Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry Impressed Last Night @ UMKC With MLK Keynote Address

Credit where it's due . . . We're reading and hearing nothing but rave reviews from a talk last night by controversial MSNBC host Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry.

The highlight of her MLK Keynote Address was this not-so-fun fact:

Study Finds Median Wealth For Single Black Women at $5

Still, the tragic stat didn't stop an enthusiastic UMKC crowd from enjoying her words and message about diversity, housing equality, income disparity and nothing at all about Mitt Romney's family.


  1. Not even about Seamus?

  2. What a fucking shill.

    Empty suit with failed ideas and agendas that date back to the 60's. Her relevance in the new millenium is on a par with Madonna's gold fronts. Her appeal to sheep with double digit IQ's who live and die with every episode of the Atlanta Housewives is no surprise. A one trick pony up to her hocks in horse shit.

  3. That's about $5 more than black.

  4. Oops. That should say black men in the post previous.

  5. Get the hell off welfare and get real jobs and educations and that might all change.

  6. Her show airs on Sat and Sun 9 to 11 our time now that's a non prime time spot. This bitch is to stupid to see that MSNBC has given their token air time at a time no sane adult is sitting in front of the TV unless you're losers like Byron. A time you can't sell airtime for no matter who is sitting in front of the camera. Plus I did a little background reading on this fake and fraud as many call her and nowhere else but here on TKC do I see her called Doctor. Hell Tulane University where she teaches doesn't call her that. Like how Princeton wasn't impressed with her either

  7. 7:30

    Her degree, no doubt includes in depth studiies of Jay Z and Kanye, with a smattering of gender studies.

  8. Do they count finger nails as assets? Seems like $5 would be too low.

  9. Right wing white dude comments section goes batshit when people listen to a black woman...revolutionary

  10. Yet they always have money for the weaves, braids, extensions, fake claws, tattoos and the latest smart phones.

  11. stupid nigger whore.

  12. I left inspired. Great symposium.

  13. Why do black women always hyphenate their names?

  14. Bobby Brady says...

    She should change her name to Cindyshaniqua Brady-Perry. The Cindyshaniqua Brady reflecting her annoying fucking lisp!

  15. I would remind one of what MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry said back on her television show on MSNBC on April 6, 2013 when she said that: “. . . your children are not yours – they are owned by the community.” She said: “Public education has failed because we have not allowed the state to confiscate more of our money.”

    “We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.

    If we lived in a truly just society, efforts would be made on the part of government and corporations to aid those mothers who want to stay home and raise children; however, if an American president suggested this in the State of the Union Speech, the Feminists and other Leftist groups his head. The President would be denounced as greedy and wanting to keep money that should go to children for his rich donors and that the President’s world view was anti-child and anti-woman. The President would be denounced as a sexist who wants to deny women opportunity and education. Even if they President says he has nothing against equal opportunity and education for women but he wants the government to create policies that help women who want to be full time mothers, the ability to do so without economic hardship, the Left will still denounce him as a retrograde knuckle dragging troglodyte who wants to hold women back. This is the political double speak is what the Left is so good at in their propaganda. Calling anyone who wants to help mothers as anti-woman is like calling the murder of an unborn child a reproductive right.

    Yes, I am a retrograde knuckle dragging troglodyte and I approved this message.


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