The Kansas City fight against the upcoming NSM rally is moving full speed ahead . . .

Here are just a few tidbits worthy of note . . .

- Tuesday Night organizers are going to gather to make signs and posters for the counter protest . . .

- There's word online that groups from as far as Chicago will be making their way to Kansas City to stand up to the NSM protest - I guess that's one way to encourage tourism.

- Finally . . . Other Civil Rights organizations are joining the fight against Kansas City Nazis . . .

Here's an important snippet thanks to THE MOST AWESOME TKC TISPTERS:

The Ida B Wells Coalition Against Racism and Police Brutality in Kansas City will stand in solidarity with local and regional allies from Deep Roots United Front, Cat Bloc, Black Bloc, Clown Bloc, ARA, IWW, RASH, SHARP, AntiFa, and all other organizations and individuals who seek to oppose fascism in KC on November 9th. We additionally commit to providing a shuttle service to and from the rally as well as to and from an additional location (such as Platte City) should the rally happen to be moved for any reason. Members will scout the city for stray fascists throughout the holiday weekend. We will also engage in outreach at any events that we view as watering down the spirit of resistance that Kansas City feels towards white supremacists and fascists.

If you would like to help keep Kansas City free of Nazis, please visit the Ida B Wells Coalition facebook page (link below). We will need assistance calling every hotel in the city to make sure they are not harboring Nazis. Details on this campaign will be posted late Tuesday.

From IBWC founders in Memphis:


The Neo-Nazis have chosen Kansas City, MO. to try to engage in fascist organizing activities. Along with the Ku Klux Klan, they are the most reviled organization in American political life. Because of historic forms of racism and the collapse of the U.S. economy, they want to use social desperation among white workers to push a scapegoating campaign against Blacks, Jews, Mexicans and others as the "reason" why white people are suffering, and should join the fascist movement, and they want to intimidate us all into silence.

Anti-fascists and anti-racists, the Black and POC communities, and all those who hate what Nazism stands for should never be silent, and we should never give in to fascist and racist criminals. If we say nothing now, the capitalists might even begin to finance such groups to intimidate all of us and drive us off the streets.

We beat back the fascists in Memphis on March 30, 2013, when the KKK promised to send "thousands" of Klansmen to the city and take over. Instead, 1,500 anti-fascists stood together to oppose the Klan. We cannot come to Kansas City, but we are there in spirit. We are proud of the Kansas City Ida B. Wells Coalition Against Racism and Police Brutality. We call on you to give it all you got, and to know that many all over the country and indeed all over the world are watching and support you. We were recently in the United Kingdom, and spoke about the Kansas City protest against the fascists to thousands of anti-fascists who were fighting their English Defense League and other fascist paramilitary organizations.

You must call for support from all over the country, and ask for solidarity letters from groups all over the world, you must prove that you are the real people of Kansas City, not a handful of hated Nazi scoundrels. ALL OUT IN KANSAS CITY, CRUSH THE FASCISTS! THEY SHALL NOT PASS!

Lorenzo and JoNina JoNina Abron Ervin,
acting chairs, Ida B. Wells Coalition,
Memphis, TN.



  1. Memebers will scout the city for stray facists throughout the holiday weekend.

    Jesus, just exactly who are the Brown Shirts here again?

  2. Before every one runs out to fight of the imminent threat of Nazis, maybe we all ought to see who is really running the streets killing, raping and assaulting folks becasue of the color of their skin.

    This interview is Colin Flaherty who wrote, "White Girl Bleed Alot".

  3. Time for a Black Panther rally?

  4. In spite of this horror of Nazis running wild in the streets, my contacts in the elderly community, surprisingly, speak of a real and justified fear of African Americans, NOT fuckin Nazis when those same elderly folks go out in the city.

  5. Too bad these groups dont react with the same outrage and fervor over the ongoing genocide of the very people they claim to represent. A couple of goobers playing Hitler isnt the problem.

  6. There were zero, nada, zilch murders by fuckin Nazis in Kansas City so far this year.

    I am, with a smile on my face, seeing the Goebbels like propaganda, the straw man distractions, the obfuscation of the actual perps who with the assistance of the Stalinist Attorney General, murder, rape, assualt and rob the citizens while the actual criminals are, as I laugh up my sleeve, eculpated by a corrupt 4th estate and the entertainment industry.

    Yes!!! My movement is alive and well in the American Nation under the guise of multiculturalism and diverstiy!!!!

    God Bless Adolf Hitler!! God Bless Eric Holder!! God Bless Obama!!! God Bless Adolph Eichman!! God Bless HUey Newton!! God Bless the Black Panthers!!

