Kansas City Catholic Perspective: Bishop Finn Colleague Gets Conviction Reversed

Check this rare victory for American Catholics that has a connection to Kansas City . . .

"A Roman Catholic church official who has been jailed for more than a year for his handling of priest sex-abuse complaints had his conviction reversed and was ordered released Thursday."

Check the Kansas City Alt. Catholic take:

"Until KC Bishop Robert Finn was convicted of hiding child porn evidence from police, only one other Catholic official in the US had ever been found guilty of "enabling" child sex crimes. Now, that official will soon walk out of prison, because a court overturned his conviction."

And so . . .

This might be a sign of hope for Cowtown Catholics in the year to come given that the legacy of Kansas City Child Sex Abuse Scandal continued to impact this town throughout the year in terms of ongoing big settlements, a continued downturn in donations and overall lower church attendance.


  1. Trash this shit. No one gives a shit except a bunch of frigid guilt ridden Catholics.

  2. Your quote about Finn is untrue as usual which is probably why there is no source given since it's likely an email from creative writers at SNAP. Finn was not convicted of "hiding child porn evidence from police." He was convicted of a misdemeanor failure to report child abuse suspicions (because there were no suspicions to report) and that conviction will go away in a few months.

  3. This is news?

  4. What do you mean "there were no suspicions to report"? If you believe that, you haven't read the coverage. The principal tried to report the guy a year before he was busted based on a whole bunch of "suspicions". The tech guy took the computer to the Bishop because he had "suspicions". The Bishop called a friendly-to-his-cause cop because he had "suspicions".

  5. Father played with my penis.

  6. I read the coverage and the Graves report. The principal reported "boundary violations." More importantly (and not ever mentioned by the media) she said that they were handled to her satisfaction by the bishop's staff.

    The tech guy took the computer to the chancery (not directly to the bishop) because of photos, not abuse. Yes, the bishop called a cop (even though the media likes to forget this) for an opinion about the photos being pornographic. Again, no suspicions of abuse nor have there been any abuse charges filed against anyone.

  7. It's just a piece of meat guys so get over it.

  8. 12/26/13, 9:32 PM

    Graves' law firm advertises that they are available to clean up legal messes- "protect the person and protect the brand." Why in fucking Hell would you quote anything called The Graves Report? Why not just say: "According to the cover-up ..."

  9. Remember, you don't need birth control when having sex with little boys. And just wondering if vibrating the mouthpiece of a trombone is sorta like the same as giving head to a bishop?


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