The struggle to limit the availability of guns continues in Kansas City.

Check it . . .

Recently, Kansas City Gun Control Advocates Gathered On The Country Club Plaza To Mark The Sandy Hook Shootings

Like it or not, Mayor Sly and the City Council seem to agree with gun control advocates and they have not only argued for greater assault rifle crackdowns but also passed a resolution to encourage it at the national level.

Even the KCMO Health Department believe that limiting access to guns could reduce the level of violence on local streets.

To wit . . .


Stats really don't reveal this to be correct given that American cities with the most stringent gun laws are also the most violent.

However, a lack of proof has never stopped local politicos and it's important for voters to realize that our elected officials and local elite have a very open disdain for 2nd Amendment gun rights.



  1. Assault rifles are used in less than 2% of murders. Stricter controls have done nothing to make Chicago safer. If the Mayor wanted to reduce crime he would take guns away from young black men instead of 64 year old black men like me. My AR has not killed anything but a few targets.

  2. Well Regulated Militia6/15/13, 8:16 AM

    My God you are stupid Tony.

    First of all, no one is proposing "taking away guns." That is gun lobby rhetoric. If you believe it you are stupid. If you do not believe it and repeat it anyway, you are a liar.

    Second, "the most dangerous cities" have gun laws because they were dangerous first. There is no causal relationship like the one you infer that gun laws increase danger. The lack of gun laws in close proximity to these cities undermine impact of protective measures, but there is no evidence to demonstrate that in the absence of gun laws rates of violence go down.

  3. How about mandatory classes on parenting your children?

  4. Existing gun laws are not obeyed by criminals now. All tougher laws will do is make it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns. They will do nothing to get guns already circulating out of circulation. They will do nothing to take guns out of criminal hands. Until the guns that are out there already are controlled, new regulations will do nothing to help reduce gun violence.

  5. It looks like Lisaann is packing a pair of concealed 45's with that rifle.

  6. Yeah, I am sure that GUN CONTROL will get the fire arms away from THESE feral scum.

    If you want crime to decrease, you need to control the blacks who are shooting the guns, not take away guns from white folks who will one day soon, have to defend themselves from these same blacks.

    What a joke.

    Gun Control of white law abiding citizens will stop violence with guns.

    Shut the fuck up u ignorant cunts, no one believes your shit anymore.

  7. The most "dangerous cities" have a helluva lot more blacks than guns. Why not ban blacks? It would sure stop a lot more violence.

  8. 12:49 I'm sold! If you look at the demographics for the 10 most violent cities, per FBI statistics, they are in cities where the black population is more than 25%. In 8 of these cities, black population is more than 40%.

    You think things are violent now. When Congress passes immigration reform we will see a civil war between the Blacks and the Mexican immigrants since they will be fighting over the same bowl of food.

    Wake up brothers and sisters, President Obama and the Black Congressional Caucus do not care about you or they would not be pushing for eleven million Mexicans they will let into the country to take your jobs.

  9. Aren't we talking about the wrong thing not gun control but urban control seems to make more sense. Seems there should be a spray that should render them sterile and that will make the world safer down road. In fact put in some purple drink....

  10. More control on assualt rifles is the right thing to do. There is no need for a citizen to have the same weaponry as the army. That just doesn't make sense.

  11. Gun control, that is funny. It has worked so well in Chicago.

  12. @ 3:33 regular civilians are not allowed the same type weaponry as the army. Military weapons are fully automatic, the ones available to the public are semi auto. A rifle is just a rifle, but the liberals use scare tactics to make people who don't know any better like yourself believe that somehow you have all these people running around armed like its Afghanistan which is simply not true

  13. 3:33

    U idiot cunt.

    8,000 black on black murders every fuckin year in the US will be deterred by taking guns away from whites.

    I hope the fuck they kill, rape and burn u first.

  14. @3:33 it's doesn't make sense to you because you truly don't understand what you are talking about.

  15. Ride to the sound!6/16/13, 9:27 AM

    Join us AMERICANS at the rally to be held at MISSOURI TOWN on September 14 to honor our White Christian Heritage. ALL DAY LONG!

    This is a Whites Only event and fully protected by the 2nd Amendment!


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