Golden Ghetto Teen Sex Talk Round-Up

Garret Haake for KSHB reports on self-righteous indignation over desperately needed sex education: "A poster meant to be used in a single middle school health class lesson on human sexuality has fueled a week-long debate over what kind of language is appropriate when teaching teens about sex."


  1. Abstinence.

  2. The appropriate language is the truth. The parents are not going to sit down and talk to them. And these idiot parents now days think it is perfectly normal to allow your 13 years old daughter to be dating boys 16. I know of a OP girl at age 14 who is on birth control because her idiot mom thought that was the solution instead of educating her and not to allow hard core dating till at least 16. The mom's stance, "I want my daughter to enjoy her school years." What school or fucking her brains out after school?

  3. The old joke about the guy show shows his penis to his girlfriend and asks what is this? She says, "It's wee-wee." He says "Honey were are adults you can say cock." She replied: "No honey, I have seen plenty of cocks and that definitely is a wee-wee!"

  4. really great haake ended with that money quote from the girl. lets not pretend teenagers are clueless just cuz of that one moderately entertaining show.

  5. Gotta love it! You have 15 year olds having threesomes and smoking pot and a bunch of JoCo Southern Baptists don't want their kids corrupted with the wrong language on a poster.

  6. There are 17 year old girls who could show Charlie Sheen a new move or two.

  7. That sums it up 1:12

  8. Pootie wonder why Garrett Haake report only on perv stories? Maybe Haake is a perv himself. Pootie on the story. News at 9. Pootie out.

  9. In my opinion the appropriate language is the truth.

  10. The onestity is the most important thing.


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