Rock Chalk Online Debate Teaching Moment: Kansas Internets Academic Censorship

Slate considers the aftermath of KU professor Guth's death wish tweets and just a bit less freedom on the Internets: The Brave New World of Academic Censorship - If you’re a professor in Kansas, better stay off the Internet.


  1. If you're a professor in Kansas, better consider finding a job somewhere else, like in the United States. Don't need no professorin' here cuz we're the Jesus Taliban.

  2. another cock sucking liberal professor shot down! Oh well....he can spend his day organizing his kiddy porn collection.

  3. The liberal professor should be punished for expressing his views, but the conservative Duck Dynasty guy should not? Is thst how it works?

  4. The Duck Dynasty guy didn't advocate the killing of anyone's children. Get the penis out of your ears and read the whole story dumbshit.


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