ACLU Vs. Krazy Kris Kobach Voter Crackdown

KMBC reports a national ruckus over Krazy Kris Kobach Voter ID: "The American Civil Liberties Union wants a federal judge to send a lawsuit over Kansas' enforcement of its proof-of-citizenship requirement for voters back to state court."


  1. Yeah, who cares, let them somalis vote a million times for our homies.

    Fuck it, let the Taliban in.

  2. Lets all give all of our money to people who don't live here.

  3. Fucking illegals have more rights than a person who has lived in this country all their life does.

  4. Really TIRED of TKC continually harping on "krazy Kris Kobach."

    Mr. Kobach is working through the legislative/judicial system to support his viewpoint. Would you take that right away from him?

    Imagine you legally own a house and the acre of land upon which it sits. Despite your property being fenced, your neighbors repeatedly cut the fence, trespass, and damage your property. Would you resign yourself to this unlawful behavior or would you seek to enforce the law and protect your property?

    At the heart of the matter, it's a straightforward issue of legality.

  5. Kobach is nothing more or less than another morally diseased Tea Party Republican neo-fascist. People like him thrive in states like Kansas or Missouri, places full of racist, xenophobic, ignorant bible-thumpers.

  6. I seriously don't understand the opposition to preventing voter fraud via a picture id. Unless you belong to a political party that relies on voter fraud. To call voter id racist is backwards. Those who oppose this are racist by thinking only white people can get an id.

  7. The opposition is because voter fraud is not a problem. They search hard and come up with something like four people committing voter fraud in the entire state. So if Ku Klux Kris isn't trying to prevent voter fraud (he can't, because essentially, there isn't any ... the problem in this country is getting people to vote, not that unqualified people want to vote), what exactly is he trying to do? Only one answer: discourage minorities from voting, because they tend not to vote for right-wing fuckwits like him and and his GOP friends. How hard is it for you to get that through your head?

  8. 11:54 dead tree media is more suited to idiots like you....

  9. 11:24 ....not 11:54 and your even more stupid now !

  10. Also, because except for Johnson County, which attracts more diverse new residents to Kansas because of its many technology jobs and other jobs requiring high levels of education, most new residents of Kansas in recent years have been minorities ... specifically, Latino people. As the white population of Kansas leaves for better employment opportunities or dies of old age, it is being replaced by and large by minority people. Kansas is becoming less white and more Latino. This strikes fear in the hearts of Republicans, whose party is mostly an organization of older, white, affluent male bigots and religious crackpots.

  11. 5:44 please spare us. Voter fraud is a huge problem in Wyandotte County. Thing is, some of these folks were reported to KK. He did nothing because they were friends of friends of his. Welcome to Kansas politics.


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