Quick Look Back: Kansas City 'Prison Solidarity' Protest From The Summer

Just for something different to think about this morning . . . Check a look at this alternative Kansas City protest that was mostly unnoticed during the Summer and totally fails to realize that a lot (but not all) of the people in the clink are there because it protects the rest of us . . .

A description of the event that most of us don't know happened . . .

"There were multiple prisoner solidarity noise protests in the Kansas City metro area. In solidarity with July 8th prison hunger strikes, activists from Prisoner Support & Solidarity - Missouri held a rally outside of the Jackson County jail in Kansas City, the the federal prison in Ft. Leavenworth, and the Buchanan county jail and state prison in St. Joseph, to let prisoners know they are not alone. With black flags waving, pots banging, and a banner that read "All Prisoners Are Political Prisoners," enough noise was made so that inmates would know they had support from the outside. The waves, peace signs, and messages we received back from the inmates were very inspiring. Heckling and rude comments from the police were met with noise, music, words about our purpose, and words about the oppression of the prison industrial complex."

Prison Strike Solidarity - Kansas City Noise Demonstration - July 7, 2013

Again, we're not in favor of mass incarceration but comparing people locked up in City/County Jail to people jailed in some 3rd world nation might be just a bit of an exaggeration for many reasons but most having to do with laundry service.


  1. Seriously, what the fuck. I have no words to describe how stupid this protest is.

  2. No prisoner has it good no matter what country you're referring to.

  3. It's not like they were protesting to pardon a turkey for a presidential dinner.

  4. 80 percent of life term are for drug offenses. And if your black a 150.00 dollar jacket will get you life in prison.

  5. Truman pardoned over 1000 prisoners.

  6. The Draconian sentencing of Mandatory Minimums is breaking the economy.

  7. To many people going to jail to long for no law enforcement reason.


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