Summer St. Claire And The Kansas City Saturday Morning Link Smile!!!

Summer St. Claire inspires our morning link compilation with her NSFW winter hottie bedroom lingerie photo collection.

Now check the Kansas City mainstream media links this morning.

- Kansas City Police Showdown Aftermath: Man dead after police shootout died by suicide

- Show-Me The Fight Over Paying Dues: Missouri GOP ponders right-to-work push in 2014

- Missouri Welfare Drug Program Gone Bust: After eight months, and 636 drug test requests, Missouri's program this year cost nearly $500,000 and found 20 people who tested positive. About 200 others refused to comply.

- Just Another Northland Crook: 19-year-old charged in Liberty break-ins

- Cowtown Remuneration Of Sorts: Drivers may pay when light poles get dinged

- Northeast Quick Cash Withdraw: Man robs UMB Bank on Independence Avenue

- Kansas City Millennial Dilemma: Some employers find applicants that want a job, but not to work

- Road Writing Worth A Read: The Road Less Traveled Runs Through Kansas’ Flint Hills

- MUST READ!!! Making up for Golden Ghetto lookism: Coffee shop owner wants singled out customer to return to her shop

- Extra Gassy Subs: Outbreak of gastrointestinal illness traced to Kansas Jimmy John's

- Another Important Local Save: MoDOT employee helps rescue motorist from wrecked vehicle during winter storm

- Flyover Country Flare-Up: Meteor Over Kansas, Missouri Caught On Dashcam

As always, this is just another OPEN THREAD for all things off-topic and possibly related to panties . . .


  1. bout time.

  2. Can't blame them for failing to show up for work. Most of the jobs available to them are shit jobs for shit wages and little or no benefits. Work your way up? That's a bitter joke in most workplaces.

    Of course nobody will work until their jobless benefits run out: unemployment pays miserably, but then so does working, at least for most young people. Work your way up? Not an option in most workplaces today.

  3. Is fox 4 associated with ripper Murdoch, or do they just consistently do the worst work in town of their own accord? How about you do ur job, Mary pulley, and look a little deeper into the story than reporting on the hurt feeling of a couple wage slave traders. u fucking bitch.

  4. 200 others refused to comply.
    Oh so the ones who knew they would test dirty didn't have to be tested? What a fucked up deal.

  5. 9:11 are you blind like Byron? The story says,The company says many come in with little-to-no skills, or education. But they want high paying jobs where they don’t have to do much.We had a gentleman last week who came in very excited at the fact that we offered a $14 an hour job. He was supposed to start the third-shift. He came in for his final round of tests, and then no-call no-showed,” Hickey said.
    I have the same issues I need non skill workers. I mean as in take this out of this and stick in in here. Very easy work and I have openings all the time. I start at 12.50 hoping to find better employees with a raise to as much a maybe .50 after 90 day probation and still the people don't want to work. Bitching the work is to hard. What is hard about sticking a 2 pound item in a box with papers and sealing it? I think the main issue people have with working for me is I don't allow cell phones out on the line when working. They get a paid 15 minute morning and afternoon break and a 30 minute lunch break which I pay for if they don't clock out and leave.

  6. Fuck those assholes in Leawood hope the guy goes and leaves a stink pickle on the peoples front porch.

  7. This Flint Hills thing ... most of the time, the nearest Starbucks is 200 miles away. For Santa Barbara people, it would be like going on safari, but with no bearers.

  8. Why work when you can be an asshole like Byron and get paid to sit at home all the time bothering the real wage earners of America.

  9. Ms. 11:12

    I'm so pleased that I bothered an asshole like you.

    1. It takes one asshole to smell another one

  10. $14.00 IS SHIT WAGES IN 2013. You can bet the guy sweeping floors down at the Federal Building would not wipe his ass with the place for $14.00 an hour. Here's some guy whining about folks not having skills or education and the cheap bastards that hire them have no insurance, no pensions plan no skills training program and no jobs that pay college grad wages. Fuck these corporate ass holes. They dug the hole now swim in it you pricks.

  11. Well 12:49 not all jobs can pay the wages you seen to have dreamed up as being able to pay. Many jobs in KC are with small business owners in the non skilled dept. Hell a cashier can't even today get your product scanned right to get you out the door with out setting the alarms off. Now just how hard a job is that? Then if you pay with cash they have issues counting the change out and the register tells them how much to give back. Now because these people have made no attempt to improve themselves why should they be making 14.00 or more an hour. People like you think everyone is entitled to a high paying job rather they can handle it or not and I disagree. Everyone wants cheaper and cheaper goods so that's is what you are getting but then you scream because the pay sucks. Make up your mind, you want higher pay and double the cost of living to go along with that. What have you gained then?


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