Last night we covered the Kansas City Streetcar Expansion Kick-Off better than any media outlet in town with the help of in-the-know commenters and some great quotes.

Now we'll do one better . . .


After all . . . Even talking to toy train advocates like a very nice TKC reader named Claus who likes the potential of the streetcar despite the cost . . . The toy train isn't about transit, it's a biz development tool . . . And this leads us to the question . . .

We always hear local elected officials claim the streetcar will revitalize the areas surrounding the proposed line . . . But they never say what biz will relocate or develop along the line!!! Remember Council Lady Jan Marcason wouldn't reveal toy train secrets when asked about the businesses she claimed would soon move along the starter line.

Today, we feature Mayor Sly graciously answering our constant TKC Question with a bit more detail and hints that still lack specifics but at least offer insight into KCMO Real Estate Strategy.

You be the judge . . .  

Does this clip answer questions about promises of eco-devo along the streetcar line?

And yes, like all Chicanos . . . TKC loves The Gap Band and thought an extend intro with a favorite song was appropriate to document Kansas City Streetcar Expansion.

Developing . . .


  1. Real estate can be tricky. I wonder if anybody will buy land along linwood to be along the route?

  2. It is not the job of a city to make certain land valuable, especially when it devalues other land because of poor services and high taxes.

  3. Who is the "we" who covered the event, you and your undersized penis? Were you packing your "other dick?"

  4. Gross. Some guy is thinking about Tony's schwatz.

    I'm thinking about how much this train will end up costing. 500 million before it's all over. I guess the last stop for KC is Detroit.

  5. Any moron such as Sly James for example can get a law degree. A degree doesn't inoculate you from corruption, and being able to pass tests is not an accurate indicator of a persons real "intelligence".

    So on that good luck with Sly Spiro James at the helm KCMO. Your going to need it.

  6. I swear, James looks for all the world, like an ape who has learned to speak. What an embarrassment for Kansas City.

  7. Man, where is Mark Funkhouser?

  8. Considering they are calling this outdated and obsolete form of transportation the future of transit is pretty revealing.

    They at least have 351 lemmings who approved this thing to ride it once it a while.

  9. Man, where is Mark Funkhouser?

    Like any intelligent person who see's what's coming he left town and got the fuck out of Jackson County.

  10. Did all 351 lemmings show up to the event and play with their little choo choo train model?

  11. Well, we were all complaining about Funkhouser, and now Funky seems to be not so bad after all.

    You are right, he probably did say "im getting the fuck out of this shit". Fuck this shit! Fuck yo couch nigga, fuck yo couch!!!!!

  12. Theresa Garza Ruiz wants to be on Council to help Sly, because she owns no property in Kansas City and has never paid a dime in property tax here.

  13. I'll watch the video later. I have no desire to start the day out with explosive vomiting all over my computer monitor this early in the morning.

  14. I still want to petition city hall to pass some kind of ruling that says any time Mayor James speaks in public or on camera he has to talk like Mike Tyson. ESPECIALLY when he talks about the train.

    I want to see him talking like Mike Tyson with a toy train in his hand pushing it around a map while discussion how great of an idea it is.

  15. "If you can't love this city today, then you never will." Mayor Sly James

    Um excuse me? We love Kansas City. It's you and your incompetent lackey morons and your fucked up attitude we don't like Mr. James.

  16. Has KJ gone platinum yet?

  17. Well looks like Sly followed through with that commitment to lose weight doesn't it? He's what twice the size he was when he entered office now?

    Nothing like keeping your word.

  18. Platinum handcuffs.

  19. Let's talk about the cost of blue cross blue shield since they are interested in a TIF downtown after the rail is built. Truman is already paying for a lot of people who are poor and seriously ill. Of course, they are a private company and have to make a profit and run the hospital like a automobile retail outlet. But if and when you do get cancer you get sent to KU Medical Center. The sick or ill individual has to make it to the bus or train line or from the bed to the automobile. Is there any consideration in this plan for these people

  20. I seriously doubt the 351 lemmings who voted yes on this are even going to use it. They'll ride it on opening day for all the pomp and fluff and that will be the last time.

