Kansas City Toy Train Streetcar advocates are taking credit for just about every bit of biz development within the loop in their latest bit of propaganda.

To wit . . .


Call it a locomotive logical fallacy . . .

Streetcar Truncated syllogism . . .

Fixed Rail Spin . . .

Or just outright Kansas City propaganda . . .


The d-bags @ The Downtown Council claim . . .

"Since voters approved the KC Streetcar in 2012 , 33 development projects have been completed, are under construction or have been announced within the boundaries of the TDD."

Again . . .


A lot of these projects had already been set in motion long before the Toy Train was victorious in a fake vote.

Other "developments" consist of nothing more than a press release and a shady real estate dude.

There are one or two streetcar specific projects . . . But most of them are highly taxpayer subsidized . . . Like bus stops and the upcoming P&L condo hot mess.

To lazily mix transit metaphors . . . It's always smart to "meet the ship @ the shore" . . . But in this case it's the Titanic . . . And the Kansas City Downtown Toy Train Streetcar is simply promoting a ton of shaky schemes that don't inspire confidence in our upcoming and expensive toy train wreck.

Developing . . .


  1. Next stop, Detroit!

  2. I like the plan.

  3. Now let's see a chart outlining where the hundreds of millions of dollars for this financial sucking chest wound are going to come from.
    Put away the pom poms and get out an honest pencil.

  4. That downtown acm bikeboy told me he was responsible for all this development.

  5. I will do everything I can to convince people its just time to remove these people from office, everything they do is a gamble that rarely if ever pays off and when it doesn't they pass the blame and when it does they puff up their chest and take all the credit as if they knew what they were doing, the whole business model they use is white house politics of running this country on a smaller scale. Remember when AT&T was ma bell? no matter how bad it was you had no choices but to keep it as your phone service BUT when it was broken down into baby bells AT&T was sold off to Sprint and all of the trash management right down to Valerie Coyazo was thrown out of jobs and qualified people were brought in

  6. I have screenshots of a conversation I had on Twitter on October 24 with @MMontagueJr and @kclightrail (David Johnson.) I brought a similar map up in a Facebook comment on The Star's website.

    Here's a cut and paste job:

    @MMontagueJr: @elBryan FWIW If my map is the 1 mentioned in your Star comment, nowhere have I attributed any dev to the streetcar.

    @kclightrail: @MMontagueJr Better off just blocking him. He won't let up & it's just downhill from here.

    @elBryan: @MMontagueJr Not sure who's map it is, but any and all development that is announced is attributed to #kcstreetcar by supporters.

    Of course Dave Johnson does not want discussion on Twitter, a public forum where people can see his ideas directly challenged by simply searching #kcstreetcar.

    So there you have it.

  7. comix reader11/7/13, 8:28 AM

    snake bashing by woman bully in "B.C."... Griffy gets political in "Zippy"... "Curtis" STILL sucks...

    same ol, same ol...

  8. How many of those taxpayer subsidized projects have brought jobs to downtown?

  9. City leaders to dedicate land for streetcar maintenance facility Thursday--7:50 AM KSHB

    KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A 2-mile, multi-million dollar streetcar project is one step closer to construction.

    City leaders will dedicate the land at 3rd Street and Holmes near the City Market for a new streetcar maintenance facility at noon on Thursday.

    By spring, construction will begin on the site where the streetcars will be kept in top shape. The site will be dedicated to a well-known Kansas City transportation leader, and city leaders will unveil the look of the new building.

    Construction should take about a year and be finished by spring 2015.

    In October, the city spent $18 million to purchase four streetcars.

    Chris Hernandez, spokesperson for the city of Kansas City, says this is an exciting time for transportation advocates.

    "I think this really makes it real for people. Kansas City has a long history of talking about streetcars, but this makes it real. The building will be up, rails in the ground and the streetcars have been purchased so things are really happening now,” he said.

