Check Out Guns @ Golden Ghetto Libraries!!!

KMBC reports on Kansas loaded with interesting new rules for the new year: Gun ban to be lifted at all Johnson County libraries - "On Wednesday, Johnson County Libraries and many others across the state will be forced to lift their ban on guns – all because of a new law."


  1. And it will be business as always nothing new so move along. Only the media is twisting this into something that isn't there.

  2. Exactly 9:00 criminals wouldn't have obeyed the old law and the concealed carry people won't find anyone to shoot in a library. So why does anyone care?

  3. I knew those librarians were out to get us all. I'm hooking my cannon up to the trailer hitch next time I want to check out a book.

  4. There's a librarian at the Riverside library that makes my penis POP!!!!

  5. As much as I appreciate the opportunity to carry if I feel like it, I really don't think I'll see the uneducated nigger thugs in my library, but just in case.........

  6. neegrow skolar12/31/13, 2:55 PM

    wha be reedin?????


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