  21. Can Sly name one company that is moving to downtown KCMO because of the streeetcar and is not receiving additional subsidies. Does work in Portland and sure isn't going to work in KCMO.

  22. "Is there any consideration in this plan for these people"

    The insurance companies will sell life insurance at the toy train stops in case they are DOA by the time they arrive at Truman.

  23. "Can Sly name one company that is moving to downtown KCMO because of the streeetcar and is not receiving additional subsidies"

    Nope there is not one single company willing to move there without taxpayers bearing the majority of the burden and risk. Just like the Google deal.

  24. There has always been a bus route on Main. Always. So why hasn't the eco-devo already happened. Is this the same eco-devo that was to spring up around the Kemper when folks insisted it be built in the West Bottoms? Is this the same eco-devo that was to spring up around the sports stadiums that people insisted be built at I-70 and Blue Ridge? Is this the same eco-devo that was to accompany the Power and Light District? Brain-dead consultant work.

  25. Even China sees it and is moving AMC to Leawood where they can at least conduct business in a sane manner.

  26. Eco-Devo is a complete farce to begin with. It's not sustainable because it's still based upon mindless mass throwaway consumption of shit we don't need.

  27. Kansas City revenues are averaging 2.6 percent growth a year while expenditures are averaging 2.9 percent – not counting more spending needed for pension funds and deferred maintenance.

    “We know our revenue is never going to keep up, at least we can’t count on it,” the mayor says as the city considers how to balance the budget.

    Developing . . .

  28. the ghost of m.wallace8/9/13, 9:47 AM

    when I watch that video, you BETTER have called it a TOY TRAIN to his FACE...

  29. Don't worry the Toy Train is going to fix everything!!!

  30. BRGR. There's going to be a BRGR on EVERY proposed phase 2 line! It's going to be awesome. There's already a BRGR along the starter line, and they moved in AFTER the streetcar was announced, so it's obvious that it will bring new businesses. Just wait until it's actually built! Then there will probably be a Jimmy Johns or a Panera Bread also. Streetcar 4eva.

  31. And don't forget the Hot Dog Cart Vendors!

  32. The Charter Commission should require anyone who stands for city election to have paid property taxes in Kansas City for at least 7 years before becoming eligible for the ballot.

  33. Miss Sweetie Pie8/9/13, 10:11 AM

    Mr. Tony,
    I would like to send you condolences for the inevitable non answer from an elected official. The question was really mundane. There is no answer because the businesses negotiating to move along the starter line do not exist. Our Mayor flat out lied. Sorry.
    Now, let's meet for some really good BBQ. That is real!

  34. Funkhouser's wife would be better than the moron running City Hall now.

  35. Why isnt the news covering this mess? Are they afraid?

  36. I rather watch a Fresh Beat Band marathon then warch Sly James say anyrhing. No thanks.

  37. I din't care about Mark, but where the hell is Tara??? I miss fucking her in the ass. Then cuming all over her face and tits.

  38. Expansion to the Plaza is a necessity for this city.

  39. KCMO is $611,000,000 underfunded on pensions. With an actuarial rate of 7% that means the city should contribute an extra $42,770,000 each year just to not fall further behind. My bet is they will ignore the problem until they are just like Detroit.

  40. The media has been ordered to STFU!

    Because I am Sly Fucking James!! Dictator and Strongman of Kansas Fucking City Missouri!

  41. Sly is not only a dolt, but one of the ugliest SOBs I have ever seen ... looking at him gives me the creeps.

  42. He's a goddamned fucking monkey that no one with half of a brain should have voted for. It's time to get rid of this son of a bitch who was born and raised at 40th and Prospect.

  43. He was born on Montgall. If you're gonna be a shitty person, at least try to be accurate.

  44. Jan is going to open a whore house just you wait and see.


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