Here's an important fact check that hopefully stops the chattering of so-called Conservatives who want to deny the OBVIOUS impact of on-going global climate change.

Check it:


Right now we're sitting back and waiting for Kansas City weather dude Mike Thompson to go insane . . . Remember that long ago he compared weather alarmists to Nazis in an epic screed that was quickly scrubbed from the Internets.

However . . .

In the meantime, check out these links that confirm INDISPUTABLE TKC Science:

Slate: Winter Does Not Disprove Global Warming

Huff Post: Cold as Hell: The Chilling Effect of Global Warming

QZ: How global warming can make cold snaps even worse

Real Clear Politics: Chris Hayes: The Right's Willful Stupidity On Climate Change

We'll continue this argument when weather extremes take us to 50 degrees later in the week.

Developing . . .


  1. Thanks for the ammo!

  2. Climate denyers are violent!

  3. Hey Tony, will you post a story on the "Global Warming Scientists" stuck in the ice that is melting in the Antarctic?

    What a fuckin hoot. Al Gore has shut down almost all of his offices related to "Inconvenient Facts". It's a Bullshit story to suck cash out of the government. It doesn't work as well as screaming "Racism" and then waiting for the manna, but it is close.





  8. The world would be a better place if we were all as nice as this lady.

  9. Ice shelf thickest in over a decade. Global warming is a hoax. Repeating claims by scientists who are receiving their money to prove global warming is why the lie keeps going.
    Like pro life groups who claim a fetus is just a glob of meat and not human.
    Repeating a mantra doesn't make it true.

  10. Nikita the polar bear sippin a roastirie coffee and still not dead...1/6/14, 6:53 AM

    Im loving this weather.

  11. It's called CLIMATE CHANGE and not global warming.

    You people are being willfully ignorant just like the man says!

  12. Fuck al gore and his stupid ex wife and his stupid fucking movie. if you dont think the sea levels are risng Then fuck you for breathing air

  13. Yeah, and while we're at it, fuck those lying fucking bastards who are getting paid off to fill us with all that "world is round" shit.

  14. Very funny. No one can deny "climate change." The climate is always changing. The debate is whether it's anthropogenic and, if so, how much is anthropogenic. The honest answer is no one knows. There is a precedent for warm periods, for example:

    There was a medieval warm period that started around 1050. At that time world population was probably 40 million. Because of the warm period crops grew better, the warmer seas produced more fish (a source of protein), people were healthier, and by 1300 world population was around 80 million, and people were running out of land to cultivate, having cut down forests, etc. (You could once go from France to Poland without seeing daylight because of the dense forests.) France’s wine industry got started, Leif Ericson discovered America (seas were calmer) and named it Vinland because of the wild grapes growing in what is now Labrador. Central Asia became a desert, and the Mongol Hordes started west (after first going east). German rulers encouraged their people to move east. What had been good (warm weather in Europe) turned negative (too many people). The warm period came to a sudden end between 1315 and 1322 when the weather turned nasty. People began starving and were weakened. When the Black Death hit around 1348, they were in no shape to withstand it. As much as half the population may have died (putting things back to where they were before the warm period). If you were a commoner who survived the Black Death, you were in good shape (more land was available, and the demand for labor was great). The rains returned to Central Asia, and the Mongol Horde went home. Vikings, who colonized and farmed in Greenland when the weather was warm starved to death when it turned cold.

    Whether what we're seeing now is simply a rehash of what's happened before needs to be studied by people who are interested in facts--not by those who have a vested interest in the outcome.

  15. For those who think the universe is centered around them and that if it's cold in KC, it must be cold all over the world, Australia is having a record heat wave.

  16. 7:48, if you want to deny the effects of climate change and think it always happened like this naturally, be my guest. Bought and paid for "scientists" once argued that the link between smoking and lung cancer could never be proven either, and lots of people believed that as well.

    As for me, I'll say that it's still not a very good idea to pump CO2 into the atmosphere at the rate we are doing it, nor is it a very good idea to convert prime farmland into suburban subdivisions.

    I'll hasten to add that future generations of human beings are going to hate our guts for being so stupid and selfish.

  17. 8:02: Don't think 7:48 denied anything. Maybe you could, like read the fifth sentence?

  18. Sure, listen to Al Gore, the fuckhead who sold his media company to Al Jizzzzzera for $500,000,000.00 so Americans have access to Islamist propaganda.

    What a fuckin sell out.

  19. "I'll hasten to add that future generations of human beings are going to hate our guts for being so stupid and selfish."

    As they pump CO2 into the atmosphere from homes built by our generation on farmland converted into suburban divisions.

    Nice to feel guilty and all that, but do you have any solutions?