    City officials say the streetcar line has already attracted developers, including 11 commercial development projects and 21 residential ones, in downtown near the proposed streetcar route, which will connect Union Station to the River Market.

  10. Yea well, it's the same 'ol song and dance.

    I got blocked by Staubio on twitter for questioning his invisible involvement in the vote for the streetcar.

    i'm also a pariah on for even thinking about questioning the streetcar and all the supporters who frequent that site.

    everyone of them are benefiting financially from the streetcar and the pro vote. 99% of them do not disclose their involvement in making money off of it and hide behind the ruse that they are just involved progressive citizens who believe that it is good for growth in k.c.

    it's kind of a trip reading their b.s.

  11. “The stated goal of this project is economic development. That’s the dominant goal. “The dominant goal is not to have a lot of people ride it. The dominant goal is to develop the city.” Russ Johnson

    ROFLMAO "economic development" right sure buddy.

  12. You don't fool us we know your evil
    And your methods are illegal

  13. Oh great they are going to use a gorgeous green space which could be a beautiful small downtown park for this.


  14. Need to stall this rip off until we can get a guy in like Cincinnati's new mayor who's putting and end to this toy train bullshit up there.

  15. Yes it's astounding to see all the Fortune 500 company's lining up and banging on the door at City Hall to take advantage of this incredible chance to be cool and bring unheard of prosperity to KCMO.

  16. I'm going to do a rickshaw start up. It will be faster then the toy train and a novelty that tourists from all over the world will flock to CK to enjoy!!

  17. The time can get here fast enough when we can vote out all these fools putting us in this mess against our will.

  18. Nov. 6, 2013 Wall Street Journal

    A Cincinnati streetcar project, embroiled in controversy in recent years over cost overruns and management, faces an uncertain future after Tuesday's election ushered in a new mayor who vowed to halt the project that has tied up $148 million of city funds.

    Mayor-elect John Cranley, a Democrat who ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility that included stopping the project, won about 58% of the votes tallied, according to unofficial results from the Hamilton County Board of Elections. He beat out current Vice-Mayor Roxanne Qualls, also a Democrat, who supported the project.

    "We are going to cancel the streetcar," said Mr. Cranley, a lawyer and former member of the City Council, during a press conference on Wednesday. "They should immediately stop spending…let's put everything on ice."

    Hint hint

  19. 375 people voted yes for thing huh?

    I hope they got deep pockets.

  20. We'll were moving to Kansas City, Kansas City Kansas here we come.

  21. So if the new mayor of Cincinnati is going to cancel the streetcar project there and cancel his order for the cars, does that mean the cost of the cars to KC just went up? Our order was piggybacked onto Cincinati's order to get a discount. What happens to the cost of the cars now? And since the order was placed using money borrowed from all KCMO taxpayers, then all of us should have been able to vote.

  22. IF you're so mad about this streetcar, why aren't you going after that Traffic Engineer guy in St. Joseph, who works for the highway department, and trying to get even with him - he's a big supporter of the street train, as well as the PL District and KPAC.

  23. Article from Cinci paper:


  24. For Immediate Release:

    The Downtown Council is pleased to report that since the Kansas City Streetcar plan was launched the Missouri River has jumped it's banks to move closer to the River Market area in an attempt to more closely align itself with the burgeoning economic development underway.
    We are delighted to be partnering with the Missouri River and welcome the depth and liquidity that they bring to this collaboration.
    All aboard!

  25. We need to pay back the federal transportation grants for the streetcar project in one lump sum or is it broken down into 29.99 a month minimum payments?

  26. Whats the electricity bill (KCPL) to run these tin cans attached to overhead wires per month going to be?

  27. 12:06: Exponentially cheaper than the fuel cost of running a bus up and down that same route.

  28. I thought we were all supposed to be driving jetson hover cars and a gigantic plastic bubble over the city would be protecting us from the harsh elements providing complete year round climate controlled comfort according to the futurists back in the 1950's.