  7. Standard Boiler Plate distractions from the 4rth Estate and our liberal overlords who continue at every opportunity to distract and hypnotize the chickens with Nazi boogey men under the bed, while your fuckin mom is getting fucked in the ass by African American criminals when she goes out to get the morning paper.

  8. Why can't they have a protest?

  9. Seriously, what is the difference between this rally and a Republican one? What's the big deal people. Most everyone let's the Christian fascists, aka the Republican Party, do much of the same thing these people advocate.

  10. Don't forget about the Faggot Fascists (aka liberal democrats)and how they are running the country into the ground.

  11. black bloc? wobblies? redskins?

    maybe the guy who said this whole event was a honeytrap was on to something.

    the anarchists only come out in this town as reactionaries? and, lets, face it, the anarchists arent even needed for this one.

    i'll go b/c i want to see what kind of numbers these orgs are bringing, but im not sure a black bloc is really called for on this one. who knows.

  12. what the hell are all these alphabet soup named clubs.

    CAT block????????????? WTF

    Whites are getting beaten and raped to death by blacks and the klan cant have a rally because whites join blacks to oppose it? Time to move to China.

  13. I found it Cat Bloc...feline uninary and bowel obstruction.

  14. Who is saying they can't have a rally? What's happening is there will also be a counter-rally. That's the way free speech works. Everybody has a right to it.

    But in this case, I'd bet there will be 10 wanna-be "Nazis" and 20 counter-protesters, and both sides will milk this for all the willing and easy publicity they can get.

  15. 7:44

    Ur so fulla shit.

    Actual dead people in the streets all ovr US & u want us to sweat Nazis and Republicans.

    I dont give a dam about Republicans but 6:51 is rite. Blacks r killing machines u and fags like u want us all to ignore.

  16. Clown bloc...these nerds chant and throw pies.

    Yep I knew those against sane white people wanting to advance their legitimate interests and protect themselves would "Bring in the Clowns".

  17. Heyyyyy....will the plaza flash mob of feral young negroes be there too?

  18. "sane white people wanting to advance their legitimate interests and protect themselves"

    Oh, so that was what Kristalnacht was all about. You know, the event that these "sane white people" -- all three or four of them -- will be commemorating with their publicity-seeking "rally."

  19. How bout them Chiefs?

  20. Sports and beer the opiate of white people as they slide into black control.

    Yeah how bout them chiefs, sport?

  21. Well now that the press has got ALL these nut groups out on the street the best we can hope for is they kill each other off without dragging any innocent people into their radical bullshit.

  22. This town has a bunch of mean fucking old people

  23. Maybe if voters took advantage of the ability to provide education via taxes on the Missouri side then the number of people under the poverty line would change. That change would lessen crime for survival or crime for sake of acting out. In case you haven't noticed the very, very distinct racial dividing line down the middle of Kansas City id like to let you know it's there.

    Again, be real about what's going on, blacks are not the only crime issue of kc. It's easy to blame their social cast because the wert make up more than 50% of the city and are 80% under the poverty line, but let's not forget about the THOUSANDS of meth addicted white people who commit the same crimes and receive a fraction of.the punishment.

  24. Winston Churchill11/4/13, 6:51 PM

    We will fight them on the Plaza, we will fight them in Waldo and Brookside, we will fight the Nazi menace in the Northland, we will never surrender.Why is anyone taking these idiots seriously?

    How are these goals of these Nazi assholes any different from the goals of La Raza or the Nation of Islam? Minorities can spout this shit all day long and nobody bats an eye but have a bunch of fat illiterate white guys say this shit(considering that no one really pays real attention to them if they left on its own) and it is a major crisis and threat to our democratic way of life. No Nazi spokesman would be given the media time, respect and gloves on treatment that Louis Farrakhan is given. La Raza is treated like the NAACP.

  25. Maybe if voters took advantage of the ability to provide education via taxes on the Missouri side then the number of people under the poverty line would change. That change would lessen crime for survival or crime for sake of acting out. In case you haven't noticed the very, very distinct racial dividing line down the middle of Kansas City id like to let you know it's there.

    Again, be real about what's going on, blacks are not the only crime issue of kc. It's easy to blame their social cast because the wert make up more than 50% of the city and are 80% under the poverty line, but let's not forget about the THOUSANDS of meth addicted white people who commit the same crimes and receive a fraction of.the punishment.

  26. It will be white liberzls and Latinos. Black racists will stay home or go to pimp some "program" at the city sanctioned lovefest at Liberty Memorial.

  27. something's happening here

  28. Yea, Zeskind's a Stalinist


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