  20. Theres not going to be future generations as we know it

  21. 7:48 is a long winded idiot who makes up his own facts

  22. I dont feel guilt about the ecological devistation created by capitalism. Why feel anything at all anymore

  23. When it's warm people cry global warming and when it's cold they say global warming. Any weather that's not 70 degrees is an indicator of climate change. Apparently, we never had any bad weather until global warming... oh wait we've always had unpredictable weather.

  24. 8:28: Which facts are made up? Could you be specific or are you making up your own "facts?"

  25. Do I have any solutions? I wish I was that smart. But even if I did, they'd be some doofus saying, "We don't need to do that because it was warm and cold back in the Middle Ages."

    I must note the progress we have made, and hopefully will continue to make.

    For example, we are building cars today with unheard of fuel efficiency from just a generation ago without sacrificing room.

    The switch from incandescent light bulbs to compact flourescent and the even more efficient LEDs is also big.

    A few years ago, we also replaced our 40-gallon hot water tank with a tankless system. Yes, it was more expensive up front, but it's already paid for itself on lower gas bills -- summer and winter. And on top of that, it produces unlimited hot water -- very important if you have teenagers.

    And that's the thing that really surprises me. Quite often, being more energy-efficient doesn't require any sacrifice at all.

    For instance, with the compact flourescents, I find myself standing on a step ladder to change a light bulb far, far, far less often than I did with the old incandescents.

  26. "But even if I did, they'd be some doofus saying, 'We don't need to do that because it was warm and cold back in the Middle Ages.'"

    The doofus didn't say that. S/he said whether what we're seeing now is simply a rehash of what's happened before needs to be studied by people who are interested in facts--not by those who have a vested interest in the outcome.

    It's amazing how some people react to facts.

    People truly interested in doing something about climate change will not breed.

    Spay and neuter: It's not just for pets anymore.

  27. So you really think climate change hasn't been studied enough?

    Sorry, but the only people I see with "vested interests" are the "scientists" funded by oil, gas and coal interests who find it easy to raise doubts in the minds of people stupid enough to believe them.

  28. Global warming is a liberal scam to make you ride the bus.

  29. The global warming industry has just as much of a vested interest in the outcome of studies as do the oil, gas and coal industries--namely access to tax dollars for their livelihoods.

  30. Well, only if you believe there is such a thing as a "global warming industry."

    But then again, some people are dumb enough to think the Fox Network is a news channel and Rush Limbaugh is a journalist.

  31. 1:06, It's not an industry per se, more like a government sponsored religious cult. Compared to the swallowers, the deniers get peanuts.

  32. Prosperity Evangelism is tough to swallow these days.

  33. I question man-made climate change, and I don't listen to either Fox News or Rush Limbaugh, 1:06. I prefer to do my own thinking. Do you suppose man-made climate change melted the glacier that once covered Kansas City? 1:38 has a point. Man-made climate change is something of a cult, but steps like the ones 9:20 are taking are good. Population control would probably even be better.

  34. Oh, I get it. Because a glacier once covered KC and melted all on its own, that means the gazillions of tons of CO2 we're throwing into the atmosphere won't have any effect on the climate whatsoever.

    Yep, for a guy who does his own thinking, you sure do know the talking points.

    Piece of advice, though. Try doing some research as well. You might be surprised to learn that the things you "think" are true actually ain't so.

  35. Hot summer? That's proof of global warming!

    Frigid winter? Doesn't mean a thing, right?

  36. No, "Gary" that's a mistake amateurs make, confusing today's weather where we sit with long-term climate change all over the globe.

    You have to assemble a lot of data over a number of years to see the trend, and the trend is quite clear to anyone with a functioning brain.

  37. Everyone has a Tea Party relative they sit with over the holidays. No one tries to explain that CO2 is captured in the ocean causing the sea levels to rise. Global Warming was just a meme like Smoking Banana's.

  38. "Piece of advice, though. Try doing some research as well. You might be surprised to learn that the things you 'think' are true actually ain't so."

    Thanks, 3:33. Is it possible you might want to consider your piece of advice as well?

    The only true thing about climate change/global warming is no one knows what is "true." And anyone who thinks they know what is "true" should be given all the credence one would give any other fanatic.

  39. Memes like Peak Oil and global warming are, in fact, propaganda launched by a power elite that wants to control the world and needs to frighten people about the availability of basic resources in order to do it.

    Dr. Evil (Henry Kissinger) once said: “To control nations you control oil. To control people, you control food.” Government reaction to so called climate change is a good way to control energy and food. Wake up people, you are being played.

  40. What makes you think the Power Elite can control the weather?

  41. They don't control the weather, they control the public perception of weater through the mainstream media.


  43. Isn't 8:48 the one who always says weather is not climate?


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