Kansas City Insiders tell us that Mayor Sly is moving to get rid of the City Manager . . . So it makes sense to see that he's dedicating a bit of his time to cooking . . .

Check it:

Grillin' with Troy

The clip is from the WellKC initiative dedicated to public info regarding better nutrition.

The recipes: Spicy Grilled Shrimp Kabobs and Grilled Pineapple Dessert . . . Even better, Troy looks like he's slimming down . . . So he's either worried or getting ready for a major fight for his job.

Developing . . .


  1. At 4:17 Troy bends that Blonde over the counter and teaches her what makes him a high-paid "manager."

  2. That fat fuck, should have never been in that position to begin with. He's worthless and always has been. Fat, overpaid jerk!

  3. Troy should be making toast, because he's done.

  4. Troy looks like Jackie Gleason, in the "Honeymooners" sketches. In fact, he'd look good in a bus driver's uniform, especially since that's about as good a job, as the fat fuck can handle.

  5. Mix ten jumbo British Petroleum seasoned gulf shrimp with one cup sauteed Fukushima California lettuce . . mix well with one diced Monstanto tomato and season for taste with a sprinkle of fracking by products enhanced "natural" salt. Enjoy!

  6. Is that the books he is cookin'?

  7. The CM just got a nice contract extension, so I doubt the Mayor is looking to fire him. Stupid people on this blog!

  8. The CM just got a nice contract extension, so I doubt the Mayor is looking to fire him. Stupid people on this blog!

  9. We already know you can't believe anything you see or read on the Internet 9:56. But it's fun anyway and a great way to waste time that would otherwise go unwasted.

  10. Interesting "High Tech Kansas City" City Halls choice of medium is YouTube. ROFLMAO! What a bunch of dimwit amateurs.

  11. please don't tease troy

  12. You know your the worlds leading entrepreneurial city when YouTube is your main choice of Technology.


  13. Troy isn't going anywhere. If the City of Kansas City (meaning Sly James, evil dictator) wanted to get rid of Mr. Schulte, the City never would have renewed his contract. If they try now, essenitially Sly (aka evil dictator (emphasis on DIC)) has again wasted valuable taxpayer resources. He won't learn, will he?

  14. 6:36AM There's plenty of overpaid fatass jerks to go around. Start with the ape from the wild kingdom Sly James and his equally untalented son Slydawg KJ.

    Sly James has got to be pushing 400lbs, now.

  15. Tony, your insiders, which are often on target, are off point on this issue. Schulte isn't going anyway. He's doing a good job, Council and Mayor are happy enough and there are too many irons in the fire too change managers now. He just got a nice raise and contract extension. Things are settled for now.

  16. read the contract, those performance thingies could kill the deal!

  17. 1230=Deb, Jim, Pat

    Contract takes him until the Charter election and he becomes example of why strong mayor form is preferred.

    Tool. Expensive one, but tool.

  18. In a City Manager - Council form of government the City Manager is always an instrument/tool of the elected officials. That's the way it works.

  19. I see the extremely large six figured public works employee is commenting here.

  20. 626+100. 515....so there is no individual initiative or skill brought to the table? You pretty much perform like a hand puppet, heh?

    My 6 year old son could do the job you describe, and he would work for a lot less.

  21. Someone needs to do a city email blast when Schulte gets fired. I would love to see that POS get escorted out of city hall. Just like he had Cauthen escorted out of city hall a few years ago.

    Nice to see you here do-nothing-for-a-paycheck Pat.

  22. 8/3/13, 3:03 PM Is a ball-less chicken shit. If you're going to call out people put your name to it. I'm not calling anyone out.

  23. 3:03 is a chickenshit. 6:26 hits the nail on the head. The recently RIFfed Public Works employee is most likely chiming in as well.
    9:12, Cauthen had to be escorted out because the halitosis-laden slob refused to leave! He holed up in his office calling the black community and council members trying to change reality. But it was too late. The mayor and six members of council had seen enough and finally made the right decision to fire the crook.
    Schulte is fine and not leaving.

  24. Pat, how do you know when Troy is lying? His lips are moving.

  25. I don't know about Pat, although I like the cut of his jib.

    It is common knowledge around CH that Schulte is comfortable in lying to get what he wants.

  26. 12:24, it might be common knowledge to those lazy public works fatties and others who have no knowledge of anything, but most city hall staff get along just fine with the city manager. Sorry to burst your bubble.


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