  29. Coal is a cheap, clean, and green source of energy so KCPL can provide cheap power to run the system!

  30. Ha, haha, hahaha, hahahaha

  31. Only reason I go downtown is to renew my drivers license.

  32. @12:23 But you can't do it on the streetcar cuz it doesn't go out of downtown to your neighborhood. And you'd have to walk 6 blocks over to the DMV building from Main.

  33. I don't think we ended up "piggy-backing" with Cincinnati on that streetcar order... I could be wrong about that though. If they cancel their order, it might be cheaper for them to complete it and sell them to us at a discount, rather than break their contract, assuming they would work with our infrastructure. LA also would like a discount. Their $125M projection exploded to $327M LOL.

    The electricity to run the streetcar will be cheaper than the diesel used to run the buses, but KCATA is slowly transitioning to hybrid buses, and the cost of electricity is on the rise. It's already going to be 6% higher by the time the first streetcar is running downtown.

    And our president has vowed to bankrupt the coal industry, so you can expect coal energy to continue to rise in cost.

    Russ Johnson rightly pointed out that Kansas City has reached "The Point Of No Return" on streetcar. If we were to elect a new council/mayor to stop our streetcar, we might as well set a huge pile of cash on fire. As much as I'm frustrated with the downtown streetcar, I'd rather see it built, but block future extensions.

    I want citizens in KC to see it up close, ride it, see the impact it has on our budget, on tourism, on traffic, and on economic development. It's not going to be a BAD thing, just an overpriced thing. I'd rather spend $150M on a streetcar than $50M on lawsuits and nothing to show for it. If it means the P&L District only costs us $9M per year instead of $14M, then I guess that's a good thing (LOL)

    I don't want to spend $500M on extensions because Yael believes all of the hype that Johnson and Staub are espousing is 100% true. Momentum is a good thing, but so is fiscal responsibility, unbiased research, and honesty; three things that the Streetcar Authority and City Hall's Transportation Committee doesn't seem to care about.

  34. Why should it be so hard to believe the toy train caused all this development? After all, it is proven that the toy train cures acne, psoriasis and diaper rash. It will cure Kansas City's image problems, too.

  35. $50M on lawsuits would be cheap compared to the cost over runs and losses and operating deficits we no doubt will be facing when this thing fizzles after the novelty quickly wears off.

  36. hey 9:45, here's an interesting tidbit.

    Guess who the real estate broker was that represented the seller of the land where the maintenance facility will be built (and presumably made a nice commission on the transaction)? Dana Gibson.

    What else does Dana Gibson do? Commissioner on the Port Authority of KC.

    What does the Port Authority do? Well for one thing their Board Chairman, George Wolf, sits on the board of the Streetcar TDD that is funding the toy train.

    And for another, their CEO and President, Michael Collins, sits on the board of the Streetcar Authority, who presumably participated in the location selection of the maintenance facility.

    Kinda sounds like that ambulance deal up north a few years back.....

  37. chikin lovin nigga11/7/13, 4:27 PM

    do it go bye Popeye's?????

  38. I'm investing in a hot dog cart for the route. Secure my retirement.

  39. 2:41; you're correct, but it'll only be a matter of time before they try to build it again.

    They fucked us over, so let them have their way, but make them prove to us that they were right before we proceed with extensions. I want everyone in KC to see what a streetcar actually is/does so they can see why 2.2 miles is 2.2 miles too much.

  40. The misinformation in these posts is unreal. There are legitimate reasons to oppose any capital improvement project. Why the need just to make stuff up?

    Are you taking ur meds 2:47?

  41. Hey 8:00- Which part of the 2:47 post is made up?

  42. The news of matt Staub going to work for a company given a marketing contract from the streetcar authority was the first revelation of the whores who sit on the board. Now we have Dana Gibson and Michael Collins and George Wolf being exposed.

    Didn't a lawyer just warn these people about conducting business ethically?


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