Another executive director of an organization nobody's ever heard of.
    If you're not a spokesman for something, you need to get a couple friends together, do some tweeting, build a website, create TED talk, and see if you can get a grant.
    It sure beats working for a living, except that you end up with no money.
    The new economy!

  9. Internet should be free.you cant apply for a job without it, my kids need it for school..... it should be FREE!

  10. Somebody answer 4:55's question. I would like to know too. What is peer to peer ?

  11. Flint Lock to the rescue 9:44

    Peer to Peer is a system of networking where, instead of a central server, users are connected to each other as "peers". This is especially useful for downloading of files as it negates the need for a high capacity server.

  12. My mom earned $5567 dollars after buying an Apple Laptop. The first month! And with no experience with computers! I didn't believe it until I saw the check!!!!!!

    She is now on her way to earning six figures. Just by using Google ad sense!!!!

    Thanks to the Internet!!

  13. Has to be the most naive and clueless kid I've seen come down the pike in a while.

  14. @11:40am
    Please don't say that about CK's creative class. All of thse people are going to become CEOs of huge companies, make KC the innovation capital of the country, and create a whole new economy right here in river city.
    Downtown will remind you of New York and with all the new revenue pouring into KC, you'll be able to ride the fantastic streetcar for free!
    Just ask anyone in the mayor's office and they'll confirm all of this and more.
    The adult supervision has left the building.

  15. One doubts that Leif Erickson would have said “Great land here, let’s develop it so we can all take C# programming courses and make video games for our grandchildren!”


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